Reach and Design of Multi-Master and Multi-Path Data-Striping Transmission Protocol

Xu Le



Zhang Zhi



1、Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876

2、Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876

Abstract:With the rapid development of communications technology in recent years, there are a variety of wireless access technologies for people to choose. Under such background as talked above, how to let a terminal to make full use of other devices of the same PAN to work together simultaneously using different kinds of wireless access network for its services will be a promising research topic. This will greatly enhance the capacity of any terminal in the PAN and will also make better use of existing multi-radio access network, avoiding a waste of resources where several networks have been built but only a single one is used at one time.In such multi-network multi-host network communication, multi-path data striping transmission is primarily involved. Multi-path data striping transmission in the base of original single-path uses more than one physical independent data transmission path according to some certain rules, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the throughput of the equipment and provide higher bandwidth and download speed. This paper analyzes several design ideas of the data striping, builds a multi-path data striping scenario using an extended method, and realizes it by programming.


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