Journal of Mountain Science (Monthly, Started in 2004)

Volume 18  Number  6  June 2021


Mountain Hazards

1405-1423 Dariusz STRZYŻOWSKI, Elżbieta GORCZYCA, Kazimierz KRZEMIEŃ, Mirosław ŻELAZNY

The intensity of slope and fluvial processes after a catastrophic windthrow event in small catchments in the Tatra Mountains

1424-1438 ZHANG Lu-peng, HUANG Ding-fa, JIANG Zhong-shan, FENG Wei, HASSAN Abubakr

Seismic stress perturbation and triggering patterns induced by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequences

1439-1457 ZHANG Shuai, LIU Ying, BATE Bate, PENG Da-lei, LI Can, ZHAN Liang-tong

Quantitative human risk analysis of 2015 Shenzhen dump failure considering influence of urbanization

1458-1475 LI Ya-mei, SU Li-jun, ZOU Qiang, WEI Xue-li

Risk assessment of glacial debris flow on alpine highway under climate change: A case study of Aierkuran Gully along Karakoram Highway

1476-1488 GAO Rui-yuan, WANG Chang-ming, LIANG Zhu

Comparison of different sampling strategies for debris flow susceptibility mapping: A case study using the centroids of the scarp area, flowing area and accumulation area of debris flow watersheds

Mountain Environment

1489-1503 Breno MOREIRA, Pedro Manuel VILLA, Carlos Mariano ALVEZ-VALLES, Fabricio Alvim CARVALHO

Species composition and diversity of woody communities along an elevational gradient in tropical Dwarf Cloud Forest

1504-1520 Chhabi Lal CHIDI, Wolfgang SULZER, XIONG Dong-hong, WU Yan-hong, ZHAO Wei, Pushkar Kumar PRADHAN

Land use intensity dynamics inthe Andhikhola watershed, middle hill of Nepal

1521-1536 FREPPAZ Michele, WILLIAMS Mark W., GABRIELI Jacopo, GORRA Roberta, MANIA Ilaria, ASCHER-JENULL Judith, EGLI Markus, CELI Luisella

Characterization of organic-rich mineral debris revealed by rapid glacier retreat, Indren Glacier, European Alps

1537-1549 WANGJin-liang, YU Yuan-he

Comprehensive drought monitoring in Yunnan Province, China using multisource remote sensing data

1550-1563 HE Li

Numerical evaluation of the effects of the Dongzhuang reservoir on channel deposition in the Lower Wei River in China

1564-1579 GUO Lin-mao, CHANG Juan, XU Hong-liang, SUN Wen-jun

Modelling plant canopy effects on water-heat exchangein the freezing-thawing processes of active layer on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

1580-1590 LIU Han-hu, ZHAO Yin-jun, WANG Lei, LIU Yan-yan

ComparisonofDEMaccuraciesgeneratedfromdifferentstereopairsoveraplateau mountainousarea

1591-1608 MaryamTAJBAKHSHIAN, AbolfazlMOSAEDI, Mohamad Hosein MAHMUDY GHARAIE, Sayyed Reza MOUSSAVI HARAMI

Estimation of sediment load and erosion of different geological units: A case study froma basin of north-eastern Iran

1609-1629 Akash PADMALAL, Deepak M MAURYA, Naimisha P VANIK, Mohamedharoon A SHAIKH, Prabhuti TIWARI, Laxman S CHAMYAL

Impact of long term uplift on stream networks in tectonically active Northern Hill Range, Kachchh palaeo-rift basin, western India

1630-1645 DAI Xiao-a, LIU Chao, LI Nai-wen, WANG Mei-lian, YANG Yu-wei, YANG Xing-ping, ZHANG Shi-qi, HE Xu-wei, YANG Zheng-li, LU Heng, LI Jing-zhong, WANG Ze-kun

LAI scale effect research based on compact airborne spectrographic imager data in the Heihe Oasis

Mountain Development

1646-1661 XUE Yao-zu, HUANG Lei

Measurement of self-development capacity in the contiguous destitute mountainous areas, China

1662-1677 WAN Hua-wei, LI Hao-xin, WU Jin-hui, LIU Yu-ping

Spatial distribution pattern in mammal and bird richness and their relationship with ecosystem services in Sanjiangyuan National Park, China

Geological Engineering

1678-1695 Muhammet Oğuz SÜNNETCI, Hakan ERSOY, Arzu FIRAT ERSOY

Numerical and back analysis-based methodology for support design of cut slopes at the Turkish – Georgian Border (NE Turkey)

1696-1709 Kaleem Ullah Jan KHAN, WANG Chang-ming, Muhammad Wasim Jan KHAN, LIANG Zhu, LI Shuo, LI Bai-long

Influence of rainfall infiltration on the stability of unsaturated coal gangue accumulated slope

1710 YANG Zheng-lan, ZHANG Ting-bin, YI Gui-hua, LI Jing-ji, QIN Yan-bin, CHEN Yang

Erratum to:Spatio-temporal variation of Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation in the Hengduan Mountains, China

Cover photo taken byDariusz STRZYŻOWSKI

Serial parameters: CN51-1668/X*2004*M*A4*306*en*P*200*20*2021-6


Tel: 86-28-85252044

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