

















Rules on Seat Reservation via Seat Management System

1. Starting at 7:00 a.m. each day, readers can reserve seats for current or next day. The readers who have successfully made reservation can hold the seats (if properly used) until the library gets closed that day. Applicants could log in the reservation system with campus ID (username) and password.

2. There are 3 ways for readers to make reservation and use the seats:

1)If readers successfully reserve seats for current day before 8:00 a.m. and pass through the turnstiles at entrance before 8:30 a.m., they will be automatically identified as “signed in” by system.

2)Throughout the opening hours each day, readers can reserve seats online for current day at places outside the library. As long as the readers pass through the turnstiles at entrance within 30 minutes after completing reservation, they will be automatically identified as “signed in” by system.

3)Readers can enter the library through the turnstiles first, and then reserve seats online or via a seat reservation machine for that day. Readers will be identified as “signed in” immediately after their successful reservation.

3. The readers who already reserved seats for next day should enter the library through turnstiles before 8:30 a.m. next day, then the readers will be identified as “signed in”.

4.Cancelling reservation: the readers who have reserved seats for next day can cancel reservation before 7:00 a.m. next day(no limit on the number of times), those who have reserved seats for current day can cancel reservation only once a day.Thereaders Please click My Account – My Reservation – Cancel My Reservation to cancel. The readers who reserve and use seats on the same day are not allowed to cancel the reservation.

5.Breach arising from not signing in:if readers have successfully reserved seats but did not sign in within the required time in rules No. 2 and No. 3, and did not cancel the reservation by the cut-off time in rule No. 4, they will be marked with “one breach for not signing in”.

6. Temporarily leaving the library: if readers change their status as “leave the library temporarily” via seat reservation machine, relevant webpage or Wechat, system will hold the seats for them as long as they come back within60 minutes since leaving. If readers leave during time slots 10:30 a.m. -13:00 p.m., 16:30 p.m. -19:00 p.m., system will hold the seats as long as they come back within120minutesand90 minutes respectively since leaving. If readers leave the library temporarily and return on time, they will be identified as “signed in” when re-passing through turnstiles. If readers change their status as “leave the library temporarily” but do not leave as a matter of fact, they still need to sign in within given time via seat reservation machine or relevant webpage. For the readers who do not come back on time, system will release their seats for others to reserve, and the readers concerned will get a record of breach for “leaving the library temporarily but not returning within given time”.

7. Leaving the library:readers should always pass through turnstiles with swiping Campus Card to leave the library (incl. leaving temporarily), otherwise they will get a record of breach for “left the library without system confirmation”. For the readers who did not change their status as “leaving the library temporarily” but still left, their seats will be automatically released by system when they passed through turnstiles.

8. The readers who do not have username for ECNU identity authentication system (ECNU alumni, etc.) could not reserve seats in advance, but they can make it via seat reservation machine after entering the library.

9. Readers are expected to behave properly in the library, including not moving any desks or chairs, etc. Please take care of your personal belongings and take them away before the library gets closed each day, excluding the stuff in the lockers of qualified users. Any loss caused by cleaning up the left personal belongings will be borne by the readers involved.

Notes on breaches:

1. “Not signing in”:this is a breach that readers have successfully reserved seats but did not pass through turnstiles or swipe Campus Card on seat reservation machine within required time to sign in.

2. “Leaving the library temporarily but did not return within given time”:this is a breach that readers applied for “leaving the library temporarily”, but did not pass through turnstiles or swipe Campus Card on seat reservation machine within required time to sign in.

3. “Left the library without system confirmation”:this is a breach that readers had successfully reserved seats but left the library without swiping Campus Card, and then enter the library once again through turnstiles. For the readers who left the library without swiping Campus Card after 9:00 p.m., they won’t get a breach as long as they do not enter the library once again that night. If readers leave the library without system confirmation, the seats they already reserved will be released to others as long as they re-pass through turnstiles.

PS:The library will add up each reader’s breaches arising from seat use in both libraries located on Zhongshan Campus and Minhang Campus. The reader who has got 5 breaches of any circumstance will be suspended from seat use (incl. seat reservation) for 3 calendar days. The breach record will be cleared as “Zero” after the suspension terminates, and the reader involved will be allowed to choose and reserve seats again.




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