
intrusive_ptr类模板存储了一个指向一个引用计数的对象的指针。每一个 intrusive_ptr 实例都会通过对函数 intrusive_ptr_add_ref 的调用来增加引用计数,并将指针作为参数传递给它。同样,当intrusive_ptr实例被销毁时,它会调用intrusive_ptr_release函数;当对象的引用计数为零时,这个函数会销毁对象。要求用户提供这两个函数的正确的实现。

在支持参数依赖性查找的编译器上,intrusive_ptr_add_ref和intrusive_ptr_release应该在与其参数相对应的命名空间中定义;否则,这些定义需要放到命名空间boost中。boost库提供了一个辅助基类模板 intrusive_ref_counter,基于intrusive_ref_counter可以让自己定义的类支持intrusive_ptr。









template<class T> class intrusive_ptr
private:typedef intrusive_ptr this_type;public:typedef T element_type;BOOST_CONSTEXPR intrusive_ptr() BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT : px( 0 ){}intrusive_ptr( T * p, bool add_ref = true ): px( p ){if( px != 0 && add_ref ) intrusive_ptr_add_ref( px );}intrusive_ptr( intrusive_ptr<U> const & rhs ) : px( rhs.get() ){if( px != 0 ) intrusive_ptr_add_ref( px );}intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr const & rhs): px( rhs.px ){if( px != 0 ) intrusive_ptr_add_ref( px );}~intrusive_ptr(){if( px != 0 ) intrusive_ptr_release( px );}template<class U> intrusive_ptr & operator=(intrusive_ptr<U> const & rhs){this_type(rhs).swap(*this);return *this;}// Move support#if !defined( BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES )intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr && rhs) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT : px( rhs.px ){rhs.px = 0;}intrusive_ptr & operator=(intrusive_ptr && rhs) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{this_type( static_cast< intrusive_ptr && >( rhs ) ).swap(*this);return *this;}template<class U> friend class intrusive_ptr;template<class U>intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr<U> && rhs): px( rhs.px ){rhs.px = 0;}template<class U>intrusive_ptr & operator=(intrusive_ptr<U> && rhs) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{this_type( static_cast< intrusive_ptr<U> && >( rhs ) ).swap(*this);return *this;}#endifintrusive_ptr & operator=(intrusive_ptr const & rhs){this_type(rhs).swap(*this);return *this;}intrusive_ptr & operator=(T * rhs){this_type(rhs).swap(*this);return *this;}void reset(){this_type().swap( *this );}void reset( T * rhs ){this_type( rhs ).swap( *this );}void reset( T * rhs, bool add_ref ){this_type( rhs, add_ref ).swap( *this );}T * get() const BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return px;}T * detach() BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{T * ret = px;px = 0;return ret;}T & operator*() const BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT_WITH_ASSERT{BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );return *px;}T * operator->() const BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT_WITH_ASSERT{BOOST_ASSERT( px != 0 );return px;}// implicit conversion to "bool"
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/operator_bool.hpp>void swap(intrusive_ptr & rhs) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{T * tmp = px;px = rhs.px;rhs.px = tmp;}private:T * px;
};template<class T, class U>bool operator==(intrusive_ptr<T> const & a, intrusive_ptr<U> const & b) noexcept;template<class T, class U>bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const & a, intrusive_ptr<U> const & b) noexcept;template<class T, class U>bool operator==(intrusive_ptr<T> const & a, U * b) noexcept;template<class T, class U>bool operator!=(intrusive_ptr<T> const & a, U * b) noexcept;template<class T, class U>bool operator==(T * a, intrusive_ptr<U> const & b) noexcept;template<class T, class U>bool operator!=(T * a, intrusive_ptr<U> const & b) noexcept;template<class T>bool operator<(intrusive_ptr<T> const & a, intrusive_ptr<T> const & b) noexcept;template<class T> void swap(intrusive_ptr<T> & a, intrusive_ptr<T> & b) noexcept;template<class T> T * get_pointer(intrusive_ptr<T> const & p) noexcept;template<class T, class U>intrusive_ptr<T> static_pointer_cast(intrusive_ptr<U> const & r) noexcept;template<class T, class U>intrusive_ptr<T> const_pointer_cast(intrusive_ptr<U> const & r) noexcept;template<class T, class U>intrusive_ptr<T> dynamic_pointer_cast(intrusive_ptr<U> const & r) noexcept;template<class E, class T, class Y>std::basic_ostream<E, T> & operator<< (std::basic_ostream<E, T> & os,intrusive_ptr<Y> const & p);


1、T* px;声明一个T类型的裸指针,用于持有指针数据;





/*!* \brief Thread unsafe reference counter policy for \c intrusive_ref_counter** The policy instructs the \c intrusive_ref_counter base class to implement* a reference counter suitable for single threaded use only. Pointers to the same* object with this kind of reference counter must not be used by different threads.*/
struct thread_unsafe_counter
{typedef unsigned int type;static unsigned int load(unsigned int const& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return counter;}static void increment(unsigned int& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{++counter;}static unsigned int decrement(unsigned int& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return --counter;}
};/*!* \brief Thread safe reference counter policy for \c intrusive_ref_counter** The policy instructs the \c intrusive_ref_counter base class to implement* a thread-safe reference counter, if the target platform supports multithreading.*/
struct thread_safe_counter
{typedef boost::detail::atomic_count type;static unsigned int load(boost::detail::atomic_count const& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return static_cast< unsigned int >(static_cast< long >(counter));}static void increment(boost::detail::atomic_count& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{++counter;}static unsigned int decrement(boost::detail::atomic_count& counter) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return static_cast< unsigned int >(--counter);}
};template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT = thread_safe_counter >
class intrusive_ref_counter;template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT >
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT;
template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT >
void intrusive_ptr_release(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT;/*!* \brief A reference counter base class** This base class can be used with user-defined classes to add support* for \c intrusive_ptr. The class contains a reference counter defined by the \c CounterPolicyT.* Upon releasing the last \c intrusive_ptr referencing the object* derived from the \c intrusive_ref_counter class, operator \c delete* is automatically called on the pointer to the object.** The other template parameter, \c DerivedT, is the user's class that derives from \c intrusive_ref_counter.*/
template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT >
class intrusive_ref_counter
private://! Reference counter typetypedef typename CounterPolicyT::type counter_type;//! Reference countermutable counter_type m_ref_counter;public:/*!* Default constructor** \post <tt>use_count() == 0</tt>*/intrusive_ref_counter() BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT : m_ref_counter(0){}/*!* Copy constructor** \post <tt>use_count() == 0</tt>*/intrusive_ref_counter(intrusive_ref_counter const&) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT : m_ref_counter(0){}/*!* Assignment** \post The reference counter is not modified after assignment*/intrusive_ref_counter& operator= (intrusive_ref_counter const&) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT { return *this; }/*!* \return The reference counter*/unsigned int use_count() const BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT{return CounterPolicyT::load(m_ref_counter);}protected:/*!* Destructor*/BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION(~intrusive_ref_counter(), {})friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT;friend void intrusive_ptr_release< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT;
};template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT >
inline void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT
}template< typename DerivedT, typename CounterPolicyT >
inline void intrusive_ptr_release(const intrusive_ref_counter< DerivedT, CounterPolicyT >* p) BOOST_SP_NOEXCEPT
{if (CounterPolicyT::decrement(p->m_ref_counter) == 0)delete static_cast< const DerivedT* >(p);
}} // namespace sp_adl_blockusing sp_adl_block::intrusive_ref_counter;
using sp_adl_block::thread_unsafe_counter;
using sp_adl_block::thread_safe_counter;} // namespace boost#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)





1、intrusive_ptr_add_ref函数,实现了增加引用计数,在boost::intrusive_ptr<T>的copy constructor中调用;






class smarter:public boost::intrusive_ref_counter<smarter,boost::thread_safe_counter>
public:smarter(){}virtual ~smarter()=default;boost::intrusive_ptr<smarter> self(){//此函数仅仅是为了方便的从对象生成intrusive_ptr,比如:从栈对象上生成一个intrusive_ptrreturn boost::intrusive_ptr<smarter>(this);}


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