BillGates 僵尸网络 (做为肉鸡进行DDoS***)



What's BillGates?

Well, that's a Linux botnet I've found in February, 2014. It it splitted in modules usually called atddd, cupsdd, cupsddh, ksapdd, kysapdd, sksapdd, skysapdd.

cupsdd is the main module which I call "Gates" (because it locks /tmp/gates.lock). It unpacks cupsddh ("Bill") module (the last character depends on configuration) to the directory where the cupsdd is stored (usually /etc), creates /etc/init.d/DbSecuritySpt and makes symlinks to it in /etc/rc[1-5].d/97DbSecuritySpt, establishes connection to "Gates" CnC server on IP Newer version of "Gates" module also includes Monitor module "moni". It copies itself to /usr/bin/pojie and acts as "moni" only if ran as /usr/bin/pojie. "Bill" can perform simple DDoS.

atddd, ksapdd, kysapdd, sksapdd, skysapdd is an advanced DDoS module which I call "Melinda" (it doesn't have this name and I thought I can give it). It can perform TCP, UDP, ICMP and DNS DDoS with packet forgery. The only difference between these files is the CnC server IP address.

atddd =
ksapdd =
kysapdd =
skysapdd =
sksapdd =

How can I get this botnet?

That's pretty easy, just set your root password to "1" or something and make sure you have openssh running. You'll definitely get it in some time. It seems like the installation process is performed by an individual and not automatically.

How can I delete this botnet from my PC?

Well, I have successfully deleted this botnet by cleaning root crontab file, /etc/rc.local, /etc/init.d/DbSecuritySpt, /etc/rc[1-5].d/97DbSecuritySpt, all the botnet files from /etc (they all have SUID bit and some of them have Immunitable bit), /etc/conf.n, /etc/cmd.n, /tmp/*.lock and /usr/bin/pojie. But beware, "Bill" module has some code to execute insmod /usr/lib/xpacket.ko and write something to /usr/lib/ so your PC could be easily infected by rootkit (although I haven't seen any).


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