    我喜欢的一句话:    我,是我命运的主宰,我,是我灵魂的统帅。
    I am a creative college student, I just entered the university, professional computer, language java, lucky to become a program ape, I like Lei Jun, (he is as computer-born as we are, he used to be as unknown as us, but he came out of his life) we have been young, who would like to do a young
     I like a sentence: "I am the master of my destiny, and I am the commander of my soul.
    Coughing (laughter) Let me tell you a story. "I've been with her for three years, she's been not allowed to smoke, but when time goes on, she's still separated." Although very reluctant, but the separate has become a certainty, many years later, I met her in the street, I hurriedly smoke, she looked at me with a surprised look ... (Pause "    I remembered her, and it was my head teacher again. Make a joke. 
    I am confident, I can do, I am from the 19 level of the network 2 class Xie Qi, I am an imaginative, intelligent optimistic person, yes
    The theme of my speech today is "Youth and Dreams" (the right thing to say) that the world, only youth and dreams can not live up. Flowers just, the breeze is not dry, you and I Yang fan, set sail. 
    I was in Fengming school for three years, from the first to the third, during which I dedicated my youth, I often think, what color is youth? 
    Youth is the sea of flowers in May, brilliant, is the seaside waves, never stop, is the midsummer sun, passion, youth in Fengming school, in my eyes, is colorful 
    I want to ask you a question, please follow me, raise your right hand, you see what it looks like, (palm... "Please all five fingers together, place waist, and then slowly raised, raised above the head, and then open, success?" "Congratulations, put a firework on yourself. 
    Now, please hold your hands into fists and stick them in your ears. If you can clearly hear the rhythm of the pulse, then I tell you, this is life! 
    Our dream is very beautiful and far big, but only to master into a fist, with the best efforts to wave to life, so that is the way of youth should have a gesture!
    My main job now is to work as a student, perhaps many students will feel, thirty-six lines, line out of the shape of the yuan, the game to play well, but also out of the head, then why do I study seriously, why not play a good game, will do a host, also very good. 
    Students with a kind of idea, please be sure, dispel this idea, the game can become a successful road, but this road, in fact, far more difficult than reading. 
As you know, there are a lot of fish in this pond, but you have not learned to fish, not to learn to fish, when everyone is fishing in a crazy fishing with nets, you can only jump off the water to fish with your hands.
     Therefore, knowledge is the best way for us to change our lives. 
    When others sleep when you are learning, when others play games when you are learning, you tearful lying in the night dance, running in the memory!
     Because no one wants to be an ordinary person when they are young! 
    If, youth, is footprint, that dream, must, called far away.
    Please students believe that life is clear, everything is lovely, the world is worth it, the future can be!
    This is the end of my speech, thank you.


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