
When you mute iOS, incoming phone calls and texts vibrate instead of playing whatever ringtone you set up. Alarms, on the other hand, will always play the ringtone whether your phone is muted or not. If you’d like to be able have an alarm vibrate your device instead of making a sound, you can do that by creating a silent ringtone.

当您使iOS静音时,来电和短信会震动,而不是播放您设置的铃声。 另一方面,无论您的手机是否静音,闹钟都将始终播放铃声。 如果您想让警报使设备振动而不是发出声音,则可以通过创建静音铃声来实现。

第一步:创建静音铃声 (Step One: Create a Silent Ringtone)

Adding custom ringtones to your iOS device is not difficult. Unfortunately, there are no silent ringtones built in. There are a few available in the Apple Store for purchase, and if you want to add a new ringtone without hooking your phone up to a computer and using iTunes, purchasing one from the store is the only easy way to do it.

向您的iOS设备添加自定义铃声并不困难。 不幸的是,没有内置的无声铃声。AppleStore中有一些可供购买,如果您要添加新的铃声而不将手机挂接到计算机并使用iTunes,则可以从商店购买一个铃声。唯一简单的方法。

If you are willing to use iTunes, you have other options. You can make your own silent ringtone using a program like Audacity or a ringtone creator app on your phone–just record a few seconds of silence. But that’s still a bit of a hassle, so we created this silent ringtone to save you the trouble.

如果您愿意使用iTunes,则还有其他选择。 您可以使用Audacity之类的程序或手机上的铃声创建器应用程序制作自己的无声铃声,只需录制几秒钟的无声即可。 但这仍然有点麻烦,因此我们创建了此静音铃声来为您节省麻烦。

Just download the file, unzip it, then drag the file to iTunes (or open the file from within iTunes). iTunes will know that it’s a ringtone because it uses the M4R file extension and will set it up where it needs to go. Connect your device to your computer and open the device settings in iTunes.

只需下载文件,将其解压缩,然后将文件拖到iTunes(或从iTunes中打开文件)即可。 iTunes将知道它是铃声,因为它使用M4R文件扩展名并将其设置在需要的位置。 将设备连接到计算机,然后在iTunes中打开设备设置。

On the Tones page, make sure “Sync Tones” is enabled, then choose whether you want to sync all tones or just selected tones.


Sync your device with iTunes and the ringtone will now be available on your device.


第二步:使用静音铃声设置闹钟 (Step Two: Set an Alarm with the Silent Ringtone)

Now that you have the silent ringtone on your device, you can set it up with an alarm. Open your clock App and switch to the Alarm tab.

现在,您的设备上已具有静音铃声,您可以通过警报对其进行设置。 打开时钟应用程序,然后切换到“警报”选项卡。

Tap the New button to create a new alarm.


Set the time and other options for your new alarm and then tap Sound.


On the Sound page, your custom ringtones are listed at the top of the available ringtones. Select your new silent ringtone (your phone will vibrate when you do) and then tap Back.

在“声音”页面上,您的自定义铃声在可用铃声的顶部列出。 选择新的静音铃声(当您这样做时,手机会振动),然后点按返回。

Tap Save to save your new silent alarm.


Now, whether your device is muted or not, that alarm will only vibrate and will not make any sound.


That’s all there is to it. Yes, you have to deal with iTunes, but only briefly. And once you’ve got the silent ringtone installed, you’ll probably find other uses for it as well. For example, you could assign it to specific contacts if you’d rather the phone not ring when they call.

这里的所有都是它的。 是的,您必须处理iTunes,但必须简短。 而且,一旦安装了无提示铃声​​,您可能还会发现它的其他用途。 例如,如果您希望电话在通话时不响铃,则可以将其分配给特定的联系人 。




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