1 bird简介

bird实际是BIRD Internet Routing Daemon'的简称,它是在网络里跑着动态路由协议(支持IPV4 IPV6)的一种程序。相比较于其他的一些路由软件而言(routed (RIP only), GateD (non-free), Zebra and MRTD),bird的特性更多,配置更简便。


  • both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols
  • multiple routing tables
  • the Border Gateway Protocol (BGPv4)
  • the Routing Information Protocol (RIPv2, RIPng)
  • the Open Shortest Path First protocol (OSPFv2, OSPFv3)
  • the Babel Routing Protocol
  • the Router Advertisements for IPv6 hosts
  • a virtual protocol for exchange of routes between different routing tables on a single host
  • a command-line interface allowing on-line control and inspection of status of the daemon
  • soft reconfiguration (no need to use complex online commands to change the configuration, just edit the configuration file and notify BIRD to re-read it and it will smoothly switch itself to the new configuration, not disturbing routing protocols unless they are affected by the configuration changes)
  • a powerful language for route filtering


2 bird安装

官方文档给出的安装步骤如下:(需要提前安装相关依赖包、编译软件GNU development tools GCC, binutils, m4, make and Perl)

make install
vi /usr/local/etc/bird.conf



yum install -y make gcc* m4 flex* binutils bison ncurses* readline-devel git perl*
git init
tar -xvf bird-2.0.8.tar.gz
cd bird-2.0.8/
./configure --prefix=/usr/src
make && make install


ln -s /usr/src/sbin/bird /usr/sbin/
ln -s /usr/src/sbin/birdc /usr/sbin/

3 bird配置

3.1 bird命令参数说明

[root@vm1 ~]# bird -h
Usage: bird [--version] [--help] [-c <config-file>] [OPTIONS]Options:-c <config-file>     Use given configuration file instead of /usr/src/etc/bird.conf #指定bird配置文件,默认是安装路径/etc/bird.conf-d                   Enable debug messages and run bird in foreground #在前端启动bird并使能debug信息-D <debug-file>      Log debug messages to given file instead of stderr #指定debug信息到指定的文件而不是标准错误输出stderr-f                   Run bird in foreground #在前端启动bird-g <group>           Use given group ID -h, --help           Display this information-l                   Look for a configuration file and a control socketin the current working directory-p                   Test configuration file and exit without start-P <pid-file>        Create a PID file with given filename-R                   Apply graceful restart recovery after start-s <control-socket>  Use given filename for a control socket-u <user>            Drop privileges and use given user ID--version            Display version of BIRD

通过bird,进行启动。下面通过例子来说bird.conf配置文件,这也是bird里主要会配置的文件。两台主机之间配置ospf p2p类型的ospf peer,并各自引入静态路由,设置ospf为一类外部路由并将metric值设置为10。

3.1.1 例1 ospf建立P2P邻居并引入所有静态路由(E1)


log syslog all;
router id;
debug protocols all;
debug protocols { events, states };
protocol device {
protocol kernel {ipv4 {         # Connect protocol to IPv4 table by channelexport all;  # Export to protocol. default is export none};
protocol kernel {ipv6 { export all; };
protocol static {ipv4;          # Again, IPv4 channel with default optionsroute via;
protocol ospf v2 {ipv4 {import all;export filter {if source = RTS_STATIC then {ospf_metric1 = 10;accept;}reject;};};area 0 {interface "enp0s9" {type pointopoint;       # Detected by defaultcost 1;                # Interface metrichello 3;      # Default hello perid 10 is too longdead 5;};};


[root@vm2 ~]# grep -v "^#" /usr/src/etc/bird.conf | grep -v "^$"
log syslog all;
router id;
debug protocols all;
debug protocols { events, states };
protocol device {
protocol kernel {ipv4 {         # Connect protocol to IPv4 table by channelexport all;  # Export to protocol. default is export none};
protocol kernel {ipv6 { export all; };
protocol static {ipv4;          # Again, IPv4 channel with default optionsroute via;
protocol ospf v2 {ipv4 {import all;export filter {if source = RTS_STATIC then {ospf_metric1 = 10;accept;}reject;};};area 0 {interface "enp0s9" {type pointopoint;       # Detected by defaultcost 1;                # Interface metrichello 3;      # Default hello perid 10 is too longdead 5;};};



bird> ?
quit                                           Quit the client
exit                                           Exit the client
help                                           Description of the help system
show ...                                       Show status information
dump ...                                       Dump debugging information
eval <expr>                                    Evaluate an expression
echo ...                                       Control echoing of log messages
disable (<protocol> | "<pattern>" | all) [message]  Disable protocol
enable (<protocol> | "<pattern>" | all) [message]  Enable protocol
restart (<protocol> | "<pattern>" | all) [message]  Restart protocol
reload <protocol> | "<pattern>" | all          Reload protocol
debug ...                                      Control protocol debugging via BIRD logs
mrtdump ...                                    Control protocol debugging via MRTdump files
restrict                                       Restrict current CLI session to safe commands
configure ...                                  Reload configuration
down                                           Shut the daemon down
graceful restart                               Shut the daemon down for graceful restart

3.1.2 在例1上优化引入路由


[root@vm1 ~]# grep -v "^$"  /usr/src/etc/bird.conf | grep -v "^#"
log syslog all;
router id;
debug protocols all;
debug protocols { events, states };
protocol device {
protocol kernel {ipv4 {         # Connect protocol to IPv4 table by channelexport all;  # Export to protocol. default is export none};
protocol kernel {ipv6 { export all; };
protocol static {ipv4;          # Again, IPv4 channel with default optionsroute via;route via;
function net_len_too_long(){case net.type {NET_IP4: return net.len > 24; # IPv4 CIDR 大于 /24 为太长else: print "net_len_too_long: unexpected net.type ", net.type, " ", net;return false;}
function ospf_export() {if net_len_too_long() then return false;if source != RTS_STATIC then return false;if net !~ [{11,24}] then return false;return true;
protocol ospf v2 {ipv4 {import all;export filter {if !ospf_export() then reject;ospf_metric1 = 10;accept;};};area 0 {interface "enp0s9" {type pointopoint;       # Detected by defaultcost 1;                # Interface metrichello 3;      # Default hello perid 10 is too longdead 5;};};


3.2 bird日志信息打印


[root@vm1 log]# grep -v "^$"  /usr/src/etc/bird.conf | grep -v "^#"
log "/var/log/bird.log" all;


4 参考文献





  1. linux路由软件quagga安装

    介绍: quagga是继承于zebra的一款开源路由软件,支持多种协议: OSPF.RIP.OSPF6.BGP等. 软件介绍:http://www.nongnu.org/quagga/ 下载: 下载源 ...

  2. 开源路由软件zebra介绍和和在Linux环境下的安装

    感谢:http://www.cnblogs.com/iTsihang/archive/2012/11/22/2783249.html ================================= ...

  3. quagga 简介 开源路由软件

    quagga Quagga是一个开源的基于Zebra实现了RIP, OSPF, BGP的动态路由软件.它提供的CLI命令和Cisco IOS类似 ,可以使用 quagga 将linux 机器打造成一台 ...

  4. Quagga:开源的基于Zebra实现了RIP, OSPF, BGP的动态路由软件

    目录 quagga简介 特性 安装 quagga简介 https://www.jianshu.com/p/300acac7801f Quagga是一个开源的基于Zebra实现了RIP, OSPF, B ...

  5. 海蜘蛛软路由linux安装教程,软路由安装设置教程【详细步骤】-太平洋IT百科

    导读:随着 现代 生活中科学技术的不断发展,网络应用成为家家必须的东西,更因为如此也出现了如今的"低头族"们,不过在家庭中我们所使用的网络都需要有路由器这样的设备,其实路由器也分为 ...

  6. 【软件安装】vmware虚拟机安装完整教程(15.5版本)

     目录 一.基础介绍 二.准备工作(注意:如果自己下载不下来翻到最下面获取下载地址) 三.VMware下载与安装 VMware Workstation15.5新功能 注意: 一.基础介绍 VMware ...

  7. linux 入门 及一些常用命令及常用软件安装

    Linux入门: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Linux的安装方式:    ...

  8. 中华云盒M1刷Linux教程,N1 盒子刷最新版 armbian 及软件安装

    N1 盒子刷最新版 armbian 及软件安装 2019-12-22 16:02:10 79点赞 754收藏 71评论 写在前面 前段时间关注了#如何玩转NAS 后,玩性大发,各路值友们分享的好玩东西 ...

  9. SW2021软件安装教程

    SW2021软件安装教程 软件简介: SW是一款能够帮助用户轻松建立产品模型的3D建模软件,也是一款集3D设计软件.分析软件和产品数据管理等功能于一身的平台,用户通过它可以很快速的设计出所需要的产品: ...


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