You might be asking yourself why we’d write an article about how to switch to Google as your default search engine on the iPhone or iPad when it’s already the default. The answer is simple: rumors are that Apple might switch the iOS default search engine to Yahoo or Bing at some point in the future.

您可能会问自己,为什么我们要写一篇文章,介绍如何在iPhone或iPad已经是默认搜索引擎的情况下,将其切换为默认搜索引擎。 答案很简单:有传言称苹果可能会在将来某个时候将iOS默认搜索引擎切换为Yahoo或Bing。

Luckily you’ll have already read this article and you’ll know how to switch the default search engine. And, of course, if you wanted to switch to Bing or Yahoo or DuckDuckGo, you can use this same technique to do that. Although with the exception of the last one, we’re not sure why you’d want to.

幸运的是,您已经阅读了这篇文章,并且知道如何切换默认搜索引擎。 而且,当然,如果您想切换到Bing或Yahoo或DuckDuckGo,则可以使用相同的技术来做到这一点。 尽管除了最后一个,我们不确定为什么要这么做。

So if you’re wondering how to stop using Bing or Yahoo as your search engine, you’re in the right place.


如何在iPhone或iPad上将Google搜索设置为默认搜索引擎 (How to Set Google Search as the Default Search Engine on iPhone or iPad)

Luckily changing the search engine is really simple. Just open up your Settings app, find Safari in the list on the left-hand pane, and then choose the Search Engine option. You can see in our screenshot that it’s already set to Google.

幸运的是,更改搜索引擎非常简单。 只需打开“设置”应用程序,在左侧窗格的列表中找到Safari,然后选择“搜索引擎”选项。 您可以在我们的屏幕截图中看到它已经设置为Google。

You could choose to change your search engine to Yahoo or Bing, but the only other search engine we’d actually recommend for anybody is DuckDuckGo, and then only if you are really worried about Google knowing what you are searching.


Personally we don’t care, Google is the best, and we’re going to always use them for finding things. Judging by our audience statistics, 96 percent of our readers prefer Google as well.

就我们个人而言,我们不在乎,Google是最好的,并且我们将始终使用它们来查找事物。 从受众群体统计数据来看,我们96%的读者也喜欢Google。



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