我在写需求之前,首先要了解一下什么是需求,参考标准IEC2914-2018对需求有如下定义:Requirement(需求) –statement which translates or expresses a need and it’s associated constraints andconditions需求是对需要的陈述,其中要包含要求的条件与约束。定义中包含了两个非常重要的元素条件condition和约束constraints。那我们再来看一下条件和约束的含义又是什么呢?

Conditions(条件)-measurable qualitative or quantitative attribute that is stipulatedfor a requirement and that indicates a circumstance or event under which arequirements applies.为需求规定的可衡量的定性或定量属性,它指示需求适用的情况或事件

Constrains(约束)- externally limitation on the system, its design, or implementationor on the process used to develop or modify a system对系统,其设计或实现或用于开发或修改系统的过程的外部限制。

 从定义上可以明确的看出来条件是对需求本身属性的定义,而约束则是对系统的外部限制,但是无论哪一点都是系统的必要组成部分,两者在规范的需求表达中都必不可少。有了定义我们再来看以下规范的需求有哪几部分组成,一般来说主要有如下两种形式;1、  [Condition] [Subject][Action] [Object] [Constraint Of Action ]条件-主体-动作-对象-约束2、  [Subject][Action] [Constraint Of Action]主体-动作-约束第一种表达比较全面,如以下例子:

When signal x is received [Condition条件], the system [Subject主语] shall set [Action动作]the signal x received bit [Object对象] within 2 seconds [Constraint ofAction约束].


The Invoice System [Subject主语]shall display pending customer invoices [Action动作] in ascending order ofinvoice due date [Constraint of Action约束].


Requirements are mandatorybinding provisions and use ‘shall’. 需求是强制性规定,需要使用"shall"

Non-requirements, such asdescriptive text, use verbs such as ‘are’, ‘is’, and ‘was’. It isbest to avoid using the term ‘must’, due to potential misinterpretation as arequirement.非需求类的描述性文字最好使用动词,例如“ are”,“ is”和“ was”,避免使用“must”一词,因为这可能会引起误解。

Statements of fact,futurity, or a declaration of purpose are non-mandatory, non-binding provisionsand use ‘will’. ‘Will’ can also be used to establish context or limitations of use.对于事实、未来、或者非强制性或者约束性的陈述可以使用“will”,“will”也可以用来描述应用的上下文或者限制。

Preferences or goals are desired, non-mandatory, non-binding provisions and use ‘should’. They are not requirements.期望的偏好或者目标、非强制性、非约束性的规定使用‘should’,这类内容不是需求。

Suggestions or allowances are non-mandatory, non-binding provisions and use ‘may’.建议型的非强制性约束性规定,使用‘may’.

Use positive statementsand avoid negative requirements such as ‘shall not’.能使用肯定句就不要用否定句如 ‘shall not’.

Use active voice: avoidusing passive voice, such as ‘it is required that’.避免被动表达 ‘it is required that’.

Avoid using terms such as ‘shall be able to’.不要使用’shall be able to’.



A requirement is unambiguous if there is a common understanding of themeaning of the requirement.


b)comprehensible; 易于理解

A requirement is comprehensible if the stakeholders and the consumers of thatrequirement understand its meaning.


c)atomic (singular); 不可细分

Requirements at one hierarchical level are atomic when they areformulated in such a way that they cannot be divided into at least twoindependent safety requirements at the considered level.The achievement of this characteristic could contradict the achievement of the other essential characteristics of safety requirements. In such a case,atomicity can be considered as having less importance.


d) internallyconsistent; 内部一致

A requirement is internally consistent if it contains no contradictionswithin itself.


e) feasibleand achievable;可行

A requirement is feasible if it can be implemented within the constraints ofthe item development (resources, state-of-the-art, etc.). 需求可行是意味着在项目约束之内可以完成

A requirement can be accomplished technically, it does not require majortechnology advances, and fits within item constraints (e.g., cost schedule,technical, legal, regulatory, etc.) acceptably.


f)verifiable; 可验证

A requirement is verifiable if means, at the level where it is specified, areavailable to check that the requirement is fulfilled. 需求可证意思是在说明它的这个层次上,有办法检查需求是否被满足。

Collected evidence pertaining to an item shows the corresponding requirementhas been satisfied. Verifiability is enhanced when the requirement is measureable.


g)necessary; 必要性

The requirement defines an essential capability, characteristic, constraint,and/or quality factor. If it is removed or deleted, a deficiency will existwhich is not fulfilled by other capabilities of the product or process.


The requirement is currently applicable and has not been made obsolete bythe passage of time. Requirements with planned expiration dates orapplicability dates are clearly identified.


h)implementation free; 独立完成

The requirement, while addressing what is necessary and sufficient for theitem, avoids placing unnecessary constraints on the architectural design.Theobjective is to be implementation independent. The requirement states what isrequired, not how the requirement should be met.


i)complete;and 完整性

The stated requirement is clear without further amplification because it is measureable andsufficiently describes the capability and characteristics required to meet thestakeholder’s need.


j)conforming. 合规

The stated requirement conforms to applicable government, automotiveindustry and product standards, specifications and interfaces for whichcompliance is required.


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