
Okay, hear me out. No no, don’t leave just yet! I know Marvel’s Avengers has been getting some fairly bad press over the last couple of weeks, from the Spider-Man debacle to various performance issues. But before you listen to the naysayers, do yourself a favor and try the game out yourself.

,听我说。 不,不,不要离开! 我知道漫威的复仇者联盟在过去的几周中受到了相当糟糕的报道,从蜘蛛侠的崩溃到各种性能问题。 但是,在听取反对者的声音之前,先帮自己一个忙,然后自己尝试游戏。

After hearing about all the performance issues over the PS4 closed beta last weekend, I was starting to get a bit worried. Despite being pretty excited to play the game myself, all of the negative press was a bit off-putting. There was a common thread I was noticing, however. Much of the negative feedback was either from press outlets that didn’t seem to actually play long enough to unlock some of the more varied movesets of the characters or an echo chamber of negativity from people who hadn’t even played the game yet. Almost everyone outside the media I saw that had actually played it, however, had pretty much the same thing to say: this game was incredibly fun to play. With that in mind, I kept an open mind going into the PC closed beta this past weekend.

上周末听到关于PS4内测版的所有性能问题后,我开始有点担心。 尽管自己对自己玩游戏感到很兴奋,但所有负面新闻都令人反感。 但是,我注意到了一个共同的话题。 大部分负面反馈要么来自媒体,实际上似乎玩的时间还不够长,以至于无法解锁角色的一些更多样化的动作,或者来自甚至没有玩过游戏的人的消极回声。 但是,我看到的媒体以外几乎所有实际玩过这款游戏的人都有几乎相同的话要说:这款游戏玩起来非常有趣。 考虑到这一点,我在上个周末对PC封闭Beta保持开放态度。

The end result? This game is incredibly fun to play. It admittedly looks a bit bland when you watch someone else play it, but playing it yourself is an amazing experience. I can’t tell you how many times I actually laughed out loud to myself in absolute glee after slapping people around as the Hulk, firing off Iron Man’s repulsors, or taking people down as Black Widow. While there is still some work to be fixed as the game’s release creeps up, just about every aspect of the game has positives that far outweigh the negatives.

最终结果? 这场比赛令人难以置信的乐趣发挥。 当您看着别人玩的时候,它的确会显得有些乏味,但您自己玩是一种很棒的体验。 我无法告诉您,在打倒绿巨人的人周围的人,击退钢铁侠的排斥者或把人当成黑寡妇之后,我居然大笑起来实际上是在自己面前大笑。 尽管随着游戏发行的逐渐增加,还有一些工作需要修复,但几乎游戏的每个方面都具有积极的优势,远大于负面的优势。

Source: Crystal Dynamics.
资料来源:Crystal Dynamics。

那些角色 (The Characters)

By far the biggest positive from my time with the game are the characters themselves. Each one (Black Widow, Hulk, Iron Man, Kamala Khan, Captain America, and Thor at release) feels distinct and has a deep set of moves that make them standout from each other.

到目前为止,我玩游戏以来最大的收获就是角色本身。 每个人(黑寡妇,绿巨人,钢铁侠,卡玛拉汗,美国队长和索尔在发行时)都感觉独特,并且有一系列深刻的动作使他们彼此脱颖而出。

Anyone saying this is simply a button masher with no depth are the same people that thing fighting games are button mashers. Yes, you can get through this game by simply mashing light and heavy attacks over and over the same way that you can play any of the Arkham games in a similar way, spamming attacks and ignoring all the gadgets and combo strings at Batman’s disposal.

任何人都说这只是一个没有深度的按钮式捣碎器,与格斗游戏中的按钮式捣碎器是同一个人。 是的,您可以通过简单地将轻度和重度攻击混合在一起来完成该游戏,就像您可以以类似方式玩任何Arkham游戏一样,滥发攻击并忽略蝙蝠侠支配的所有小工具和组合字符串。

Take Black Widow. She’s a melee heavy character that also has three different ranged guns (in the beta, at least) in her arsenal. Can you beat each mission by just punching your way through? Sure. But you’d be ignoring the on-the-fly gun switching you can do or all the combos you can link together. There’s also her Support Heroic that can make your entire team invisible for a short time, giving you the ability to get out of some sticky situations.

以黑寡妇为例。 她是一个近战沉重的角色,她的武器库中也有三支不同的远程枪支(至少在Beta中)。 您能通过突击完成每个任务吗? 当然。 但是您会忽略可以执行的即时枪支切换或可以链接在一起的所有连击。 还有她的支持英雄,可以使您的整个团队在短时间内不可见,从而使您能够摆脱一些棘手的情况。

There’s also the fact that we only have access to a single skill tree with a finite set of combos and abilities available. The final game will feature three separate skill trees for every character. If the beta is any indication, there will be plenty of variability with the movesets of each character.

还有一个事实,就是我们只能访问具有有限连击和能力集的单个技能树。 最终游戏将为每个角色提供三个独立的技能树。 如果beta表示任何迹象,则每个角色的移动组件会有很多变化。

Further bolstering this last point is the leaked skill trees for both Cap and Thor. Let me tell you, these things are deep. There’s the “primary” tree we have in beta featuring your main combat skills, there’s the “specialty” tree that customizes each of the main Heroic abilities, and there’s the “mastery” tree that allows for specialization between different playstyles (such as ranged vs. melee and the like). Combine that with the different perks each piece of gear and you’ve got a recipe for very deep customization. So yeah, CD doesn’t seem to have been lying when they said my Cap will be much different than your Cap.

Cap和Thor的泄漏技能树进一步加强了这一点。 让我告诉你,这些东西很深 。 测试版中有“主要”树,可提供您的主要战斗技能,还有“专业”树,可自定义每种主要的英雄技能,还有“精通”树,可用于不同游戏风格之间的特殊化(例如远程vs.近战之类的游戏)。 将其与每个齿轮的不同津贴结合起来,您将获得非常深入的定制方法。 是的,当他们说我的帽子与您的帽子有很大不同时,CD似乎并没有撒谎。

My only gripe about the characters in the beta is that I only got to play as Captain America and Thor for a few minutes each. They happened to be the most fun ones to play with and I cannot wait until the full game so I can play with them some more. I understand that there were likely story spoiler reasons why they were locked away, but it still makes me sad I didn’t get more time with them. Speaking of story spoilers…

对于测试版中的角色,我唯一的困扰是,我只能扮演美国队长和雷神(Thor)分别呆几分钟。 他们碰巧是最有趣的人,我迫不及待想要玩完整版游戏,因此我可以和他们一起玩。 我知道故事被剧透的原因可能是为什么他们被锁在了门外,但这仍然让我很难过,因为我没有更多的时间陪伴他们。 说到故事剧透...

Source: Crystal Dynamics.
资料来源:Crystal Dynamics。

故事 (The Story)

We only get a few story missions in the beta, but it’s already setting up an interesting take on the Avengers. After things kind of went to absolute shit on the infamous “A-Day,” the entire team disbanded and Captain America was declared dead.

测试版中我们只有几个故事任务,但它已经为复仇者联盟树立了有趣的形象。 在臭名昭著的“一日游”中,事情变得一塌糊涂之后,整个团队解散,美国队长被宣布死亡。

Enter Kamala Khan, Avengers superfan who discovers she has superpowers and sets out to get the band back together once again. During the beta, we only get as far as her linking up with Bruce Banner, but we can expect to see the Avengers fully assemble (I’m sorry, I couldn't resist) as the story progresses.

进入复仇者联盟的超级粉丝卡玛拉·汗(Kamala Khan),她发现自己拥有超能力,并着手再次使乐队重聚。 在测试期间,我们只能了解她与布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)的联系,但是随着故事的进展,我们可以期待看到复仇者联盟完全集结起来(对不起,我无法抗拒)。

The beta only gives a taste of what the dialogue and banter will be like, but so far I’m liking it. It’s admittedly to see the characters I’ve been watching in the MCU for over a decade not look and sound like those actors but Crystal Dynamics has stayed true to the comic book origins and personalities of all the characters seen in the beta and I think it works just fine.

Beta版仅提供对话和玩笑的感觉,但到目前为止,我还是很喜欢。 可以肯定的是,我在MCU上观看了十多年的角色看起来和声音都不像那些演员,但是Crystal Dynamics一直忠实于漫画书的起源和测试版中所有角色的个性,我认为效果很好。

表现(或缺乏表现) (Performance (or lack thereof))

While I’ve kind of been gushing about the game so far, I’d be remiss if I didn’t address the various and very much widespread performance issues that have cropped up on all platforms so far.


Across the board, the game simply doesn’t run very well on modern (console) hardware. It was clearly built with next-gen in mind because current-gen performance is a bit yikes at the moment. Even on the PS4 Pro (and presumably the Xbox One X), it struggles to keep at 60 FPS and will frequently drop below 30 depending on how much is going on.

总体而言,该游戏无法在现代(主机)硬件上很好地运行。 它显然是在考虑下一代的基础上构建的,因为当前的性能目前有点不稳定。 即使在PS4 Pro(以及可能的Xbox One X)上,它也难以保持60 FPS,并且根据发生的情况经常会降至30 FPS以下。

On PC, things are a bit better, depending on who you ask. I’ve personally had zero issues at all playing the game all weekend. There are a few visual settings that I turned off after reading that they were hampering performance, but even before that, I didn’t really have much trouble playing. I seem to be in the minority with this, however.

在PC上,情况要好一些,具体取决于您问谁。 我个人整个周末玩游戏的时候都零问题。 在阅读了一些视觉设置会影响性能后,我将其关闭了,但是即使在那之前,我在演奏时也没有遇到太多麻烦。 但是,我似乎很少。

From frequent crashing, painfully low framerate, CPU overheating, and everything else in between, many players on PC have been having some major issues with Avengers thus far. It’s become clear that the game simply isn’t optimized very well for PC, which is a bit disappointing to be sure. Hopefully, Crystal Dynamics can get some more work in from now until release and even beyond release to shore up some of these issues.

从频繁崩溃,令人痛苦的低帧速率,CPU过热以及介于两者之间的其他所有因素来看,到目前为止,PC上的许多播放器在复仇者联盟中一直存在一些重大问题。 很明显,游戏对于PC的优化不是很好,这肯定令人失望。 希望Crystal Dynamics从现在开始可以进行更多工作,直到发行,甚至发行以后,都可以解决其中的一些问题。

I would definitely suggest trying out the open beta on August 21–23 on whichever system you plan on playing, that way you can see if you can handle the chugging on console or see if your PC can even run it at all.


Source: Crystal Dynamics.
资料来源:Crystal Dynamics。

排他性 (Exclusivity)

Before I wrap up, I have to touch on the whole debacle with Spider-Man. For the uninitiated, just a few days before the beta was set to kick-off, it was announced that Spider-Man was coming to the game as a DLC character, but would be exclusive to PlayStation 4 and 5. We aren’t talking a Destiny-like exclusive where PlayStation got weapons a year before Xbox players. We’re talking a whole ass character. It sucks.

在结束之前,我必须与蜘蛛侠接触一下整个崩溃。 对于初学者来说,在Beta正式发布前几天,就宣布蜘蛛侠将以DLC角色的身份进入游戏,但仅限于PlayStation 4和5。 命运之类的独家产品,PlayStation在Xbox玩家之前一年就拥有了武器。 我们在说一个混蛋。 糟透了

Does it suck enough to make me not want to play the game at all? Nope. I still hate it with a passion, don’t get me wrong. But I think people are looking at this whole thing in the wrong light.

它足以让我根本不想玩游戏吗? 不。 我仍然充满激情地讨厌它,不要误会我的意思。 但是我认为人们正在错误地看待整个事情。

From the various statements released surrounding this character, it looks as though Spider-Man wasn’t in CD’s gameplan at all. It doesn’t seem like they were planning on having him in the game at any point. In walked Sony who said, “You guys wanna put Spider-Man in your game? You can have him! But he can only be for PlayStation.” I’m sure CD didn’t want to split their playerbase, but it’s admittedly a hard opportunity to pass up. So yeah, it doesn’t seem like this was a situation where CD wanted to put in Spider-Man and Sony said yes but only for PlayStation.

从围绕该角色发布的各种声明来看,《蜘蛛侠》似乎根本不在CD的游戏计划中。 似乎他们在任何时候都不打算让他参加比赛。 在走路的索尼中,谁说:“你们想在游戏中加入蜘蛛侠吗? 你可以拥有他! 但是他只能去PlayStation。” 我确定CD不想拆分他们的播放器库,但是诚然,这是一个很难错过的机会。 是的,这似乎不是CD想要放入《蜘蛛侠》而Sony表示同意的情况,但仅适用于PlayStation。

It still really really really blows, though. While it sucks for those of us not playing on PlayStation, I think it also blows from a story standpoint. Since he’s only on one platform, he can’t really interact with the main story all that much. Given that CD is promising an evolving world that will add characters over time, it sucks that Spider-Man, one of Marvel’s coolest and most popular characters, will be relegated to being a side piece due to an exclusivity deal. But hey, maybe the rest of us can get Spider-Gwen or Miles Morales at some point down the line. Or maybe even this deal is secretly just a timed-exclusive and they aren’t telling us…for reasons. Who knows.

不过,它仍然真的真的很打击。 虽然对于我们这些不在PlayStation上玩的人来说很糟糕,但从故事的角度来看,我认为它也很打击。 由于他只在一个平台上,所以他无法真正与主要故事互动。 鉴于CD有望在一个不断发展的世界中发展,随着时间的推移会增加角色,因此令人惊讶的是,漫威最酷,最受欢迎的角色之一蜘蛛侠将因独家协​​议而沦为副业。 但是,也许我们其他人可以在某个时候获得Spider-Gwen或Miles Morales。 或者,也许这笔交易只是秘密地在时间上专有,并且出于某种原因他们没有告诉我们。 谁知道。

Bottom line: it sucks and I hate it. But I’m still going to play the game.

底线:很烂,我讨厌。 但是我仍然要玩游戏。

Source: Crystal Dynamics.
资料来源:Crystal Dynamics。

最终裁决 (Final Verdict)

If you can’t tell, I really like this game. Does it have issues? Yes, what game doesn’t? Will this be the next big loot-based game to compete with the likes of Destiny? It’s unclear right now. I think it has the potential to be a major player in this space, but it will have some work to do.

如果你不知道,我真的很喜欢这个游戏。 有问题吗? 是的,什么游戏没有? 这将是与Destiny之类竞争的下一款大型战利品游戏吗? 目前尚不清楚。 我认为它有可能成为这个领域的主要参与者,但仍有一些工作要做。

Not only will CD need to keep its finger on the pulse of the community to avoid pitfalls that even Bungie made (and is still making) with Destiny 2, but it will need to convince people to actually play this game. There’s been quite a bit of negative press from all angles and the public perception of the game is a bit mixed. I think another War Table (CD’s name for their developer deep dive sessions) talking about the endgame and some of the performance issues will go a long way to swinging perception on this game.

CD不仅需要时刻注意社区的脉动,以避免甚至Bungie使用Destiny 2造成(并且仍在产生)的陷阱,而且还需要说服人们真正玩这个游戏。 从各个角度来看,都有相当多的负面新闻,公众对游戏的看法也好坏参半。 我认为另一个War Table(CD为其开发者深度潜水会议的名字)谈论了残局和一些性能问题,将大大改变人们对该游戏的看法。

Barring that, I still think there is already a dedicated community of players (like myself) who are all in on this game. As long as CD continues to improve the product and give people reason to play — whether that be cool characters or an addicting endgame — this game should be in good shape moving forward.

除非如此,我仍然认为已经有一个专门的玩家社区(例如我自己)参与了这个游戏。 只要CD继续改进产品并为人们提供游戏的理由-无论是酷角色还是令人上瘾的残局-这款游戏都应该保持良好的状态。

One thing is perfectly clear after having spent a good amount of time playing the game this weekend: Marvel’s Avengers is a very fun game that I can’t wait to sink a ton of time into once it officially releases on September 4.

在本周末花了很多时间玩完游戏之后,有一件事情是完全清楚的: 漫威的复仇者联盟是一款非常有趣的游戏,我迫不及待地想花很多时间在9月4日正式发布之后。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/marvels-avengers-is-amazing-despite-some-problems-583f4b7ce404




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    python 创意项目 The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that expre ...


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