
  • 前言
  • 0 要读的论文
  • 1 A qualitative reasoning approach to spectrum-based fault localization
    • 1.1 基本介绍
    • 1.2 文章内容
    • 1.3 QA环节之Q
    • 1.4 QA环节之A
    • 1.5 小结
      • 1.5.1 好的地方
      • 1.5.2 不足之处
  • 总结
  • 参考文献


Rui Abreu是软件工程领域(尤其是缺陷定位,软件测试等)的一位学者,其论文的被引用量达到3500多。故在此择出Rui Abreu的部分论文,并细读。

如昨日(见 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39278265/article/details/86777011 )所言,今日研读Rui Abreu的部分论文。

此外,Rui Abreu的个人介绍请见 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39278265/article/details/86777011 ,这篇文章就不重复叙述了。

0 要读的论文

至今(2019年2月9日)为止,Rui Abreu的论文有132篇 [1] 。

A Model-based Reasoning Approach to Software Debugging
Statistical debugging: A hypothesis testing-based approach
An evaluation of similarity coefficients for software fault localization(引用量326)
Software fault diagnosis(2007)
On the accuracy of spectrum-based fault localization(2007年 引用量 555)
Techniques for diagnosing software faults(2008)
Automatic software fault localization using generic program invariants(2008)
Automated fault diagnosis in embedded systems(2008)
A dynamic modeling approach to software multiple-fault localization(2008)
A Model-Based Software Reasoning Approach to Software Debugging(2009 感觉和TSE 2019有关)
Refining spectrum-based fault localization rankings(有关lies?flat score?)
Localizing Software Faults Simultaneously(QSIC 2009)
Zoltar: a spectrum-based fault localization tool(FSE 2009)
Spectrum-based multiple fault localization(ASE 2009)
Zoltar: A toolset for automatic fault localization(ASE 2009)
A practical evaluation of spectrum-based fault localization(2009 引用量 300 JSS 期刊)
A diagnostic approach to test priorization
The GZoltar project: a graphical debugger interface(2010)
Improving the software fault localization process through testability information
Increasing system availability with local recovery based on fault localization
Exploiting count spectra for bayesian fault localization
Diagnosing multiple intermittent failures using maximum likelihood estimation
Prioritizing Tests for Fault Localization through Ambiguity Group Reduction(2011)
An empirical study on the usage of testability information to fault localization in software
Probabilistic Error Propagation Modeling in Logic Circuits(2011 ICSTW)
Spectrum-based sequential diagnosis
A diagnostic reasoning approach to defect prediction
Prioritizing tests for software fault diagnosis
Gzoltar: an eclipse plug-in for testing and debugging(2012)
A topology-based model for estimating the diagnostic efficiency of statistics-based approaches
Prioritizing tests for fault localization
On the empirical evaluation of fault localization techniques for spreadsheets
Encoding test requirements as constraints for test suite minimization
Threats to the validity and value of empirical assessments of the accuracy of coverage-based fault locators
MZoltar: automatic debugging of Android applications
Leveraging a constraint solver for minimizing test suites
Entropy-based test generation for improved fault localization
Spectrum-based fault localization for diagnosing concurrency faults
Enhancing reasoning approaches to diagnose functional and non-functional errors
Generation of relevant spreadsheet repair candidates
A survey on fault localization techniques(Eric Wong不是一作,很神奇)
A dynamic code coverage approach to maximize fault localization efficiency
A diagnosis-based approach to software comprehension
Continuous test generation: enhancing continuous integration with automated test generation(ASE 2014)
Empirical Evaluation of Similarity Coefficients for Multiagent Fault Localization
On the empirical evaluation of similarity coefficients for spreadsheets fault localization
Fault detection in C programs using monitoring of range values: Preliminary results
Using constraints to diagnose faulty spreadsheets
Continuous Test Generation on Guava
A survey on software fault localization
Framing program comprehension as fault localization
Evaluating & improving fault localization techniques
SECBENCH: A Database of Real Security Vulnerabilities
Prevalence of single-fault fixes and its impact on fault localization
A test-suite diagnosability metric for spectrum-based fault localization approaches
A Database of Existing Vulnerabilities to Enable Controlled Testing Studies
Leveraging Qualitative Reasoning to Improve SFL.
A qualitative reasoning approach to spectrum-based fault localization
Lightweight source code monitoring with Triggr

总共59篇文章 ,心很累,因为中间博客没有保存,然后不小心按到了F5,然后这些已经打好的文章题目,和所有备注,都没了。所以重新草草复制了一遍。



1 A qualitative reasoning approach to spectrum-based fault localization

1.1 基本介绍

下载方式: 学校图书馆 or sci-hub。

Perez A, Abreu R. A qualitative reasoning approach to spectrum-based fault localization[C]//Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings. ACM, 2018: 372-373.

很疑惑,不知道这个ICSE的 Companion Proceeedings 是什么?应该也很不一般吧。
根据 [2] https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/30810/what-is-companion-proceedings-in-a-conference
的介绍,感觉Companion Proceeedings有点类似workshop paper?不过也有说和major proceedings没有区别的。所以,,,暂时没有定论。

但是根据 [3] 和 [4] ,感觉companion proceedings更像一些研讨会(panel session)之类的集合,确实还是和正常会议的tracks不一样。


1.2 文章内容


As spectrum-based fault localization (SFL) reasons about coverage rather than source code, it allows for a lightweight, language agnostic way of pinpointing faults in software.


However, SFL misses certain faults, such as errors of omission, and may fail to provide enough contextual information about its diagnoses.


We propose Q-SFL, that leverages the concept of qualitative reasoning to augment the information made available to SFL techniques, by qualitatively partitioning the values of data units from the system, and treating each qualitative state as a new SFL component to be used when diagnosing.





1.3 QA环节之Q



1.4 QA环节之A


To mitigate the issues above, we propose the inspection of the runtime value for relevant system data, with the intent of augmenting reports generated by SFL techniques.

原来是通过检查(观察)相关的系统数据的 runtime value,以增强SFL技术产生的报告(reports)。

We leverage Qualitative Reasoning (QR), which provides a way of describing continuous values by their discrete, behavioral qualities, to enable the ability of reasoning about a system’s behavior without exact quantitative information [3, 9].



[3] Kenneth D. Forbus. 1997. Qualitative Reasoning. In The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook. 715–733.
[9] Brian C. Williams and Johan de Kleer. 1991. Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems: A Return to Roots. Artifcial Intelligence 51, 1-3 (1991), 1–9.


Our Q-SFL approach consists of partitioning several SFL components into multiple, meaningful, qualitatively distinct subcomponents, to be used in the fault localization.


其实就是runtime value,runtime state,但是技术运用的是1998年左右的文章提供的技术。

1.5 小结

1.5.1 好的地方



1.5.2 不足之处

在回答问题1)的时候,我感觉是创新性还是有所欠缺?感觉仅仅只是一个SFL的runtime value辅助性的增强,这种技术的贡献可大可小。发在poster track上,也是妥当、可以理解的。




[1] Rui Abreu. https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=x25BFgEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

[2] What is “ companion proceedings” in a conference?

[3] Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2591062

[4] Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2568225&picked=prox

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