An Intrusion-Detection Model



Abstract-A model of a real-time intrusion-detection expert system capable of detecting break-ins, penetrations, and other forms of computer abuse is described. The model is based on the hypothesis that security violations can be detected by monitoring a system’s audit records for abnormal patterns of system usage. The model includes profiles for representing the behavior of subjects with respect to objects in terms of metrics and statistical models, and rules for acquiring knowledge about this behavior from audit records and for detecting anomalous behavior. The model is independent of any particular system, application environment, system vulnerability, or type of intrusion, thereby providing a framework for a general-purpose intrusiondetection expert system.

Index Terms-Abnormal behavior, auditing, intrusions, monitoring, profiles, security, statistical measures.





This paper describes a model for a real-time intrusionI detection expert system that aims to detect a widerange of security violations ranging from attempted breakins by outsiders to system penetrations and abuses by insiders. The development of a real-time intrusion-detection system is motivated by four factors:

1)most existingsystems have security flaws that render them susceptible to intrusions, penetrations, and other forms of abuse;finding and fixing all these deficiencies is not feasible fortechnical and economic reasons; 2) existing systems with known flaws are not easily replaced by systems that are more secure-mainly because the systems have attractive features that are missing in the more-secure systems, or else they cannot be replaced for economic reasons; 3) developing systems that are absolutely secure is extremely difficult, if not generally impossible; and 4) even the most secure systems are vulnerable to abuses by insiders who misuse their privileges.






The model is based on the hypothesis that exploitation of a system’s vulnerabilities involves abnormal use of the system; therefore, security violations could be detected from abnormal patterns of system usage. The following examples illustrate:


· Attempted break-in: Someone attempting to break into a system might generate an abnormally high rate of password failures with respect to a single account or the system as a whole.


· Masquerading or successful break-in: Someone log-ging into a system through an unauthorized account and password might have a different login time, location, or connection type from that of the account’s legitimate user.In addition, the penetrator’s behavior may differ considerably from that of the legitimate user; in particular, he might spend most of his time browsing through directories and executing system status commands, whereas the legitimate user might concentrate on editing or compiling and linking programs. Many break-ins have been discovered by security officers or other users on the system who have noticed the alleged user behaving strangely.


· Penetration by legitimate user: A user attempting to penetrate the security mechanisms in the operating system might execute different programs or trigger more protection violations from attempts to access unauthorized files or programs. If his attempt succeeds, he will have access to commands and files not normally permitted to him.


· Leakage by legitimate user: A user trying to leak sensitive documents might log into the system at unusual times or route data to remote printers not normally used.


· Inference by legitimate user: A user attempting to obtain unauthorized data from a database through aggregation and inference might retrieve more records than usual.


·Trojan horse: The behavior of a Trojan horse planted in or substituted for a program may differ from the legitimate program in terms of its CPU time or I/O activity.


·Virus: A virus planted in a system might cause an increase in the frequency of executable files rewritten, storage used by executable files, or a particular program being executed as the virus spreads.


· Denial-of-Service: An intruder able to monopolize a resource (e.g., network) might have abnormally high activity with respect to the resource, while activity for all other users is abnormally low.Of course, the above forms of aberrant usage can also be linked with actions unrelated to security. They could be a sign of a user changing work tasks, acquiring new skills, or making typing mistakes; software updates; or changing workload on the system. An important objective of our current research is to determine what activities and statistical measures provide the best discriminating power;that is, have a high rate of detection and a low rate of false alarms.




The model is independent of any particular system, application environment, system vulnerability, or type of intrusion, thereby providing a framework for a general-pur-pose intrusion-detection expert system, which we have called IDES. A more detailed description of the design and application of IDES is given in our final report [1].


The model has six main components:

* 该模型有六个主要组成部分:

* Subjects: Initiators of activity on a target systemnornally users.

* 主体:在目标系统用户上活动的发起者。

* Objects: Resources managed by’ the system-files,commands, devices, etc.

* 对象:由系统文件、命令、设备等管理的资源。

* Audit records: Generated by the target system in response to actions performed or attempted by subjects on objects-user login, command execution, file access, etc.

* 审计记录:目标系统对主体对对象执行或尝试的操作(用户登录、命令执行、文件访问等)所产生的响应。

* Profiles: Structures that characterize the behavior or subjects with respect to objecfs in terms of statistical metrics and models of observed activity. Profiles are automatically generated and initialized from templates.

* 概要文件:根据观察到的活动的统计指标和模型,描述行为或主体与目标的关系的结构。配置文件从模板自动生成并初始化。

* Anomaly records: Generated when abnormal behavior is detected.

* 异常记录:检测到异常行为时产生。

* Activity rules: Actions taken when some condition is satisfied, which update profiles, detect abnormal behavior, relate anomalies to suspected intrusions, and produce reports.

* 活动规则:在满足某些条件时采取的动作,这些动作更新配置文件,检测异常行为,将异常与可疑入侵联系起来,并生成报告。

The model can be regarded as a rule-based pattern matching system. When an audit record is generated, it is matched against the profiles. Type information in the matching profiles then determines what rules to apply to update the profiles, check for abnormal behavior, and report anomalies detected. The security officer assists in establishing profile templates for the activities to monitor,but the rules and profile structures are largely system-independent.


The basic idea is to monitor the standard operations ona target system: logins, command and program executions, file and device accesses, etc., looking only for deviations in usage. The model does not contain any special features for dealing with complex actions that exploit a known or suspected security flaw in the target system; indeed, it has no knowledge of the target system’s security mechanisms or its deficiencies. Although a flaw-based detection mechanism may have some value, it would be considerably more complex and would be unable to cope with intrusions that exploit deficiencies that are not suspected or with personnel-related vulnerabilities. By detecting the intrusion, however, the security officer may be better able to locate vulnerabilities.


The remainder of this paper describes the components of the model in more detail.




Subjects are the initiators of actions in the target system. A subject is typically a terminal user, but might also be a process acting on behalf of users or groups of users,or might be the system itself. All activity arises through commands initiated by subjects. Subjects may be grouped into different classes (e.g., user groups) for the purpose of controlling access to objects in the system. User groups may overlap.


Objects are the receptors of actions and typically include such entities as files, programs, messages, records,terminals, printers, and user- or program-created structures. When subjects can be recipients of actions (e.g.,electronic mail), then those subjects are also considered to be objects in the model. Objects are grouped into classes by type (program, text file, etc.). Additional structure may also be imposed, e.g., records may be grouped into files or database relations; files may be grouped into directories. Different environments may require different object granularity; e.g., for some database applications,granularity at the record level may be desired, wherea-s for most applications, granularity at the file or directory level may suffice.




Audit Records are 6-tuples representing actions performed by subjects on objects:

<Subject, Action, Object, Exception-Condition,Resource-Usage, Time-stamp>





* Action: Operation performed by the subject on or with the object, e.g., login, logout, read, execute.


* Exception-Condition: Denotes which, if any, exception condition is raised on the return. This should be the actual exception condition raised by the system, not just the apparent exception condition returned to the subject.


* Resource-Usage: List of quantitative elements,where each element gives the amount used of some resource, e.g., number of lines or pages printed, number of records read or written, CPU time or I/O units used, session elapsed time.


* Time-stamp: Unique time/date stamp identifying when the action took place.


We assume that each field is self-identifying, either implicitly or explicitly, e.g., the action field either implies the type of the expected object field or else the object field itself specifies its type. If audit records are collected for multiple systems, then an additional field is needed for a system identifier.


Since each audit record specifies a subject and object,it is conceptually associated with some cell in an “audit matrix” whose rows correspond to subjects and columns to objects. The audit matrix is analogous to the “accessmatrix” protection model, which specinfes the rights of subjects to access objects; that is, the actions that each subject is authorized to perform on each object. Our intrusion-detection model differs from the access-matrix model by substituting the concept of “action performed”(as evidenced by an audit record associated with a cell in the matrix) for “action authorized” (as specified by an access right in the matrix cell). Indeed, since activity is observed without regard for authorization, there is an implicit assumption that the access controls in the system permitted an action to occur. The task of intrusion detection is to determine whether activity is unusual enough to suspect an intrusion. Every statistical measure used for this purpose is computed from audit records associated with one or more cells in the matrix.


Most operations on a system involve multiple objects.For example, file copying involves the copy program, the original file, and the copy. Compiling involves the compiler, a source program file, an object program file, and possibly intermediate files and additional source files referenced through “include” statements. Sending an electronic mail message involves the mail program, possibly multiple destinations in the “To!” and “cc” fields, and possibly “include” files.


Our model decomposes all activity into single-object actions so that each audit record references only one object. File copying, for example, is decomposed into an execute operation on the copy command, a read operation on the source file, and a write operation on the destination file. The following illustrates the audit records generated in response to a command COPY GAME.EXE TO GAME.EXE issued by user Smith to copy an executable GAME file into the directory; the copy is aborted because Smith does not have write permission to :

(Smith, execute, COPY. EXE, 0,CPU =00002, 11058521678)

(Smith, read, GAME.EXE, 0,RECORDS=O, 11058521679)

(Smith, write, < Library> GAME. EXE, write-viol,RECORDS=O, 11058521680)




(史密斯,write,GAME.EXE,write viol,RECORDS=O,11058521680)

Decomposing complex actions has three advantages.First, since objects are the protectable entities of a system, the decomposition is consistent’ with the protection mechanisms of systems. Thus, IDES can potentially discover both attempted subversions of the access controls(by noting an abnormality in the number of exception conditions returned) and successful subversions (by noting an abnormality in the set of objects accessible to the subject).Second, single-object audit records greatly simplify the model and its application. Third, the audit records produced by existing systems generally contain a single object, although some systems provide a way of linking together the audit records associated with a “job step”(e.g., copy or compile) so that all files accessed duringexecution of a program can be identified.


The target system is responsible for auditing and for transmitting audit records to the intrusion-detection system for analysis (it may also keep an independent audit trail). The time at which audit records are- generated determines what type of data is available. If the audit record for some action is generated at the time an action is requested, it is possible to measure both successful and unsuccessful attempts to perform the activity, even if the action should abort (e.g., because of a protection violation) or cause a system crash. If it is generated when the action completes, it is possible to measure the resources consumed by the action and exception conditions that may cause the action to terminate abnormally (e.g., because of resource overflow). Thus, auditing an activity after it completes has the advantage of providing more information, but the disadvantage of not allowing immediate detection of abnormalities, especially those related to breakins and system crashes. Thus, activities such as login, execution of high risk commands (e.g., to acquire special “superuser” privileges), or access to sensitive data should be audited when they are attempted -so that penetrations can be detected immediately; if resource-usage data are also desired, additional auditing can be performed on completion as well. 'For example, access to a database containing highly sensitive data may be monitored when the access is attempted and then again when it completes to report the number of records retrieved or updated. Most existing audit systems monitor session activity at both initiation (login), when the time and location of login are recorded, and termination (logout), when the resources consumed during the session are recorded. They do not,however, monitor both the start and finish of command and program execution or file accesses. IBM’s System Management Facilities (SMF) [2], for example, audit only the completion of these activities.


Although the auditing mechanisms of existing systems approximate the model, they are typically deficient in terms of the activities monitored and record structures generated. For example, Berkeley 4.2 UNIX monitors command usage but not file accesses or file protection violations. Some systems do not record all login failures.Programs, including system programs, invoked below the command level are not explicitly monitored (their activity is included in that for the main program). The level at which auditing should take place, however, is unclear,since too much auditing could severely degrade performance on the target system or overload the intrusion-detection system.

虽然现有系统的审计机制近似于该模型,但它们通常在监测的活动和生成的记录结构方面存在缺陷。例如,Berkeley 4.2 UNIX监视命令使用情况,但不监视文件访问或文件保护冲突。有些系统不会记录所有登录失败。在命令级别以下调用的程序(包括系统程序)没有被明确监控(它们的活动包括在主程序的活动中)。然而,由于过多的审计可能会严重降低目标系统的性能或使入侵检测系统过载,审计的级别划分尚不明确。

Deficiencies in the record structures are also present.Most SMF audit records, for example, do not contain a subject field; the subject must be reconstructed by linking together the records associated with a given job. Protection violations are sometimes provided through separate record formats rather than as an exception condition in a common record; VM password failures at login, for example, are handled this way (there are separate records for successful logins and password failures).


Another problem with existing audit records is that they contain little or no descriptive information to identify the values contained therein. Every record type has its own structure, and the exact format of each record type must be known to interpret the values. A uniform record format with self-identifying data would be preferable so that the intrusion-detection software can be system-independent.This could be achieved either by modifying the software that produces the audit records in the target system, or by writing a filter that translates the records into a standard format.




An activity profile characterizes the behavior of a given subject (or set of subjects) with respect to a given object(or set thereof), thereby serving as a signature or description of normal activity for its respective subject(s) and object(s). Observed behavior is characterized in terms of a statistical metric and model. A metric is a random variable x representing a quantitative measure accumulated over a period. The period may be a fixed interval of time(minute, hour, day, week, etc.), or the time between two audit-related events (i.e., between login and logout, program initiation and program termination, file open and file close, etc.). Observations (sample points ) xi of x obtained from the audit records are used together with a statistical model to determine whether a new observation is abnormal. The statistical model makes no assumptions about the underlying distribution of x; all knowledge about x is obtained from observations. Before describing the structure, generation, and application of profiles, we shall first discuss statistical metrics and models.

活动概况描述了给定主体(或一组主体)相对于给定客体(或一组客体)的行为,从而作为其各自主体和客体正常活动的签名或描述。观察到的行为以统计指标和模型为特征。度量是一个随机变量x,它代表了一段时间内累计的定量度量。周期可以是固定的时间间隔(分钟、小时、天、周等),也可以是两个审计相关事件之间的时间间隔(即登录与注销之间、程序启动与程序终止之间、文件打开与文件关闭之间等)。从审计记录中获得的观察结果(样本点)xi 或x与统计模型一起使用,以确定新的观察结果是否异常。统计模型对x的基本分布不做任何假设;关于x的所有知识都是从观察中获得的。在描述配置文件的结构、生成和应用之前,我们首先讨论统计度量和模型。

A. Metrics
We define three types of metrics:



* Event Counter: x is the number of audit records satisfying some property occurring during a period (each audit record corresponds to an event). Examples are number of logins during an hour, number of times some command is executed during a login session, and number of password failures during a minute.


* Interval Timer: x is the length of time between two related events; i.e., the difference between the timestamps in the respective audit records. An example is the length of time between successive logins into an account.


* Resource Measure: x is the quantity of resources consumed by some action during a period as specified in the Resource-Usage field of the audit records. Examples are the total number of pages printed by a user per day and total amount of CPU time consumed by some program during a single execution. Note that a resource measure in our intrusion-detection model is implemented as an event counter or interval timer on the target system.


For example, the number of pages printed during a login session is implemented on the target system as an event counter that counts the number of print events between login and logout; CPU time consumed by a program as an interval timer that runs between program initiation and termination. Thus, whereas event counters and interval timers measure events at the audit-record level, resource measures acquire data from events on the target system that occur at a level below the audit records. The Resource-Usage field of audit records thereby provides a means of data reduction so that fewer events need be explicitly recorded in audit records.


B. Statistical Models


Given a metric for a random variable x and n observations x1, … , xn, the purpose of a statistical model of x is to determine whether a new observation xn+1 is abnormal with respect to the previous observations. The following models may be included in IDES:

给定随机变量x和n个观测值x1,…, xn, x的统计模型的目的是判断一个新的观测值xn+1相对于以前的观测值是否异常。以下模型可能包含在IDES中:

[IDES 的全称是 Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System (互联网演示和评估系统)]

1)Operational Model: This model is based on the operational assumption that abnormality can be decided by comparing a new observation of x against fixed limits.
Although the previous sample points for x are not used,presumably the limits are determined from prior observations of the same type of variable. The operational model is most applicable to metrics where experience has shown that certain values are frequently linked with intrusions. An example is an event counter for the number of password failures during a brief period, where more than 10, say, suggests an attempted break-in.



2)Mean and Standard Deviation Model: This model is based on the assumption that all we know about x1,…,xn are mean and standard deviation as determined from its first two moments:

2)均值和标准差模型(Mean and Standard Deviation Model):该模型基于我们对x1,…,xn为均值和标准偏差,由其前两个时刻决定:

A new observation x. + 1 is defined to be abnormal if it falls outside a confidence interval that is d standard deviations from the mean for some parameter d:

mean ± d x stdev

如果一个新的观察值x. + 1落在距某个参数d的均值d个标准差的置信区间之外,则被定义为异常:


By Chebyshev’s inequality, the probability of a value falling outside this interval is at most 1 /d2; for d = 4, for example, it is at most 0.0625. Note that 0 (or null) occurrences should be included so as not to bias the data.

根据切比雪夫不等式,一个值落在这个区间之外的概率最多为1 /d2;例如,对于d = 4,它最多为0.0625。请注意,应该包含0(或null)出现,以避免数据偏差。

This model is applicable to event counters-, interval timers, and resource measures accumulated over a fixed time interval or between two related events. It has two advantages over an operational model. First, it requires no prior knowledge about normal activity in order to set limits;instead, it learns what constitutes normal activity from its observations, and the confidence intervals automatically reflect this increased knowledge. Second, because the confidence intervals depend on observed data, what is considered to be normal for one user can be considerably different from another.


A slight variation on the mean and standard deviation model is to weight the computations, with greater weights placed on more recent values.


3)Multivariate Model: This model is similar to the mean and standard deviation model except that it is based on correlations among two or more metrics. This model would be useful if experimental data show that better discriminating power can be obtained from combinations of related measures rather than individually-e.g., CPU time and I/O units used by a program, login frequency, and session elapsed time (which may be inversely related).


4)Markov Process Model: This model, which applies only to event counters, regards each distinct type of event(audit record) as a state variable, and uses a state transition matrix to characterize the transition frequencies between states (rather than just the frequencies of the individual states-i.e., audit records-taken separately). A new observation is defined to be abnormal if its probability as determined by the previous state and the transition matrix is too low. This model might be useful for looking at transitions between certain commands where command sequences were important.

4)马尔可夫过程模型(Markov Process Model):该模型仅适用于事件计数器,它将每一种不同类型的事件(审计记录)视为一个状态变量,并使用状态转移矩阵来表征状态之间的转移频率(而不仅仅是单个状态的频率——即。,单独记录审计记录)。如果一个新观测值的概率是由前一个状态决定的,且转移矩阵过低,则该观测值被定义为异常。该模型对于查看某些命令之间的转换可能很有用,其中命令序列很重要。

5)Time Series Model: This model, which uses an interval timer together with an event counter or resource measure, takes into account the order and interarrival times of the observations x1 ,… ,xn, as well as their values. A new observation is abnormal if its probability of occumng at that time is too low. A time series has the advantage of measuring trends of behavior over time and detecting gradual but significant shifts in behavior, but the disadvantage of being more costly than mean and standard deviation.

5)时间序列模型(Time Series Model):该模型使用间隔计时器和事件计数器或资源度量,考虑到观测的顺序和间隔时间x1,…, xn,以及它们的值。如果一个新的观测结果出现的概率太低,那么它就是异常的。时间序列的优点是测量行为随时间变化的趋势,并检测行为的逐渐但显著的变化,但缺点是比平均值和标准差成本更高。

Other statistical models can be considered, for example, models that use more than the first two moments but less than the full set of values.


C. Profile Structure

c .概要文件结构

An activity profile contains information that identifies the statistical model and metric of a random variable, as w1 as the set of audit events measured by the variable.The structure of a profile contains 10 components, the first 7 of which are independent of the specific subjects and objects measured:
<Variable-Name, Action-Pattern, Exception-Pattern,Resource-Usage-Pattern, Period, Variable-Type,Threshold, Subject-Pattern, Object-Pattern, Value>


Subject- and Object-Independent Components:


* Variable-Name: Name of variable.

*变量- 名:变量名。

* Action-Pattern: Pattern that matches zero or more actions in the audit records, e.g., “login,” “read,” “execute.”


* Exception-Pattern: Pattern that matches on the Exception-Condition field of an audit record.


* Resource-Usage-Pattern: Pattern that matches on the Resource-Usage field of an audit record.


* Period: Time interval for measurement, e.g., day,hour, minute (expressed in terms of clock units). This component is null if there is no fixed time interval; i.e.,the period is the duration of the activity.


* Variable-Type: Name of abstract data type that defines a particular type of metric and statistical model, e.g.,event counter with mean and standard deviation model.


* Threshold: Parameter(s) defining limit(s) used in statistical test to determine abnornality. This field and its interpretation is determined by the statistical model (Variable-Type). For the operational model, it is an upper (and possibly lower) bound on the value of an observation; for the mean and standard deviation model, it is the number of standard deviations from the mean.


Subject- and Object-Dependent Components:


* Subject-Pattern: Pattern that matches on the Subject field of audit records.


* Object-Pattern: Pattern that matches on the Object field of audit records.

* Object-Pattern:匹配审计记录的Object字段的模式。

* Value: Value of current (most recent) observation and parameters used by the statistical model to represent distribution of previous values. For the mean and standard deviation model, these parameters are count, sum, and sum-of-squares (first two moments). The operational model requires no parameters.


A profile is uniquely identified by Variable-Name, Subject-Pattern, and Object-Pattern. All components of a profile are invariant except for Value.


Although the model leaves unspecified the exact format for patterns, we have identified the following SNOBOLlike constructs as being useful:


Examples of patterns are:


The following is a sample profile for measuring the quantity of output to user Smith’s terminal on a session basis. The variable type ResourceByActivity denotes a resource measure using the mean and standard deviation model.


Variable-Name: SessionOutput

Action-Pattern: ‘logout’
Exception-Pattern: 0

Resource-Usage-Pattern: ‘SessionOutput=’ # - Amount

Variable-Type: ResourceByActivity
Threshold: 4

Subject-Pattern: ‘Smith’
Object-Pattern: *
Value: record of …

变量名 : 会话控制输出

动作模式 : ’ 注销’

异常模式 : 0

资源使用模式: ‘会话控制输出=’ # →数量


变量类型 : 活动资源

阈值 : 4

主题模式 : ’ 史密斯’

对象模式 : *


Whenever the intrusion-detection system receives an audit record that matches a variable’s patterns, it updates the variable’s distribution and checks for abnormality. The distribution of values for a variable is thus derived—i.e.,learned-as audit records matching the profile patterns are processed.


D. Profiles for Classes

D. 配置文件类

Profiles can be defined for individual subject-object pairs (i.e., where the Subject and Object patterns match specific names, e.g., Subject “Smith” and Object “Foo”), or for aggregates of subjects and objects (i.e.,where the Subject and Object patterns match sets of names) as shown in Fig. 1. For example, file-activity profiles could be created for pairs of individual users and files,for groups of users with respect to specific files, for individual users with respect to classes of files, or for groups of users with respect to file classes. The nodes in the lattice are interpreted as follows:


* Subject-Object: Actions performed by single subject on single object-e.g., user Smith-file Foo.

*主体-对象:单个主体在单个对象上执行的动作,例如用户Smith-file Foo。

* Subject-Object Class: Actions performed by single subject aggregated over all objects in the class. The class of objects might be represented as a pattern match on a subfield of the Object field that specifies the object’s type(class), as a pattern match directly on the object’s name(e.g., the pattern “*.EXE” for all executable files), or as a pattern match that tests whether the object is in some list (e.g., “IN(hit-list)”)

* 主体-对象类:单个主体聚合在类中的所有对象上执行的操作。对象的类可以表示为指定对象类型(类)的对象字段的子字段上的模式匹配,也可以表示为直接在对象名称上的模式匹配(例如:,模式“*. exe”用于所有可执行文件),或者作为一个模式匹配来测试对象是否在某个列表中(例如,“in (hit-list)”)

* Subject Class-Object: Actions performed on single object aggregated over all subjects in the class-e.g.,privileged users-directory file < Library >, nonprivileged users-directory file < Library > .

* 主体类-对象:在类中所有主体聚合的单个对象上执行的动作,如特权用户-目录文件< Library >,非特权用户-目录文件< Library >。

* Subject Class-Object Class: Actions aggregated over all subjects in the class and objects in the class-privileged users-system files, nonprivileged users-system files.

* 主体类-对象类:聚合类中的所有主体和类特权用户系统文件、非特权用户系统文件中的对象的操作。

* Subject: Actions single subject aggregated over all objects-e.g., user session activity.

* 主体:执行的动作。由单个主体在所有对象上聚合而成,如用户会话活动。

* Object: Actions performed on a single object aggregated over all subjects-e.g., password file activity.

* 对象:在一个聚合了所有主题的对象上执行的操作,如密码文件活动。

* Subject Class: Actions aggregated over all subjects in the class-e.g., privileged user activity, nonprivileged user activity.

* 主体类:聚合在类中所有主题上的动作,如特权用户活动,非特权用户活动。

* Object Class: Actions aggregated over all objects in the class-e.g., executable file activity.

* 对象类:聚合在类中所有对象上的操作,如可执行文件活动。

* System: Actions aggregated over all subjects and objects.


The random variable represented by a profile for a class can aggregate activity for the class in two ways:


* Class-as-a-whole activity: The set of all subjects or objects in the class is treated as a single entity, and each observation of the random variable represents aggregate activity for the entity. An example is a profile for the class of all users representing the average number of logins into the system per day, where all users are treated as a single entity.


* Aggregate individual activity: The subjects or objects in the class are treated as distinct entities, and each observation of the random variable represents activity for some member of the class. An example’ is a profile for the class of all users characterizing the average number of logins by any one user per day. Thus, the profile represents a “typical” member of the class.

* 聚合个体活动:类中的主体或对象被视为不同的实体,对随机变量的每次观察代表类中某些成员的活动。一个示例:所有用户类别的概要文件,描述了任何一个用户每天的平均登录次数。因此,概要文件代表了类的一个“典型”成员。

Whereas class-as-a-whole activity can be defined by an event counter, interval timer, or resource measure for the class, aggregate individual activity requires separate metrics for each member of the class. Thus, it is defined in terms of the lower-level profiles (in the sense of the lattice) for the individual class members. For example, average login frequency per day is defined as the average of the daily total frequencies in the individual user login profiles. A measure for a class-as-a-whole could also be defined in terms of lower-level profiles, but this is not necessary.


The two methods of aggregation serve difference purposes with respect to intrusion detection. Class-as-a-whole activity reveals whether some general pattern of behavior is normal with respect to a class. A variable that gives the frequency with which the class of executable program files are updated in the system per day, for example, might be useful for detecting the injection of a virus into the system(which causes executable files to be rewritten as the virus spreads). A frequency distribution of remote logins into the class of dial-up lines might be useful for detecting attempted break-ins.


Aggregate individual activity reveals whether the behavior of a given user (or object) is consistent with that of other users (or objects). This may be useful for detecting intrusions by new users who have deviant behavior from the start.


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