
1.   Environment Issue: Using a language EAI Object managereai_fra with a web service returns Http 404 in Dev and E2E

1.1Reason: because of web server virtual directory mapping

1.WebServer mapping does notmapping http eai_fra request to Siebel SWSE plugin

2.SWSE does not grant access to EAISiebel Object Manager(FRA)


Modify http.confand eapps_sia.cfgfiles which are the corresponding configuration files forApache Webserver andSWSE .

                   Add following Entry in http.conf


Addfollowing strings in eapps_sia.cfg


ConnectString= siebel.TCPIP.None.None://siebdev:2321/XXX/EAIObjMgr_fra



2. RuntimeEvent can not work in FRA environment but works in ENU environment

2.1Reason: FRA Runtime event related LOV for does not active and FRA workflowproblem.

2.2Solution:Active all LOVs with Type ‘CT_*’ and check translate and Multilingual to Y.

Createseparate component for FRA workflow process manager component

3.      BCwith hierarchy Picklist Insert operation error: Picklist value invalid

3.1Reason:actuallythe LOV value exists in the List of values, but the sequence of insert hasproblem

3.2Solution:Changethe Field Input Arguments’ sequence order by reverse sequence with First childthen parent

Forexample SR Sub Area’s sequence 1, SR Area’s sequence 2, SR Type’s sequence 3

4.      SiebelServer cannot startup but can access from soap UI to EAI Object Manager

4.1Reason:SADMINContact Administrator’s prefer language code was removed

Solution:Reset Administrator’s language code to ENU

5.      Webservice Session token expired issue: Middleware ‘AIA’ invokes Siebel’s webservice with session type stateless sometimes has error that that session tokenhas expored

5.1 Reason: Session related parameters problem

5.2 Solution:

addfollowing parameter under both for eai_enu and eai_fra sections in eapps.cfgServer(Bounce the server afterthat) which you can change to some number as the          performance requirement, the timeunit is minute:

SWSENoSessInPref= true

SessionTokenTimeout= 15

SessionTimeout= 15

6.      ServiceRequest SLA calculated commit time is wrong:

6.1 Reason:Actually the metrics setting under Administration-Contracts’ Entitlement templatesMetrics which is used to calculated the commit time.

Butthe System Reference parameter ‘Default Time Zone’ underAdministration – Application System Reference is not correct time

6.2 Solution:Change the System Reference parameter ‘Default Time Zone’ value equals tothe Subservience time zone, also can change the user referenceprofile’s           timezone if users’ working regions are in difference time zones.

7. Multilingualor global deployment problems:

Run time event problem

MLOV valuestranslate or Multilingual and table column ‘s translate table set to‘S_LST_OF_VAL’

Time Zonereference setting, Currency setting, Locale Format setting for date,number etc

Translate:Error message translate , View Link, Order Manager message types, OrderValidation Rule Message, Symbolic string,

applet layout problem

Createdifferent language Object Manager Components

Web ServerVirtual Directory created for difference language Object Manager Components

Updateeapps.cfgfor Virtual Directory

Tips: Test earlier for Other language even at UT phase for UI business, interfaces.


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