the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --C  

《Phrases and Idioms》

n Call collect = reverse the charges

n Call for sb. 顺路到某人家约之同行

n Carrier bag

l In any case 无论如何,反正,再说

l Check desk

n Casualty department (Emergency Dept.)

n Central heating (?中央冷气呢)

l Check-up (physical [examination])

l Three cheers for … hip, hip, hurry! 贺胜利

n Chest of drawers (robe)

n Under no circumstances should you go out.

l the City 伦敦商业区

l Civil rights

l the Civil Service 全体公务员

n Civil war 内战

n Club together to buy… 合起买,凑份子

l come along = Come on

n will be busy in the days to come. 在将来

l common sense = general knowledge

n comprehensive school 综合中学

l In confidence (confidentially)

l Have a clear/guilty conscience

l Correspond with

l Coat-hanger

n Keep count of sth. 知道某事物数量

l The country 野外、郊野

l A couple of ( two or above)

n Council-house 市、郡属有可供租用的房屋

l During the course of  在什么期间

l Change course 改变方向

l Crash-helmet, helmet

l On credit, pay by credit card

n Criminal law

n Give sb. a cuddle

l Curl up

n Be cut off 被孤立、隔离

l Cut off(->停), out(->离), up(->break)

《Catch Phrase》

l Cable television

n Pay a call on me  (visit)

l Calm weather  (windless)

l Carry on with work; carry on to the end of…way

l Put on the cassette

n A casual wave  (unworried, indifferent)

l Caught/got a cold

l Phone at certain times of the day.

n Be chained to the fence

l A good chance of passing the exam.

n I must change before going out = get changed

l Sb. has a strong character

n Charge me $200 for the repairs

l Charge him with murder

l An exciting car chase

n Very good and quite cheap 价廉物美

n What a cheek! 冒失,放肆. ->cheeky厚脸皮的

l The clock chimed midnight

l Make a claim for better pay

n Tie clashes with shirt. (unmatched 指颜色)

n The book is cleverly written.

l The road climbs steeply

l a clean boy clings to David.

n Win the race very close. 差点

l Stand closer together

l Clouds of smoke (像云的尘土或烟雾)

n Sunny, c/o Yanni. (请Yanni转交信给Sunny)

n Be coated with mud. 加上一薄层东西

l Be written in code. (password)

l What’s the code for Paris? 电话代号

n A coil of rope

l Don’t go out in the cold

l She collapsed in the street

l Rubbish collection

l A ticket collector at a railway station

l A letter came for you this morning

n The coat is coming apart

l A walk on the common 公地

n I like company (与他人在一起;交往

l Stay and keep me company

n Complain to sb. that

l A complete surprise

l Chemical compound 化合物

l It concerns sb. that

l Be concerned about

l (Come to)/draw the conclusion that

l Confessed to the crime

l Congratulate sb. on sth.

n A bad connection on the phone (接触不良)

l I’m conscious that

l I consider sb. to be

l A considerable amount of money (great, large)

n Show no consideration for anybody else.

l Talk constantly

l Be in contact with

l A contented smile

l A continuous noise

l Jill contradicted me

l Just escape, contrary to the orders.

l Be convicted of murder

l Read all my correspondence. 通信、信件

l Cotton wool 脱脂棉

n Give a little cough before speaking

n My ideas don’t count 有重要、价值

l A three course meal 一道菜

n A crack in this glass 裂纹

l Dry wood crackles when burning

l Stay crisp

n I’m cross with her (angry)

l Go on a world cruise 乘船旅游的假期

n Crunch a bone. 嘎扎、咬碎声

n He’s on crutches 支撑、拐杖

l Cry out in pain 疼得喊叫起来

l The cry of a bird 叫声

n Cuddle his baby

l A cure for cancer

n Strong current

l Put a curse on him

n The road curves to the right

l Cycle to school

《Differentiation and Mnemonics》

l Cactus 仙人掌

n Café 原指小餐馆,现也指coffee bar

l Calf 腿肚子

l Call-box

n Cannibal 吃人肉的人

l Root:
1) cap, capit, cipit -> head, headlong:
   (e.g. cap, captain, capital, principal)
2) cap, cip, cept -> to take, to get: (capture)

n Card (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades)

n Cardigan 毛衣, -> jumper

n Cauliflower, ->chrysanthemum

l Cellar (basement, silo)

l Root: cert, cern, cret, crim, crit -> to separate, judge, distinguish, decide) e.g. certain, critique, ascertain, certificate, discern)

n Checkers = draughts 国际棋, -> chess

l Chorus, choir

l Root: claim, clam -> to shout, cry out (e.g. claim)

l Cla:->sound (clang, clap, clash, classical, clatter)

n Claw, paw, palm

l Clean, clear 区分词性用法

l Clerk = shop assistant

l Root: cla, clo, clu -> shut, close
(e.g. cloakroom衣帽间/公厕, clock, close, closet)

l Cloth, clothes, clothing (音与义区分)

n Club 沉重棍棒

l Clutch, cling, clasp, cuddle

l Cobweb

n Collar (猫狗的)项圈

l Communication(s) 加s为通讯方法

l Conductor (共交)售票员

l Consistent -> coherent

n Connection (联运)

l Cookery 烹调术; Crockery 陶器

l Copper, brass, bronze

l Cord 绳;束缚 – chord 弦;情绪

l Corporation 市政当局

l Cottage 村舍

n Couch(坐卧两用的)长沙发

l Count 伯爵

l Root: cour, cur -> run, a course (course, court)

l Root: cre, cresc, cret -> to grow
(increase, create, creative, creature)

l Root: cred -> to believe, trust (credit)

l Creep , crawl

n Cripple (disable)

l Crow 乌鸦(crow+d大众叫声像乌鸦)

n Crust 面包皮, crusty

n Cub 幼兽

l Currant 无子葡萄干

n Custard, 蛋奶沙司

l Cutlery 刀子、叉子..

《Fallibility and Cacoepy》

n Cabbage / i /

l Cable / ei /

l Calculator

l Calendar, Canada

l Campaign / ei /

n Canal 运河/ kE5nAl /

n Canary 金丝雀/ kE5nEri /

l Canned / A /

n Canoe / kE5nu: /

l Capable / ei /

l Capacity / E E /

n Captain / i /

n Carol圣诞颂歌 / 5kArEl /

l Carrot / A E /

l Cassette / E5se /

l Castle / a:sl /

l Caterpillar

l Cathedral / Wi /

l Ceiling / si: /

l Celebrate / e E /

n Cello (a big violin) / tFe /

l Cement

l Cemetery/ E /, ceremony

n Centiliter

l Chapel / pl /

n Charity / E /

l Check – cheque (checked 有方格的)

n Chef 厨师 / Fe /

l Cheers -> chess 常发混!

n Chew / u /, dew - sew/ Eu /=so, stew /ju:/炖

l Chimpanzee / tFimpAn5zi: /

n Chin / tFi /

l Chip / i /, cheap / i: /

l Choir / 5kwaiE/

l Choke 窒息/ Eu /, chalk

l Christianity / 5AnE /

l Church / tFE: /

l Cigar

n Circle / E: /

l Circumference / 5kQ /

l Clinic

n Cloak/ Eu /, Clock, Croak

n Close,  v. (/z/)

l Closet / C /

l Clown / au /

l Clumsy / zi /

n Coca-Cola / eu eu/

l Coffin , coffee

l Collect, correct

n Colonel / 5kE:nl /

l Comb / Eum /

l Combination / Cmbi5 /

l Comedian / E5mi/

l Comedy / E /

n Commentary, commentator / ei /

l Committee

n Community / E /

l Compact disc / C /

l Companion / A  /

n Compass

n Competition / C /

l Competitor / pe /

l Complicated / C /

l Composition / C /

l Compound / C /

n Compromise / E /

n Conceited / 5si:tid/

l Concentrate / C /

l Concert / 5kCnsEt /

n Conclusion / E  V /

l Condemn 惩罚;判刑 / kEn5dem /

l Cone / Eu /

n Conflict / C /

n Conjuror (magician) / `kQndVErE /

l Conscience / `kCnFEns /

l Conservation / E /

l Constituency / E /

n Constable / Q /

l Contact / C /  ,  Contract / C /

n  ‘Contest, context / C /

l Continent / C /

l Contradict

l Contrary

n Contrast (a.n.), Contrast (v.)

l Contribution

l Convent / C /

l Convince / i /

l Cope / Eu /

l Correspond / E` /

l Corridor 过道(两旁有房间) / C /

l Cosy / Euzi /

n Cotton / C / bottom / C /, button/ Q /

l Couch / au /

l Courgette 密生西葫芦 / kC`Vet/

l Coward / auE /

l Creature (除去植物以外的)一切生物 / i: /

n Crescent (less than half a circle) / z /

l Crow / Eu /

n Cupboard / `kQbEd/ 食橱

n Cushion / u /

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