
今天写一个自定义AreaSeries的qml,在编写的时候需要在里面添加一个QtObject的成员。运行后提示“Cannot assign to no-existent property ”的提示。

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtCharts 2.14AreaSeries {lowerSeries: LineSeries{}upperSeries: LineSeries{}QtObject{}
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtCharts 2.14Rectangle {visible: truewidth: 640height: 480ChartView {anchors.fill: parenttheme: ChartView.ChartThemeBrownSandantialiasing: trueValueAxis{id:id_axisXmin: 0max: 1000}ValueAxis{id:id_axisYmin: 0max: 100}BJAreaSeries{axisX: id_axisXaxisY: id_axisY}}



    property var myobj: QtObject{}


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