
Reading is cool, but we live in busy times and not everyone has time to sit back with a book—and even if you do, you may not have enough time to finish said book in a reasonable amount of time. That’s where audiobooks can be great. And now Google sells them in the Play Store!

读书很酷,但是我们生活在繁忙的时期,并不是每个人都有时间坐下来看书,即使您这样做,您也可能没有足够的时间在合理的时间内完成说完的书。 那是有声读物可能很棒的地方。 现在, Google在Play商店中出售它们 !

Audiobooks are a great alternative traditional books, because you can pop in for a listen those times when you have some “free time,” but reading isn’t an option—like your morning commute, for example.


Up until this point, Android users have mostly had to rely on Audible for any audiobook needs, but now that Google has them in the Play Store, you can keep everything in-house if you want to. You can also listen to your Google Play audiobooks on iOS, if you’re a platform jumper or iOS user that prefers Google’s cloud.

到目前为止,Android用户几乎必须依靠Audible来满足任何有声读物的需求,但是现在Google在Play商店中提供了Audible ,因此您可以将所有内容保留在内部。 如果您是偏爱Google云的平台跳线或iOS用户,则还可以在iOS上收听Google Play有声读物。

在Google Play哪里找到有声读物 (Where to Find Audiobooks in Google Play)

If you’ve shopped Google Play Books before, then you probably already know it’s broken down into some subsections, like Comics, Textbooks, and Children’s Books. Audiobooks is now a new subsection of Play Books—not a new section altogether (because that definitely sounds like something Google would do).

如果您以前购买过Google Play图书,那么您可能已经知道它已细分为小节,例如漫画,教科书和儿童读物。 现在,有声读物是Play图书的一个新小节, 而不是一个全新的小节(因为这听起来确实像Google会做的那样)。

To find this section on your phone, open the Play Store, then tap the menu button. Choose “Books.”

要在手机上找到此部分,请打开Play商店,然后点击菜单按钮。 选择“书籍”。

From there, tap the Audiobooks option at the top. There you go. You can even get 50% off your first book—or, if you’re a Google Home owner, get a freebie.

从那里,点击顶部的有声读物选项。 妳去 您甚至可以从第一本书中获得50%的折扣,或者,如果您是Google Home的所有者,还可以得到免费赠品 。

If you’re an iOS user or otherwise just prefer to search books on the web, head over to the Google Play website and click on Books.

如果您是iOS用户,或者只是喜欢在网络上搜索图书,请转到Google Play网站并单击“图书”。

Then choose the Audiobooks sections.


In either situation, Google will have some recommending books for you, so start digging.


如何收听Google Play有声读物 (How to Listen to Google Play Audiobooks)

Once you decide on a book and you’re ready to listen to it, fire up the Google Play Books app on your phone and tap the Library option at the bottom. On iOS, the library is tucked into the menu on the left side.

确定一本书并准备好听书后,启动手机上的Google Play图书应用,然后点击底部的“图书馆”选项。 在iOS上,该库位于左侧菜单中。

At the top, find the Audiobooks option and tap it to show all your books.


Tapping on a book will immediately start playback as well as download the audio file for offline listening. If you want to delete this download, tap the three dots on the right side and choose “remove download.”

轻按一本书将立即开始播放以及下载音频文件以供离线收听。 如果要删除此下载,请点击右侧的三个点,然后选择“删除下载”。

But that’s not all! If you have Google Home, you can just ask it to play your book. Just say “Hey Google, play my book.” Boom, done. It’ll start playing the last book you were listening to, and pick up exactly where you left off.

但这还不是全部! 如果您拥有Google Home,则可以要求它播放您的书。 只需说“嘿Google,播放我的书。” 繁荣,完成。 它将开始播放您正在听的最后一本书,并从您上次停下来的地方重新开始。

You can also use cool features like “Okay Google, stop playing in 20 minutes” so you don’t get too caught up in the story and lose track of time. That’s awesome.

您还可以使用一些很酷的功能,例如“好吧,谷歌,请在20分钟内停止播放”,这样您就不会太着迷故事,也不会浪费时间。 棒极了。

Unfortunately, you can’t yet ask the Google Assistant on Android Auto to read your book, but it’s coming at some point.

不幸的是,您还不能要求Android Auto上的Google助理阅读您的书,但此书即将发行。



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