





# Reference 1: http://c.biancheng.net/view/2374.html
class Article():def __init__(self):self.sample1 = ['abc']self.sample2 = 0xFFself.sample3 = '@ClementLevi'self._content = {} # 临时容器,届时不纳入考虑范围内def outputAttrs(self):for attr in self.__dict__: # __dict__属性(一个字典)不会包含父类属性和各种方法,因而十分好用if attr != '_content': # 不导出临时容器,避免递归self._content.update({attr: self.__dict__[attr]}) #此处借鉴参考文献1,实际上并不完全相同;而且后文中修改值的手段也与我此处所写的有很大区别print(self._content)return 0def inputAttrs(self):for attr in self._content.keys(): # dict.keys()会返回一个'dict_keys'类型对象,使用for遍历即可获取各字符串# 此处需要注意,临时容器的名称被写死,不过修改难度不大setattr(self, attr, (self._content)[attr]) # 使用setattr()函数设置属性值return 0# 测试
if __name__ == "__main__":a = Article()print(a.outputAttrs())a._content = {"What":114514}print(a.outputAttrs())a.inputAttrs()print(a.What)


[1]:Python __dict__属性:查看对象内部所有属性名和属性值组成的字典

English Version

Translated by myself from Chinese version. If confused, please refer to the original text.

To acquire attributes of a class object when knowing their names is quite simple – an “a.name” can do. But it is not the case when the names remain unknown (I suppose few can be so careless to forget the names!). In case, here goes a way to solve this problem.

This example shows how key-value pairs about attributes can be digested from a class object without outputting “method” and other things.

Correspondingly, a key-value pair can modify those attributes as well, as long as it is written into a temporary attribute, which can surely be modified into a parameter of this method for other purpose.

The code is as follows:

# Reference 1: http://c.biancheng.net/view/2374.html
class Article():def __init__(self):self.sample1 = ['abc']self.sample2 = 0xFFself.sample3 = '@ClementLevi'self._content = {} # Temporary container which won't outputdef outputAttrs(self):for attr in self.__dict__: # __dict__ won't contain father_class attributes or methods, making it quite convenientif attr != '_content': # Do not output the temp container in case of recursionself._content.update({attr: self.__dict__[attr]}) # Referred to reference_1 but not actually the same. The modification later on is not a same way as wellprint(self._content)return 0def inputAttrs(self):for attr in self._content.keys(): # dict.keys() returns a 'dict_keys' object,which can use 'for' upon for each string# Attention: the container's name is written, but can certainly be changed when you use this codesetattr(self, attr, (self._content)[attr]) # use "setattr()" to set valuesreturn 0# testing
if __name__ == "__main__":a = Article()print(a.outputAttrs())a._content = {"What":114514}print(a.outputAttrs())a.inputAttrs()print(a.What)

Not too much reference, and without the same technique to make this.
[1]:Python __dict__属性:查看对象内部所有属性名和属性值组成的字典

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