
附录一 翻译Computer network security and to guard against Abstract: When mankind entered the 21st century information society, the network society of the time, China will establish a complete set of network security system, especially from the policy and law to establish China's own characteristics, network security system. Key words: computer; network; security; prevent In the information age, information can help groups or individuals so that they benefit from, the same information can also be used to pose a threat to them, caused damage. Therefore network security, including the composition of network hardware, software and network transmission of information security, so that they do not because of accidental or malicious destruction of the attacks, network security not only the technical aspects, but also management issues, both complement each other, are indispensable. First, the concept of computer network security International Organization for Standardization of "computer security" is defined as: "To establish a data processing system and the adoption of technology and management of security protection, the protection of computer hardware, software, data is not due to accidental and malicious destruction of reasons, change and leakage." The above definition of computer security includes physical security and logical security of both the contents of the contents of the logic of security could be understood as we often say that the information security, information refers to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of protection, and network security Information security is the meaning of the extension, that network security is a network of information confidentiality, integrity and availability protection. Computer network security as the specific meaning of the user changes, the user is different on the network security awareness and requirements will be different. From the ordinary user's point of view, could only hope that personal privacy or confident


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