
TypeError: default_collate: batch must contain tensors, numpy arrays, numbers, dicts or lists; found <class 'NoneType'>





  • 原代码:
def prepare_train_data(self, index):"""Training data preparation.Args:index (int): Index for accessing the target data.Returns:dict: Training data dict of the corresponding index."""input_dict = self.get_data_info(index)if input_dict is None:return None     # 这里就是报错根源self.pre_pipeline(input_dict)example = self.pipeline(input_dict)return example
def prepare_train_data(self, index):"""Training data preparation.Args:index (int): Index for accessing the target data.Returns:dict: Training data dict of the corresponding index."""input_dict = self.get_data_info(index)if input_dict is None:# 如果当前为None,则取下一帧,直到不为None时return即可return self.get_data_info(index+1)self.pre_pipeline(input_dict)example = self.pipeline(input_dict)return example


  • 报错记录:TypeError: default_collate: batch must contain tensors, numpy arrays, numbers, dicts or lists;

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