
Ihave written countless pieces about my love for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Just like my hatred for Tom Nook, my love for this game knows no bounds. But just one aspect of my admiration for the game and its creators lay in its treatment of food.

写过无数关于我对《动物穿越:新视野》的热爱。 就像我对汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)的仇恨一样,我对这场比赛的热爱无止境 。 但是,我对游戏及其创造者的钦佩只有一方面在于对食物的处理。

We all remember the Nintendo Wii, and the Wii Fit, aka my arch-nemesis. Cue flashbacks to scenes of intense embarrassment. You get on the Wii Fit board and find you’ve gained weight. Your Mii gets a little fatter. A visual reminder of the horrid effects of eating. Oh, dear.

我们都还记得任天堂的Wii Wii Fit的,又名我的头号克星 提示回闪到强烈的尴尬场面。 您上Wii Fit板上,发现体重增加了。 您的Mii会胖一些。 视觉提醒人们进食的可怕效果。 噢亲爱的。

In Animal Crossing, fruits fuel your activities. When you consume apples, cherries, peaches, oranges, pears, or coconuts, you can suddenly chop trees with just one swipe of the axe. You can crush stones with one heavy thump of a shovel. You can dig up a whole tree (roots included) and place it in your pocket. Then, you can plant that tree somewhere else around your island. It’s a beautiful reminder: your body needs fuel, and with that fuel, it can do things it wouldn’t normally be able to do.

在“ 动物穿越”中 ,水果为您的活动提供了动力。 当您食用苹果,樱桃,桃子,橙子,梨或椰子时,只需轻轻一扫斧头,即可突然砍伐树木。 您可以用一沉重的铁锹砸碎石头。 您可以挖出整棵树(包括根)并将其放在口袋中。 然后,您可以在岛上其他地方种树。 这是一个美丽的提醒:您的身体需要加油,并且有了加油,它就能完成通常无法做到的事情。

The tree relocation aspect is particularly helpful when you have an aversion to shaking trees, like me. I don’t like the fact that a bee can zoom out of my leafy friend like a bat out of hell and follow me around until he’s stung me to death. It’s a no from me. I also don’t like the fact that, sometimes, the fruit falls in random places. I made the well-intentioned decision to plant a few coconuts near the ocean. Roughly two-thirds of all of the coconuts I shake from the tree now end up in the ocean. Great.

当您不喜欢像我一样摇动树木时,树木的重新安置特别有用。 我不喜欢蜜蜂可以像蝙蝠一样从地上飞出来,然后跟着我走,直到他把我刺死为止。 我拒绝了 我也不喜欢有时水果掉在随机位置的事实。 我做出了一个好主意的决定,在海边种了一些椰子。 我从树上摇动的椰子中,大约有三分之二现在落入了海洋。 大。

If you get a Nook Miles Ticket (go to the little Nook Stop machine in the town hall), you can fly to an uninhabited island, where there will be coconuts galore.

如果您获得了Nook Miles票(前往市政厅中的小型Nook Stop机器),则可以飞往一个无人居住的岛屿,那里将盛产椰子。

Me outside the town hall celebrating the opening of the tailor’s shop with my arch-nemesis Tom Nook.
我在市政厅外面与我的仇敌汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)庆祝裁缝店的开业。
Chilling outside when Julia is very mean to me. Shame on you, Julia. I immediately went into Resident Services and reported her to Isabelle, because I’m THAT kind of person. I’m the living embodiment of a Karen meme. Take me to your manager, now!
当Julia对我很卑鄙的时候在外面变冷。 Julia,真可惜。 我立即进入居民服务中心,并将她报告给了伊莎贝尔,因为我是那种人。 我是卡伦模因的活生生的体现。 现在带我去你的经理!

Hey, just a minute — why has Tom Nook named everything after him? He is such a megalomaniac narcissist. Let’s kill him.

嘿,只需一分钟-为什么汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)以他的名字命名? 他真是个大狂自恋者。 让我们杀死他。

Anyway, take a few of these coconuts back home to your island. You can sell them for a good mark-up of 250 bells (150 more than your native fruit), so four coconuts will give you the princely sum of 1,000 bells. Non-native fruit sells for 500 bells, which will make you a millionaire pretty quickly. Pay off your house loans to that capitalist overlord Nook in double the time if you sell exotic fruits to his freaky mini-me children!

无论如何,将其中一些椰子带回您的岛屿。 您可以以250铃的高价出售它们(比您的本地水果多150铃),因此四个椰子将为您带来1,000铃的王子价格。 非本地水果售价为500铃,这将很快使您成为百万富翁。 如果您将奇特的水果卖给他那怪异的迷你我的孩子,您就可以以两倍的时间偿还给那位资本家霸主Nook的房屋贷款!

Wilbur and Orville assume no responsibility for anything, ever.

This is particularly useful when you’re terraforming your island.


Don’t be like Bluebear, and read the instructions.

Island terraforming is one of the best things you can do in Animal Crossing. With the way the fruit works, you can move trees around with the landscape.

岛屿地形改造是您可以在Animal Crossing中做的最好的事情之一。 通过水果的工作方式,您可以随景观移动树木。

When you eat fruit in the game, your little character doesn’t change shape. Her clothes are all one-size and not the kind of one-size you sometimes get in stores which isn’t one-size at all. Which I hate. For someone with an eating disorder, it feels calming beyond words to eat (even in a game) and not worry about the effects after.

在游戏中吃水果时,您的小角色不会改变形状。 她的衣服都是全码的,而不是您有时在商店买到的全码的那种。 我讨厌 对于有饮食失调症的人来说,即使吃饭也无法言语(即使在游戏中),他们也能保持镇定,而不用担心之后的后果。

I don’t have to worry about my clothes not fitting, or about bloat. It’s just a little thing, but it’s a thing I’m really thankful for. For years I was caught up in a vicious cycle of restricted eating, overeating, and binging and purging.

我不必担心我的衣服不合身或发肿。 这只是一小件事,但这是我非常感谢的事情。 多年来,我陷入了限制进食,暴饮暴食,暴食和排毒的恶性循环。

New Horizons’ treatment of food as fuel reminds me that food is a good thing. It allows me to perform activities I wouldn’t be able to normally do…like chasing Nook with a pitchfork.

新地平线处理食物为燃料的提醒我,食物是一件好事 。 它使我能够执行平常无法完成的活动……就像用干草叉追赶Nook。




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