由于传统卷积神经网络CNN一般处理欧式空间的数据,但是有些非欧式空间的数据如社交网络,实体关系等都是拓扑空间,具备拓扑结构,其基础理论是图,因此本文详细介绍图算法以及boost graph algorithm的应用

1.1 计算顶点数目

// Counting the number of vertices#include <cassert>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list .hpp>
template <typename graph>
int get_n_vertices(const graph& g)  {const int n{static_cast<int>(boost :: num_vertices(g))};
assert (static_cast<unsigned == boost :: num_vertices(g) );
return n;

注:boost :: num_vertices 即可以针对有向图也可以计算无向图的顶点个数

1.2 计算边的条数

// Counting the number of edges
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list .hpp>
template <typename graph>
int get_n_edges(const graph& g) noexcept {const int n{static_cast<int>(boost ::num_edges(g))};
assert (static_cast<unsigned == boost :: num_edges(g) );
return n;}

注:boost :: num_edges 即可以针对有向图也可以计算无向图的边个数

1.3 添加顶点

#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list .hpp>
template <typename graph>
typename boost::graph_traits<graph >::vertex_descriptor
add_vertex(graph& g)
{static_assert( !std::is_const<graph>::value , "graph cannot be const");const auto vd = boost::add_vertex(g); return vd ;

static_assert 用来检查是否是const 图,const无法添加节点,这个会在编译期报错,防止问题发生在run time。

1.4 添加边

#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list .hpp>
template <typename graph>
typename boost::graph_traits<graph >:: edge_descriptor
add_edge(graph& g)  {static_assert( !std::is_const <graph>::value , "graph cannot be const"
const auto vd_a = boost::add_vertex(g);
const auto vd_b = boost::add_vertex(g);
const auto aer = boost::add_edge(vd_a , vd_b , g );
assert ( aer.second ) ;
return aer.first ;


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