

Alpha_TimeObj = datetime.datetime(int(AlphaTime.strftime('%Y')), int(AlphaTime.strftime('%m')), int(AlphaTime.strftime('%d')), int(AlphaTime.strftime('%H')), int(AlphaTime.strftime('%M')), int(AlphaTime.strftime('%S')))

Beta_TimeObj = datetime.datetime(int(BetaTime.strftime('%Y')), int(BetaTime.strftime('%m')), int(BetaTime.strftime('%d')), int(BetaTime.strftime('%H')), int(BetaTime.strftime('%M')), int(BetaTime.strftime('%S')))

Turnaround_TimeObj = Beta_TimeObj - Alpha_TimeObj



print Turnaround_TimeObj.strftime('%H hrs %M mins %S secs')




totalSeconds = Turnaround_TimeObj.seconds

hours, remainder = divmod(totalSeconds, 3600)

minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)

print '%s:%s:%s' % (hours, minutes, seconds)




totalSeconds = Turnaround_TimeObj.seconds

totalSeconds值显示为13374而不是99774. ie.它忽略了“天”的价值.

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