
2017/11/24 14:23:00 手机版



my name is xxx, this year is 21 years old, graduated from xx pla information engineering university computer science and technology professionals, in the four years of college life, i have grasped the development and application of technology, but also in the development of the network have the profound understanding.

so to lay a solid foundation of professional knowledge.

in the thoughts and behavior, thought progress, positive enterprising, has the self-confidence, have very strong work sense of responsibility and the dedication to work, work steadfast, bears hardships and stands hard work, have a high comprehensive quality training.

during the period of school has many social practice experience, has participated in college online virtual laboratory development needs analysis, the university period as many times more course lesson representative.

professional knowledge, proficient in c/c programming language, capable of using the language for software development; master visual c 6.

0 programming software, has the rich based on windows platform write software experience.

understand tcp/ip protocol, familiar with the basic principle of database; have relatively rich web design and development experience, was instrumental in construction and maintenance institute's web site.

actively participate in a number of research projects.

has a strong professional ability.

have a solid core java foundation, good programming style; familiar with tomcat, jboss server and so on, familiar based on linux and unix environment of software development.

although the actual work experience is not very full, but point four years developed my full confidence and professional dedication and solid base of the discipline knowledge and strong professional skills, four years of military school life, i strict demands on themselves, and consciously, observance of discipline and punctuality.

i am honest and have the sense of responsibility, has the independent enterprising character, is industrious hands, good at one's brains, adapt to the new environment ability.

can be in the shortest time to finish from students to professional staff transformation, try your best into the new work and life.

after four years of study, training i become a moral right, has a strong will and a lofty ideal, has the enterprising spirit and team cooperation spirit of good students.

believe what i have knowledge and competence can fit for any hard work.

if i am lucky enough to become a member of your company, i will put all the youth and enthusiasm bend force into work, obtain due scores, for the development of the company to contribute their strength.


i am very happy to introduce myself here.

i was born in liaoning province.

i graduated from nankai university and majored in international trade.

i like music and reaing

books,especially economical books.

it is my honor to apply this job.

i hope i can realise my dream in our company.

please give me a chance.

thank you very much.

it is my great pleasure to introduce myself.

i was born in liaoning.

my major is

international trade.

i was graduated in nankai university.

my hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics.

i am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream.

please give my a chance.

thank you.

英语自我介绍 java 面试【3】

leaders, my name is xxx, the remaining more than gold, gold.

my hometown is in gushi county of henan province, the parents are alive are all in good health, i have a sister in wuhan.

i am 07 years university graduate, majoring in computer software andjavar technology.

remember that before graduation to find work in shanghai, then in shanghai wanda company internship, six months after the positive to health services, programmers working in medical and health projects.

it is a total of about a year and a half, quit.

the reason is probably that the work atmosphere made me feel not what plus was also feeling good jump to a japanese company to work, just at that time the company in cmmi3, do the project in strict accordance with the cmmi process to go, what documents, coding, i have to participate in the test.

that time is really learned a lot of things on the project, may be just what the financial crisis, the company originally promised wages did not materialize and left.

go to the shanghai xx information company, from the beginning of the project the main force to the development of the project leader, my biggest harvest in the agricultural letter nearly three years of work is, let me face to face communication better needs freedom in the project with the client side, late in the project to provide training and project by customer feedback and project to know.

may be i can't adapt to the changes of company, then put forward to leave away.


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