CodingGames 之 蝙蝠侠救人




第 1 行: 2 个整数W H. 这 (W,H) 对将建筑物的宽度和高度表示为多个窗户。
第 2 行: 1 个整数n,它代表你在炸弹爆炸之前可以跳的次数。
第 3 行: 2 个整数X0 Y0,代表你的起始位置。



import sys
import math# w: width of the building.
# h: height of the building.
w, h = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
n = int(input())  # maximum number of turns before game over.
x0, y0 = [int(i) for i in input().split()]# game loop
while True:bomb_dir = input()  # the direction of the bombs from batman's current location (U, UR, R, DR, D, DL, L or UL)if bomb_dir == "U":y0 -= 1elif bomb_dir == "UR":x0 += 1y0 -= 1elif bomb_dir == "R":x0 += 1elif bomb_dir == "DR":x0 += 1y0 += 1elif bomb_dir == "D":y0 += 1elif bomb_dir == "DL":x0 -= 1y0 += 1elif bomb_dir == "L":x0 -= 1else:x0 -= 1y0 -= 1# the location of the next window Batman should jump to.print("%d %d" %(x0, y0))


做法二: 反复横跳

  • 设置Xmin,Ymin,Xmax,Ymax,分别表示(0,0)点 和(W-1, H-1) 两个端点

  • 按照系统提供的方向更新(Xmin,Ymin), (Xmax, Ymax)的位置,让范围向目标靠拢

    比如人质在老爷右上方,就可以把xmin 和 ymax 边界设置在老爷的右上角

  • 老爷每次跳在范围的中心点

import sys
import math# w: width of the building.
# h: height of the building.
w, h = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
n = int(input())  # maximum number of turns before game over.
x0, y0 = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
x_min, y_min = 0, 0
x_max, y_max = w - 1, h - 1# game loop
while True:bomb_dir = input()  # the direction of the bombs from batman's current location (U, UR, R, DR, D, DL, L or UL)if bomb_dir == "U":y_max = y0 - 1y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "UR":x_min = x0 + 1y_max = y0 - 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "R":x_min = x0 + 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "DR":x_min = x0 + 1y_min = y0 + 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "D":y_min = y0 + 1y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "DL":x_max = x0 - 1y_min = y0 + 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2elif bomb_dir == "L":x_max = x0 - 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2else:x_max = x0 - 1y_max = y0 + 1x0 = (x_min + x_max) // 2y0 = (y_min + y_max) // 2# the location of the next window Batman should jump to.print("%d %d" %(x0, y0))




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