




Given u0 = 1, u1 = 2 and the relation 6unun+1-5unun+2+un+1un+2 = 0 calculate un for any integer n >= 0.


fct(n) returns unfct(17) -> 131072, fct(21) -> 2097152

Remark: You can take two points of view to do this kata:

  • the first one purely algorithmic from the definition of un

  • the second one - not at all mandatory, but as a complement - is to get a bit your head around and find which sequence is hidden behind un.

package codewars;
import java.math.BigInteger;class HiddenSeq {public static BigInteger fcn(int n) {return new BigInteger("2").pow(n);}
package codewars;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigInteger;public class HiddenSeqTest {private static void testing(BigInteger actual, BigInteger expected) {assertEquals(expected, actual);}@Testpublic void test1() {System.out.println("Fixed Tests: fcn");    testing(HiddenSeq.fcn(17), BigInteger.valueOf(131072));testing(HiddenSeq.fcn(21), BigInteger.valueOf(2097152));testing(HiddenSeq.fcn(14), BigInteger.valueOf(16384));testing(HiddenSeq.fcn(43), BigInteger.valueOf(8796093022208L));testing(HiddenSeq.fcn(19), BigInteger.valueOf(524288));}}


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