

购买后用paypal付款等邮件,邮件一共有两封,一封是paypal发来的账单,一封是cdkeys发来的邮件,里面有access my code字样的链接,点进去
里面的页面第一次进需要设置手机号发验证码,但是因为服务器垃圾,没办法把区号切成中国(资源加载不出),需要用非常手段:贴JS,浏览器F12切换到console/控制台,输入,之后点击send sms按钮发送
function InitVerify(order,type){
var input = document.querySelector(’#phone’);
var iti = window.intlTelInputGlobals.getInstance(input);
var intlNumber = +8613999999999; //此处录入自己的手机号码
var isValid = true;

    $("#responce_div").empty();$("#responce_div").show();if (isValid == false) {$("#responce_div").html("Please enter a valid phone number number.");return false;}$("#btn_call").prop("disabled",true);$("#btn_sms").prop("disabled",true);$("#phloader").show();if (type == 0) {$("#btn_call").html("Calling ...");} else {$("#btn_sms").html("Sending ...");}var ajax_url = document.location.protocol+"//cdkdl.com/verify/callv3.php?type="+type+"&id="+pstfgrpnt()+"&phone="+intlNumber+"&order="+order+"&tz="+new Date().getTimezoneOffset()+"&rand="+new Date().getTime();$.get(ajax_url, function(response) {$("#phloader").hide();$("#btn_call").prop("disabled",false);$("#btn_sms").prop("disabled",false);$("#btn_call").html("Call Now");$("#btn_sms").html("Send SMS");if (response == "1") {$("#responce_div").html("There have been too many failed attempts to verify your phone number, your order will be manually checked by one of our customer service agents.");} else if (response == "2") {$("#responce_div").html("This phone number is already associated with another account, please enter a different phone number.");} else if (response == "3") {$("#responce_div").html("We are unable to send a text message to this number at present, please use the call button instead.");} else if (response == "4") {$("#responce_div").html("Please enter the PIN code in the box below.");$("#verify_title").text("We've sent a text message to "+intlNumber);$("#code_div").show();$("#verificationdiv").hide();$("#verify_text").hide();} else if (response == "5") {$("#responce_div").html("Please enter the PIN code in the box below.");$("#verify_title").text("You will receive a call on "+intlNumber+" within the next few seconds");$("#code_div").show();$("#verificationdiv").hide();$("#verify_text").hide();} else if (response == "6") {$("#responce_div").html("Your telephone number isn't supported by our system, please use the Contact Us link at the top of the page to request manual approval.");} else if (response == "7") {$("#responce_div").html("VoIP numbers aren't supported by our system, please try a different number.");} else if (response == "8") {$("#responce_div").html("Your internet connection is not supported. If you use a 魔法, please disconnect it before trying again or contact our Support team for assistance.");}}, "jsonp");


Thanks for getting in contact with the team.

Unfortunately this product is region locked and will not work in your region. I’m sorry but we also do not have keys available for any other regions as a replacement.

We are happy to issue a full refund if you are unable to use this key.

If you would still like the key despite it being for the wrong region, we can still send this to you, although please note that if it doesn’t work we will then not be able to issue a refund.

Please let us know how you would like to proceed and apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Kind Regards,

Toby P.
Support Ace | CDKeys Customer Support
这时候你就要跟他说你自己承担后果,你一定要这个Key,比如回一个“plz send me the key, I have ways to use it.”
6. 之后你会受到需要你实名认证的邮件,需要你的身份证号和遮挡后的身份证照片,具体要求如下:


Many thanks for ordering from CDKeys.

For your security, your order has been placed on temporary hold by our verification system as we need to verify your ID. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.

So that we can get your order on its way to you as quickly as possible, please follow these steps:

  1. Provide us with a valid ID such as a Driving License, Passport, or National ID card.
  2. Take a piece of paper and write today’s date and time, along with “CDKeys.com” on it.
  3. PROTECT ANY SENSITIVE INFORMATION. Make sure you cover your ID or passport number. Your full name and ID expiry date must be visible, however.
  4. Take a picture of your ID and the piece of paper in a single photo.
  5. Reply to this email with the photo you took as an attachment.

We’ve added these steps for your security, and so we can confirm and release your order as quickly as possible.

If for any reason you are not able to provide this information, we will unfortunately have to cancel your order and issue a refund after three days.

Kind Regards,

Toby P.
Support Ace | CDKeys Customer Support
我个人有点反感这个,但是反正现在大环境锁区,我长期得在这买,也就豁出去了,按他要求给了以下内容:身份证号码;遮挡了身份证号码,背景是写着“cdkeys.com MM/DD BTC hh:mm:ss”的白纸的照片;之后就顺利的拿到key了。



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