
by Toni Shortsleeve

通过托尼·肖特里夫(Toni Shortsleeve)

我来到纽约,并在Outreachy旅程中使用freeCodeCamp庆祝 (I made it to NYC and celebrated with freeCodeCamp on my Outreachy journey)

I am proud to have been chosen as one of freeCodeCamp’s 2018 Top Contributors, and to have been invited to the celebration in New York. I am also very thankful that Outreachy sponsored my travel so that as an Outreachy Intern, I could attend this awesome event.

我很荣幸被选为freeCodeCamp的2018年杰出贡献者之一 ,并应邀参加了在纽约举行的庆祝活动。 我也非常感谢Outreachy赞助了我的旅行,以便作为Outreachy实习生,我可以参加这个很棒的活动。

I arrived late the night before, and left early the following morning. So, I’d just like to share with you what happened on Saturday, August 18, 2018 — in Brooklyn, New York.

我前一天晚上很晚才到达,第二天一早就离开了。 因此,我想与大家分享2018年8月18日星期六在纽约布鲁克林发生的事情。

One of the plans I had for this visit included a live meetup with one of my LibreHealth mentors. Sadly, he was not able to connect with me during my short visit — but I am happy to say that he is now feeling better. So instead, I toured the neighborhood and prepared for the party.

我这次访问的计划之一包括与我的LibreHealth导师的一次现场聚会。 可悲的是,在我短暂访问期间,他无法与我联系-但我很高兴地说他现在感觉好多了。 因此,我参观了附近并为聚会做准备。

The event was held at Rough Draft NYC on Hooper Street in Brooklyn. I was to arrive a little early to assist in the setup for the party. I took a Lyft to get there, and I was running about a half-hour early. Since I didn’t know the area — and my driver didn’t either — I was a little concerned about where to hang out while I was waiting to meet the others.

该活动在布鲁克林胡珀街的纽约草稿剧院举行。 我要早一点到达,以协助参加聚会。 我乘Lyft到达那里,而且早跑了大约半小时。 由于我不知道该地区,而我的司机也不知道,所以我有点担心在等其他人时在哪里闲逛。

The worries were unfounded, however, and as it turned out, there was no problem…


派对前! (A Pre-Party!)

My driver turned left — and stopped. He said “I can’t go any farther, but you can walk to the end of this block and it’s across the street”. He was stopped by a block party! The band sounded good, children were laughing and playing, and the food smelled great. Then a lady announced “Last Call for Cotton Candy” and gave me a free stick of pink cotton candy!

我的司机向左转-停了下来。 他说:“我不能再走了,但您可以走到街区的尽头,就在马路对面”。 他被一个集体聚会拦住了! 乐队听起来不错,孩子们在嬉笑玩耍,食物闻起来很香。 然后,一位女士宣布了“最后一次要求棉花糖”,并免费赠给我一条粉红色的棉花糖!

It was great! I ate my treat and listened to some great sounds while I waited for the others to arrive. They began to move tents and take down tables, so I decided to explore the rest of the neighborhood.

太好了! 我等着其他人的到来,一边吃东西,一边听一些很棒的声音。 他们开始移动帐篷并放下餐桌,所以我决定探索附近的其他地区。

见面 (Meeting up)

As I crossed the street, I saw two other top contributors, Gwen Faraday and Matt Potter, chatting in front of the venue. Gwen has written some articles that I’ve enjoyed reading (check out her most recent one on Resources I Used to Teach Myself Blockchain Development) so I was excited to meet her.

当我过马路时,我看到另外两个最杰出的贡献者Gwen Faraday和Matt Potter在会场前聊天。 Gwen撰写了一些我很喜欢阅读的文章(请查看她最近的文章“我曾经教过自己的区块链开发资源” ),所以很高兴认识她。

Matt makes us look great on the YouTube channel. This channel has almost everything for anyone — at every level.

Matt使我们在YouTube频道上看起来很棒。 这个频道几乎可以满足任何人的所有需求-每个级别。

Then the car pulled up with Quincy Larson, Abbey Rennemeyer, Beau Carnes and Stuart Taylor.

然后,汽车与Quincy Larson , Abbey Rennemeyer , Beau Carnes和Stuart Taylor一起 拉起 。

Quincy Larson is the founder of the freeCodeCamp and the reason I became involved in the first place. He’s also my mentor on the Medium platform.

Quincy Larson是freeCodeCamp的创始人,也是我之所以参与其中的原因。 他还是我在Medium平台上的导师。

And, he created the Top Contributors list that brought us all together for the party! Thank you Quincy ?

而且,他创建了“杰出贡献者”名单,使我们大家共同参加了聚会! 谢谢昆西?

Abbey manages the content for our freeCodeCamp Medium publication and podcast. She is great to work with. She keeps all us volunteer editors in line and quickly responds to questions for the authors or about the articles. I enjoy her feedback on my articles.

Abbey管理我们的freeCodeCamp Medium出版物和播客的内容 。 她很高兴和她一起工作。 她让我们所有的志愿编辑保持一致,并Swift回答作者的问题或有关文章的问题。 我很喜欢她对我的文章的反馈。

Beau teaches JavaScript (among many other things!) on the YouTube channel. Great place to go if you get lost in learning to code.

Beau在YouTube频道上教授 JavaScript(还有许多其他功能!)。 如果您迷失了学习编码的话,这是一个理想的去处。

Stuart is from England and currently lives in Ireland. I love to listen to his voice. He worked on our beta curriculum platform and coded the freeCodeCamp Guide.

Stuart来自英国,目前居住在爱尔兰。 我喜欢听他的声音。 他在我们的Beta课程平台上工作,并编写了freeCodeCamp指南 。

We all walked to the local store a few blocks away to pick up a few extra supplies for the party. It was a great chance to catch-up and connect.

我们都走到了几个街区之外的当地商店,为聚会准备了一些额外的用品。 这是一个很好的机会,可以赶上并建立联系。

When we returned to Rough Draft, we saw the tents and chairs had been moved to create a mini-concert area where the block party had been held. We were going to have great sounds for the night!

当我们回到“草稿”时,我们看到帐篷和椅子被移动到一个迷你音乐会区,在这里举行了集体聚会。 我们晚上会听到很棒的声音!

配置 (Setting up)

We met with the manager, Alison Zullo who showed us around as we prepared to set up. And Ethan Arrowood, our Python instructor, arrived just in time to help.

我们遇到了经理Alison Zullo ,他在我们准备成立时向我们展示了周围。 我们的Python讲师Ethan Arrowood及时赶来提供帮助。

晚会时间! (Party Time!)

Now the guests began arriving, and the energy was great!


I was happy to meet Johnny Bizzel, who is my coding hero for his help in the forum — he got my Tic-Tac-Toe game to stop cheating. Without him, it may have taken years for me to get my front-end certificate.

我很高兴认识Johnny Bizzel ,他是我的编码英雄,在论坛中给予他帮助-他让我的Tic-Tac-Toe游戏停止作弊。 没有他,我可能要花好几年才能获得前端证书。

Bill Sourour is another author I love to work with. My favorite of his works is Don’t do it at runtime. Do it at design time.

Bill Sourour是我喜欢与之合作的另一位作家。 我最喜欢他的作品是“ 不要在运行时执行”。 在设计时进行 。

Greg Smith and Auriel Leslie are wonderful moderators on the freeCodeCamp Forum. They give guidance to us lost campers with simple explanations in English, and a positive attitude.

Greg Smith和Auriel Leslie是freeCodeCamp 论坛的出色主持人。 他们用简单的英语解释和积极的态度为失落的露营者提供指导。

Jesse Weigel has a great sense of humor. He walks us through his coding fun and mishaps on YouTube.

杰西·韦格尔(Jesse Weigel )很有幽默感。 他带领我们了解YouTube上的编码乐趣和不幸。

I also met a lot of study group leaders. They were each fascinating to talk to, and so excited about what they are doing.

我还遇到了很多研究组负责人。 他们每个人都很有趣,他们对自己的所作所为感到兴奋。

My first Camper hero, Rafael Rodriguez was also in New York. He was one of the first people I followed and looked to for guidance. His code is so smooth and the logic makes sense. I felt that if my projects could ever be as good and readable as his, I could do anything. I was glad to see him, but was totally tongue-tied. I did manage to chat with him for a moment later in the evening.

我的第一个露营者英雄拉斐尔·罗德里格斯 ( Rafael Rodriguez )也在纽约。 他是我追踪的第一批人之一,并寻求指导。 他的代码非常流畅,逻辑合理。 我觉得,如果我的项目能够像他一样优秀和可读性强,我可以做任何事情。 我很高兴见到他,但完全束手无策。 晚上晚些时候,我确实设法和他聊天。

Jennifer Bland is another member of our Editing Team. We weren’t sure she could make it, so I was thrilled to see her.

珍妮弗·布兰德 ( Jennifer Bland)是我们编辑团队的另一位成员。 我们不确定她能否做到,所以我很高兴见到她。

As the party was under way, Quincy made it a point to meet everyone. Some of us were interviewed for the live stream.

在聚会进行期间,昆西(Quincy)着重与所有人见面。 我们中的一些人接受了直播采访。

The condensed video can be seen here:


My interview was at 15:21 until 18:58. We discussed how I became involved with freeCodeCamp as an editor, how my basic editing schedule works, and how the lessons I’ve learned as a freeCodeCamp editor have helped me to become an Outreachy intern. Quincy and I totally agreed that Outreachy is a great organization. But I was stumped as to whether it was part of Mozilla…

我的采访时间是15:21到18:58。 我们讨论了如何以freeCodeCamp作为编辑者,如何进行基本的编辑计划,以及以freeCodeCamp编辑器所学的课程如何帮助我成为Outreachy实习生。 昆西和我完全同意Outreachy是一个很棒的组织。 但是我对它是否属于Mozilla感到困惑……

Note: I found out later that while Outreachy offers a great opportunity for those wanting to work with Mozilla, just as I work with LibreHealth, it is actually a child of the parent organization Software Freedom Conservancy.

注意:后来我发现,虽然Outreachy为希望与Mozilla合作的人们提供了绝佳的机会,就像我与LibreHealth合作一样,它实际上是其母公司Software Freedom Conservancy的子公司。

And I do know that Outreachy has been instrumental in helping women and underrepresented individuals find paid internships and work in the tech industry. If you haven’t yet, and are interested, sign up to be placed on their announcements list. The new session starts on September 10.

我确实知道Outreachy在帮助女性和代表性不足的人找到有薪实习和从事科技行业方面发挥了作用。 如果您还没有兴趣,请注册并加入他们的公告列表。 新的会话将从9月10日开始。

感言 (Reflections)

And for everyone who wants to learn to code, become certified, and work in the tech industry, freeCodeCamp is the place to do it. The curriculum is good, the videos are great, the forum and chat rooms are helpful, and the Medium publication always has informative articles.

对于每个想学习编码,获得认证并在技术行业工作的人来说, freeCodeCamp就是这样做的地方。 课程很好,视频很棒,论坛和聊天室都很有帮助,Medium出版物总是有内容丰富的文章。

During the party I received a text from my husband. It said “I joined freeCodeCamp. Only 1408 Coding challenges to go!” Yay, I brought in a new camper! ?

聚会期间,我收到了我丈夫的短信。 它说:“我加入了freeCodeCamp。 仅需1408个编码挑战!” 是的,我带来了一个新的露营者! ?

I didn’t expect to be honored for doing something I enjoy. I appreciate the award, and also the privilege to travel here. I met some of my first and greatest heroes. It was nice to be recognized as me, “Oh, you’re Koni Kodes!”

我没想到会因做自己喜欢的事情而感到荣幸。 我很欣赏这个奖项,也很荣幸来这里旅行。 我遇到了一些最重要的英雄。 很高兴被我认可,“哦,你是Koni Kodes!”

It was amazing to see what all is involved in an online free open source educational community — and to meet some of the people who are making it worthwhile.


Thank you for joining me in New York. Next time we’ll continue our Outreachy Journey as I prepare to wrap-up my internship.

感谢您加入纽约。 下次我们准备继续实习时,我们将继续进行外展之旅。

以前的文章 (Previous Articles)

  • How I beat the odds and became an Outreachy Intern


  • My Outreachy internship begins today! Here’s what I’ve done and learned so far.

    我的外展实习从今天开始! 到目前为止,这是我已经完成并学到的东西。

  • The next steps on my Outreachy journey: Docker, big challenges, and small victories


  • Every step brings something new on my Outreachy journey


  • Special Moments on my Outreachy Journey


  • How I’ve absorbed as much as I’m able on my Outreachy Journey


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-escaped-to-nyc-and-celebrated-with-freecodecamp-on-my-outreachy-journey-22946d5af21e/



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