


Felipe Oliveira
Level 12
MH Trial
Nov 30, 2017#1
Hi All,
We are pleased to announce availability of Comodo Official Uninstaller that can be used if you can not uninstall Comodo Internet Security, Comodo firewall or Comodo Antivirus from Add/Remove or Uninstall section of Windows.

For 64-Bit Operating Systems:(注:64位comodo/科摩多卸载工具下载地址)
Size: 1.60 MB (1,688,256 bytes)
MD5: ac45fb246f2fef1a9da5971003afb625
SHA1: b5706204170cb2257914d407ee9640506d579a7c

For 32-Bit Operating Systems:(注:32位comodo/科摩多卸载工具下载地址)
Size: 1.47 MB (1,543,360 bytes) 
MD5: 4ad9e9a5411980dfe8e510194698c2b4
SHA1: 266304cc77ab7549340a0e2ed6f56e7065e99083

Few points:
Before it continues un-installation, it tries to create system re-store point and in case it fails, it will inform user to create before continuing.

It will typically ask for re-boot twice.

If this tool still fails and you still think you have Comodo installed and can't re-install, we would like you to report bug in bug report section, providing following log files as input in post:

- You will find log in same folder from where uninstall tool was executed
- You need to find all logs from Windows temp folder (Windows Key + R and then type in %TEMP%) of following format:
COMODO *_uninstall.log

A broken uninstallation situation typically happens when you end up re-starting system in between installation or update or somehow abort the installation or update. We hope this tool will help remove Comodo in those critical situations.

To mitigate these problems in future, in Dec-2017 CIS release:
- Before CIS installation, uninstallation and update, CIS will try to create system re-store point
- We will also be shipping these binaries together with Comodo installation in Dec-2017 release.


 Likes:ZeroDay, Av Gurus, GonzitoVir and 5 oth


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