#702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size


This is an interactive problem.

You have a sorted array of unique elements and an unknown size. You do not have an access to the array but you can use the ArrayReader interface to access it. You can call ArrayReader.get(i) that:

  • returns the value at the ith index (0-indexed) of the secret array (i.e., secret[i]), or
  • returns 231 - 1 if the i is out of the boundary of the array.

You are also given an integer target.

Return the index k of the hidden array where secret[k] == target or return -1 otherwise.

You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity.




# This is ArrayReader's API interface.
# You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
# """
#class ArrayReader:
#    def get(self, index: int) -> int:class Solution:def search(self, reader: 'ArrayReader', target: int) -> int:# make sure the secret array has valid index 1if reader.get(1) is not (2**31 - 1):left, right = 0, 1else:if reader.get(0) == target:return 0else:return -1# make sure the target is within a certain rangewhile reader.get(right) < target:left = rightright <<= 1# find the index of the target if it exists otherwise return -1while left<=right:mid = left+((right-left)>>1)if reader.get(mid) < target:left = mid + 1elif reader.get(mid) > target:right = mid - 1else:return midreturn -1



ps有个小小的疑惑,为什么sample solution第一步没有排除length可能为1的情况。


Apr 1st再做了一次。复习巩固一下skill。(翻了一下记录,第一次做是Mar 20th)


# """
# This is ArrayReader's API interface.
# You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
# """
#class ArrayReader:
#    def get(self, index: int) -> int:class Solution:def search(self, reader: 'ArrayReader', target: int) -> int:l, r = 0, 1while True:if reader.get(r) == target:return rif reader.get(r) > target:while l <= r:m = (l+r)//2if reader.get(m) > target:r = m - 1elif reader.get(m) < target:l = m + 1else:return mreturn -1else:l = r + 1r = 2*l

左右标依然逐轮放大,直到右标值大于target为止。若等,则输出右标。这个因为是看选定范围内有无target,所以用的是 template I 的方法。



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