
Unit 8 My Forever Valentine

Text comprehension

I. B



1. Valentine’s Day

2. He displayed his special love for her on every Valentine’s Day.

3. … decorated a “mailbox” to receive cards.

4. given by her father, her forever valentine; with a piece of red glass for a ruby.

5. her hopes and dreams on receiving cards and gifts from more important people than her father.

6. a card with her mother’s handwriti ng.

7. always keep in mind her father’s love and generosity through simple acts.


1. Only Valentine’s Day really delighted him.

2. I remember Dad brought me joy on Valentine’s Day for the first time when I was six.

3. The box and its contents reminded me of a series of things, both bitter and sweet.

4. As I was getting older, Dad sent me heart-shaped boxes as gifts, unlike the gifts before.

Structural analysis of the text:

1. Valentine’s Day was the time m y father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly thought of him as my “Valentine Man”.

2. The author’s recounting of her Valentine Day memories in the second part of the text follows closely the chronological order. Try to pick out the three sentences in this part that indicate the progression of time.

The three sentences that indicate the progression of time are:

1) My first recollection of the magic he could bring to Valentine’s Day came when I was six.

(Paragraph 3)

2) As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart-shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates and always included a special card signed “Love, Dad.” (Paragraph 5)

3) My mailbox eventually had a rural address, and the job of hand-delivering candy and cards was relegated to the U.S. Postal Service. (Paragraph 7)

V ocabulary


1. thought of him as= regarded him as

2. ushered in a succession of bittersweet memories= brought back to mind a series of experiences, both happy and unhappyt, one after another

3. put a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes= aroused your strong emotion and made you cry

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