
mpi4py写了个wrapper。包括并行写入和读出,对于numpy arraysplitscatterbcastgather,基本完成。如果有新想法应该会持续更新,加入新功能。

import h5py as h5
from mpi4py import MPI
import time
import numpy as npmpi_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
mpi_size = mpi_comm.Get_size()
mpi_rank = mpi_comm.Get_rank()def process_size(total_size, rank=mpi_rank, size=mpi_size):'''Split an array into chunks for mpi process, the chunk length for each chunks.'''if rank < int(total_size % size):return int(total_size//size + 1)else:return int(total_size//size)def ind_end(total_size, rank=mpi_rank, size=mpi_size):'''Split an array into chunks for mpi process, the end index for each chunks.'''all_size = [int(total_size//size + 1)]* int(total_size % size)#print(total_size, all_size)all_size += [int(total_size//size)]* (total_size - int(total_size % size))#print(size, all_size)return np.cumsum(all_size)[rank]def ind_start(total_size, rank=mpi_rank, size=mpi_size):'''Split an array into chunks for mpi process, the start index for each chunks.'''return ind_end(total_size, rank=rank, size=size) - process_size(total_size, rank=rank, size=size)def parallel_save_dataset(filename, key, data, group_name=None, axis=0):'''Save data from different process to one file, data from different process is concatenate along input axis.\nfilenaem: filename to save the data\nkey: key of the dataset to save data\ndata: ndarray, data to save\ngroup_name: if None, save data to file[key] else save data to file[group_name][key]\naxis: along with axis to concatenate data, length of other axis of data should be the same for different process.\n'''data = np.asarray(data)shp = list(data.shape)num = shp[axis]len_axes = mpi_comm.gather(num, root=0)if mpi_rank == 0:ied = np.cumsum(len_axes)else:ied = Noneied = mpi_comm.scatter(ied, root=0)ist = ied - numsave_slice = [slice(None,None,None)]*len(shp)save_slice[axis] = slice(ist, ied, None)save_slice = tuple(save_slice)if mpi_rank == 0:shp[axis] = sum(len_axes)with h5.File(filename, 'a') as filein:if group_name is None:filein.create_dataset(key, shape=shp, dtype=data.dtype)else:filein.create_group(group_name)filein[group_name].create_dataset(key, shape=shp, dtype=data.dtype)mpi_comm.barrier()if group_name is None:print_key = keyelse:print_key = '%s\' in group \'%s'%(key, group_name)for ii in range(mpi_size):if ii == mpi_rank:for _ in range(10):try:#raise IOErrorwith h5.File(filename, 'a') as filein:if group_name is None:filein[key][save_slice] = dataelse:filein[group_name][key][save_slice] = dataprint('Rank %d save dataset \'%s\' %d to %d into %s!'%(mpi_rank, print_key, ist, ied, filename))time.sleep(0.5)breakexcept IOError as e:print('%s for rank %d, sleep 0.5 second!'%(e, mpi_rank))time.sleep(0.5)else:raise IOError('Rank %d save dataset \'%s\' %d to %d into %s!'%(mpi_rank, print_key, ist, ied, filename))mpi_comm.barrier()def parallel_load_dataset(filename, key, group_name=None, axis=0):'''Load data from one file and spread to different process .\nfilenaem: filename to save the data\nkey: key of the dataset to save data\ngroup_name: if None, save data to file[key] else save data to file[group_name][key]\naxis: the axis to spread\n'''with h5.File(filename, 'r') as filein:if group_name is None:dataset = filein[key]else:dataset = filein[group_name][key]shp = dataset.shapenum = shp[axis]ist = ind_start(num)ied = ind_end(num)save_slice = [slice(None,None,None)]*len(shp)save_slice[axis] = slice(ist, ied, None)save_slice = tuple(save_slice)return dataset[save_slice]def parallel_save_multi_dataset(filename, key, data, group_name=None):'''Save data from different process to one file with different key.\nfilenaem: filename to save the data\nkey: key of the dataset to save data\ndata: ndarray, data to save\ngroup_name: if None, save data to file[key] else save data to file[group_name][key]\n'''if group_name is None:print_key = keyelse:print_key = '%s\' in group \'%s'%(key, group_name)for ii in range(mpi_size):if ii == mpi_rank:for _ in range(10):try:#raise IOErrorwith h5.File(filename, 'a') as filein:if group_name is None:filein[key] = dataelif group_name in filein.keys():filein[group_name][key] = dataelse:filein.create_group(group_name)filein[group_name][key] = dataprint('Rank %d save dataset \'%s\' into %s!'%(mpi_rank, print_key, filename))time.sleep(0.5)breakexcept IOError as e:print('%s for rank %d, sleep 0.5 second!'%(e, mpi_rank))time.sleep(0.5)else:raise IOError('Rank %d cannot save \'%s\' into %s!'%(mpi_rank, print_key, filename))mpi_comm.barrier()def split_uneven_array(data, root=0, axis=0):'''array_split and then scatter the splitted array as python object'''if mpi_rank == root:data = np.asarray(data)data = np.array_split(data, mpi_size, axis=axis)new_data = mpi_comm.scatter(data, root=root)return new_datadef split_even_array(data, root=0, axis=0):'''array_split and then scatter the splitted array as numpy array'''if mpi_rank == root:data = np.asarray(data)shp = list(data.shape)assert shp[axis]%mpi_size==0, 'Axis %d with length %d cannot exactly divided by mpi size %d!'%(axis, shp[axis], mpi_size)dtype = data.dtypedata = np.array_split(data, mpi_size, axis=axis)data = np.asarray(data)else:dtype = Noneshp = Nonedtype = mpi_comm.bcast(dtype, root=root)shp = mpi_comm.bcast(shp, root=root)shp[axis] = process_size(shp[axis])new_data = np.empty(shp, dtype=dtype)mpi_comm.Scatter(data, new_data, root=root)#new_data = mpi_comm.scatter(data, root=root)return new_datadef split_array(data, root=0, axis=0):'''Split data at root process along axis, and scatter it to other process. If the axis can be split into equal length part, spread them as numpy array, otherwise spread them as python object.'''if mpi_size == 1:return np.asarray(data)if mpi_rank == root:data = np.asarray(data)shp = list(data.shape)if shp[axis]%mpi_size==0:even = Trueelse:even = Falseelse:even = Noneeven = mpi_comm.bcast(even, root=root)if even:print('Split and scatter as numpy array!')return split_even_array(data, root=root, axis=axis)else:print('Split and scatter as python object!')return split_uneven_array(data, root=root, axis=axis)def bcast_array(data, root=0):'''Broadcast array from root as numpy array, but do not need to allocate memory manually.'''if mpi_size == 1:return np.asarray(data)if mpi_rank == root:data = np.asarray(data)dtype = data.dtypeshp = data.shapeelse:dtype = Noneshp = Nonedtype = mpi_comm.bcast(dtype, root=root)shp = mpi_comm.bcast(shp, root=root)if mpi_rank != root:data = np.empty(shp, dtype=dtype)mpi_comm.Bcast(data, root=root)return datadef gather_array(data, root=0, axis=0, expand_dim=False, ascontiguous=True):'''Gather array from root, and concatenate them along axis. If expand_dim, use np.expand_dims to expand axis then concatenate along the new axis. If ascontiguous, ensure the returned array is contiguous using np.ascontiguousarray.'''if mpi_size == 1:if expand_dim:return np.expand_dims(data, axis=axis)else:return np.asarray(data)data = np.asarray(data)shp = list(data.shape)if expand_dim:print('Gather as numpy array and expand axis=%d!'%axis)even = Truenew_shp = [mpi_size] + shpall_shp = mpi_comm.gather(shp, root=root)all_shp = mpi_comm.bcast(all_shp, root=root)for ii in all_shp[1:]:assert np.array_equal(ii, all_shp[0]), 'Shape of data must be the same if expand_dim!'else:all_shp = mpi_comm.gather(shp, root=root)all_shp = mpi_comm.bcast(all_shp, root=root)shp0 = all_shp[0]even = Truetotal_len = shp0[axis]for ii in all_shp[1:]:assert len(shp0) == len(ii), 'Data from different mpi process should have the same number of dimensions! Shapes are: %s'%all_shpshp1 = shp0.copy()shp2 = ii.copy()del shp1[axis]del shp2[axis]assert np.array_equal(shp1, shp2), 'Data from different mpi process should have the same shape except for the merge axis! Shapes are: %s'%all_shpif ii[axis] != shp0[axis]:even = Falsetotal_len += ii[axis]if even:print('Gather as numpy array!')new_shp = shp0.copy()del new_shp[axis]new_shp = [total_len] + new_shpelse:print('Gather as python object!')if even:if mpi_rank == root:new_data = np.empty(new_shp, dtype=data.dtype)else:new_data = Noneif expand_dim:data = np.expand_dims(data, 0)else:data = np.ascontiguousarray(np.moveaxis(data, axis, 0))mpi_comm.Gather(data, new_data, root=root)if mpi_rank == root:new_data = np.moveaxis(new_data, 0, axis)if ascontiguous:new_data = np.ascontiguousarray(new_data)return new_dataelse:new_data = mpi_comm.gather(data, root=root)if mpi_rank == root:new_data = np.concatenate(new_data, axis=axis)return new_dataif __name__ == '__main__':if mpi_rank == 1:with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'w') as filein:passwith h5.File('test1.hdf5', 'w') as filein:passa = np.random.rand(10,2, mpi_rank+3, 6, 5)axis = 2parallel_save_dataset('test.hdf5', 'a', a, group_name='b', axis=axis)parallel_save_dataset('test1.hdf5', 'a', a, axis=-3)a1 = mpi_comm.gather(a, root=0)if mpi_rank == 0:a1 = np.concatenate(a1, axis=axis)with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'r') as filein:print(np.abs(filein['b']['a'][:]-a1).max())with h5.File('test1.hdf5', 'r') as filein:print(np.abs(filein['a'][:]-a1).max())exit()#if mpi_rank == 1:#    with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'w') as filein:#        pass#    a = np.random.rand(10, 2000, 800)#else:#    a = None######from timeit import timeit##def c1():##    b = split_even_array(a, root=1, axis=-1)##def c2():##    b = split_uneven_array(a, root=1, axis=-1)####print(mpi_rank, timeit(c2, number=20), 2)##print(mpi_rank, timeit(c1, number=20), 1)######exit()##b = split_array(a, root=1, axis=-1)##a = mpi_comm.bcast(a, root=1)#a = bcast_array(a, root=1)#print(mpi_rank, b.shape)#print(np.abs(a[...,a.shape[-1]//mpi_size*mpi_rank:a.shape[-1]//mpi_size*(mpi_rank+1)] - b).max())#parallel_save_dataset('test.hdf5', 'a', b, axis=-1)#parallel_save_dataset('test.hdf5', 'a', b, group_name='test', axis=-1)#b1 = parallel_load_dataset('test.hdf5', 'a', group_name='test', axis=-1)#b2 = parallel_load_dataset('test.hdf5', 'a', axis=-1)#print(np.abs(b1 - b).max())#print(np.abs(b2 - b).max())#if mpi_rank == 0:#    with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'r') as filein:#        print(np.abs(a - filein['a'][:]).max())#        print(np.abs(a - filein['test']['a'][:]).max())##exit()##if mpi_rank == 0:#    a = np.random.rand(mpi_size, 30)#    with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'w') as filein:#        pass#else:#    a = None#a = mpi_comm.scatter(a, root=0)#parallel_save_multi_dataset('test.hdf5', '%d'%mpi_rank, a)#parallel_save_multi_dataset('test.hdf5', '%d'%mpi_rank, a, group_name='aaa')#parallel_save_multi_dataset('test.hdf5', '%d'%mpi_rank, a, group_name='aaa%d'%mpi_rank)#with h5.File('test.hdf5', 'r') as filein:#    a1 = filein['%d'%mpi_rank][:]#    a2 = filein['aaa']['%d'%mpi_rank][:]#    a3 = filein['aaa%d'%mpi_rank]['%d'%mpi_rank][:]#    print(np.abs(a1-a).max())#    print(np.abs(a2-a).max())#    print(np.abs(a3-a).max())#exit()axis = 1expand_dim = Trueroot = 1#a = np.random.rand(10, 3, 20)np.random.seed(mpi_rank+1)a = np.random.rand(10, 3, 20)#a = np.random.rand(10, mpi_rank+1, 20)print(np.shape(a), mpi_rank)a = gather_array(a, root=root, axis=axis, expand_dim=expand_dim)print(np.shape(a), mpi_rank)if mpi_rank == root:b = []for ii in range(mpi_size):np.random.seed(ii+1)b.append(np.random.rand(10, 3, 20))#b.append(np.random.rand(10, ii+1, 20))if expand_dim:b[-1] = np.expand_dims(b[-1], axis=axis)b = np.concatenate(b, axis=axis)print(np.abs(a - b).max())


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