1. Evidence came up that specific(adj,具体的) speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

  2. Concerns were raised that witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate(夸大) their stories in court(法庭) to ensure guilty verdicts.

  3. It has been validated by numerous facts that triumphs belong to those sparing no efforts.

  4. It is self-evident that in the caricature,after they abandoned their walking sticks ,two disabled men were supporting each other to run forth .

  5. the point of the issue seems who should be responsible for the decline of ethics.

  6. If there appears persistence in your mind.success will be achieved sooner or later.

  7. Being meaningful proves to live well,living well seems to do meaningful things

  8. Smile hardly means happiness

  9. Being jealous is a kind of worship(n,崇拜)

  10. Authorities should be suggested to take measures ==so as to(为了,目的)==relieve the problem

  11. There is little doubt that the issue of spoiling children is becoming growingly severe

  12. My brother surfs the internet everyday,spending a lot of time looking on many different websites

  13. Hating a person is penalizing yourself because of the fault of others

  14. He looks indecent(adj邋遢的) in appearance but he is noble(adj高贵的) in his mind.

  15. The most attractive is this many consumers are only interested in those products ,but they cannot afford them

  16. As you are trapped in a dilemma ,those who don’t understand you and who don’t accompany you will not deserve your love

  17. Under modern conditions ,this requires varying measures of centralized control(集中的控制) and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. specialize in…擅长…

  18. The data suggest ,for example ,that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents,sought out as friends(结交朋友),and pursued romantically.

  19. There is agreement whether methodology(方法论) refers to the concepts peculiar to(…特有的) historical work in general or the research technique appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry(调查)

  20. Until these issues are resolved ,a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected ,and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems.


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