Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)

2012年至2013年,微软将要发布大量的升级产品,它们分别是SQL Server 2012、System center 2012、Windows server 2012、Windows 8、Offce 2013、Exchange 2013、Lync 2013、Sharepoin 2013。随着新产品的发布,微软的新一代认证体系也随之产生,微软取消了上一代认证体系架构,升级后的体系架构是MCSA--->MCSE--->MCSM,除了MCSM无法在国内考,必须参加微软原厂美国培训外,另外这种架构不包含Office 2013体系,Office 2013稍有不同。

MCSE: Server Infrastructure
This certification focuses on advanced configuration and network design with Windows Server 2012, and is the presumed successor to the old MCSE and MCITP: Enterprise Administrator certs:

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite) (MCSA考试有两种,一种是全新的,要考3门,一种是升级的,只需要考70-417)
70-413 - Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure
70-414 - Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure

MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure
This track focuses on desktop administration with Windows 8 in an enterprise environment, much like MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator certification on Windows 7:

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-415 - Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
70-416 - Implementing Desktop Application Environments

MCSE: Private Cloud
Microsoft has announced a new certification which focuses on managing a 'private cloud' - applications and services spread across multiple servers, or even in a cluster - with a single management interface. This certification focuses on the use of Microsoft System Center 2012 for management:

MCSA: Windows Server 2008 (Prerequisite) / MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-247 - Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012
70-246 - Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012

MCSE: Data Platform

MCSA: SQL Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-464 - Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases
70-465 - Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012

MCSE: Business Intelligence

MCSA: SQL Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-466 - Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012
70-467 - Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2012

MCSE: Messaging

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-341 - Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
70-342 - Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

MCSE: Communication

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-336 - Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013
70-337 - Enterprise Voice & Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013

MCSE: SharePoint

MCSA: Windows Server 2012 (Prerequisite)
70-331 - Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013
70-332 - Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

At the time of this writing, there is no direct upgrade-path from MCITP: Enterprise Administrator to MCSE: Server Infrastructure, or any of the other new MCSE tracks. If you hold any of the qualifying certifications, taking exam 70-417 will earn you MCSA: Windows Server 2012, and you are required to sit for the remaining two exams in order to become MCSE certified.


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