

  • ice
    • Task1 Connect
    • Task2 Recon
    • Task3 Gain Access
    • Task4 Escalate
    • Task5 Looting
    • Task6 Post-Exploitation
    • Task7 Extra Credit
    • Task7 Extra Credit

Task1 Connect

1.Connect to our network using OpenVPN. Here is a mini walkthrough of connecting:

Go to your access page and download your configuration file.

2.Use an OpenVPN client to connect. In my example I am on Linux, on the access page we have a windows tutorial.****

When you run this you see lots of text, at the end it will say Initialization Sequence Completed

3.You can verify you are connected by looking on your access page. Refresh the page

You should see a green tick next to Connected. It will also show you your internal IP address

You are now ready to use our machines on our network!

4.Now when you deploy material, you will see an internal IP address of your Virtual Machine.

Task2 Recon

1.Deploy the machine! This may take up to three minutes to start

2.Launch a scan against our target machine, I recommend using a SYN scan set to scan all ports on the machine. The scan command will be provided as a hint, however, it’s recommended to complete the room ‘Nmap’ prior to this room.

3.Once the scan completes, we’ll see a number of interesting ports open on this machine. As you might have guessed, the firewall has been disabled (with the service completely shutdown), leaving very little to protect this machine. One of the more interesting ports that is open is Microsoft Remote Desktop (MSRDP). What port is this open on?


4.What service did nmap identify as running on port 8000? (First word of this service)


5.What does Nmap identify as the hostname of the machine? (All caps for the answer)


Task3 Gain Access

1.Now that we’ve identified some interesting services running on our target machine, let’s do a little bit of research into one of the weirder services identified: Icecast. Icecast, or well at least this version running on our target, is heavily flawed and has a high level vulnerability with a score of 7.5 (7.4 depending on where you view it). What type of vulnerability is it? Use for this question and the next.

Execute CodeOverflow

CVE-2004-1561 : Buffer overflow in Icecast 2.0.1 and earlier allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an HTTP request with (

2.What is the CVE number for this vulnerability? This will be in the format: CVE-0000-0000


3.Now that we’ve found our vulnerability, let’s find our exploit. For this section of the room, we’ll use the Metasploit module associated with this exploit. Let’s go ahead and start Metasploit using the command msfconsole

4.After Metasploit has started, let’s search for our target exploit using the command ‘search icecast’. What is the full path (starting with exploit) for the exploitation module? This module is also referenced in ‘RP: Metasploit’ which is recommended to be completed prior to this room, although not entirely necessary.


5.Let’s go ahead and select this module for use. Type either the command use icecast or use 0 to select our search result

6.Following selecting our module, we now have to check what options we have to set. Run the command show options. What is the only required setting which currently is blank?

7.First let’s check that the LHOST option is set to our tun0 IP (which can be found on the access page). With that done, let’s set that last option to our target IP. Now that we have everything ready to go, let’s run our exploit using the command exploit

Task4 Escalate

1.Woohoo! We’ve gained a foothold into our victim machine! What’s the name of the shell we have now?


2.What user was running that Icecast process? The commands used in this question and the next few are taken directly from the ‘RP: Metasploit’ room


3.What build of Windows is the system?


4.Now that we know some of the finer details of the system we are working with, let’s start escalating our privileges. First, what is the architecture of the process we’re running?


5.Now that we know the architecture of the process, let’s perform some further recon. While this doesn’t work the best on x64 machines, let’s now run the following command run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester. This can appear to hang as it tests exploits and might take several minutes to complete


6.Running the local exploit suggester will return quite a few results for potential escalation exploits. What is the full path (starting with exploit/) for the first returned exploit?

7.Now that we have an exploit in mind for elevating our privileges, let’s background our current session using the command background or CTRL + z. Take note of what session number we have, this will likely be 1 in this case. We can list all of our active sessions using the command sessions when outside of the meterpreter shell.

8.Go ahead and select our previously found local exploit for use using the command use FULL_PATH_FOR_EXPLOIT

9.Local exploits require a session to be selected (something we can verify with the command show options), set this now using the command set session SESSION_NUMBER

10.Now that we’ve set our session number, further options will be revealed in the options menu. We’ll have to set one more as our listener IP isn’t correct. What is the name of this option?

11.Set this option now. You might have to check your IP on the TryHackMe network using the command ip addr

12.After we’ve set this last option, we can now run our privilege escalation exploit. Run this now using the command run. Note, this might take a few attempts and you may need to relaunch the box and exploit the service in the case that this fails.

13.Following completion of the privilege escalation a new session will be opened. Interact with it now using the command sessions SESSION_NUMBER

14.We can now verify that we have expanded permissions using the command getprivs. What permission listed allows us to take ownership of files?


Task5 Looting

1.Prior to further action, we need to move to a process that actually has the permissions that we need to interact with the lsass service, the service responsible for authentication within Windows. First, let’s list the processes using the command ps. Note, we can see processes being run by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as we have escalated permissions (even though our process doesn’t).

2.In order to interact with lsass we need to be ‘living in’ a process that is the same architecture as the lsass service (x64 in the case of this machine) and a process that has the same permissions as lsass. The printer spool service happens to meet our needs perfectly for this and it’ll restart if we crash it! What’s the name of the printer service?

Mentioned within this question is the term ‘living in’ a process. Often when we take over a running program we ultimately load another shared library into the program (a dll) which includes our malicious code. From this, we can spawn a new thread that hosts our shell.


3.Migrate to this process now with the command `migrate -N PROCESS_NAME

4.Let’s check what user we are now with the command getuid. What user is listed?


5.Now that we’ve made our way to full administrator permissions we’ll set our sights on looting. Mimikatz is a rather infamous password dumping tool that is incredibly useful. Load it now using the command load kiwi (Kiwi is the updated version of Mimikatz)

6.Loading kiwi into our meterpreter session will expand our help menu, take a look at the newly added section of the help menu now via the command help.

7.Which command allows up to retrieve all credentials?


8.Run this command now. What is Dark’s password? Mimikatz allows us to steal this password out of memory even without the user ‘Dark’ logged in as there is a scheduled task that runs the Icecast as the user ‘Dark’. It also helps that Windows Defender isn’t running on the box


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