windows下ACS服务器的认证路由器配置:示意图:telnet:[Router]display version
Copyright Notice:                    
All rights reserved (Aug 15 2006).                    
Without the owner's prior written consent, no decompiling                    
or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.                    
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software                          
VRP (R) software, Version 1.74 Release 0119P02                          
Copyright(c) 2004-2006 by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.                          
Quidway R2621 uptime is 0 day 0 hour 32 minutes 45 seconds                          
System returned to ROM by power-on.   
Quidway R2621 with 1 MPC 8240 Processor                  
Router serial number is 8040C5ED0A394C6C                  
32M     bytes SDRAM                  
8192K   bytes Flash Memory                  
0K      bytes NVRAM                  
Config Register points to FLASH
  Hardware Version is MTR 1.1                  
  CPLD Version is CPLD 3.0                  
  Bootrom Version is 7.08
  [AUX   ] AUX      Hardware Version is 1.0, Driver Version is 1.0
  [LAN   ] 2FE      Hardware Version is 2.0, Driver Version is 2.0
  [WAN   ] SAB      Hardware Version is 1.0, Driver Version is 1.0
  [Slot 0] 16AS     Hardware Version is 2.1, Driver Version is 1.0默认aaa enable 已开启[Router]aaa authentication-scheme ?
login        Specify login authentication scheme list
    ppp          Specify PPP authentication scheme list[Router]aaa authentication-scheme login ?
default       Default scheme list name
  STRING<1-20>  Named scheme list name
[Router]aaa authentication-scheme login default ?
  local         Use local database
  none          Succeed without authentication
radius        Use radius server
  template      Use hwtacacs server template
[Router]aaa authentication-scheme login default radius[Router]radius server ?
  STRING<1-20>     Host name of the RADIUS server
  X.X.X.X          IP address of the RADIUS server
[Router]radius server
[Router]radius shared-key ?
  STRING<1-16>    Key used to authentication and encryption
[Router]radius shared-key 123456[Router]int e1[Router-Ethernet1]ip add 24[Router-Ethernet1]ping
  PING 56  data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=0 ttl=64 time = 2 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=64 time = 1 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=64 time = 2 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=64 time = 1 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=64 time = 1 ms客户机测试: 问题: 由于ACS服务器没有增加客户端 登录成功后级别为0改变成中文方式![Router]lang
  Current Language : ENGLISH
  Will you switch language mode ?(Y/N)y
  You have changed the language mode[Router]?
    aaa                 指定 AAA(认证,授权和记费)配置
    aaa-enable          使能AAA(认证,授权和计费)
    access-server       指定接入服务器监听端口信息
    access-tty          指定接入客户端配置信息查看个别信息防火墙配置:示意图:telnet:Username:gjp@gjp2
User view commands:
  boot           Upgrade bootrom
  cd             Change current directory
  clock          Specify the system clock
  copy           Copy from one file to another
  debugging      Enable system debugging functions级别为3 管理员级别(说明已引用ACS 上导入H3C的私有属性)显示telnet的当前配置文档:[H3C]dis cu
sysname H3C
firewall packet-filter enable
firewall packet-filter default permit
firewall statistic system enable
radius scheme system
server-type extended
radius scheme gjp
server-type extended
primary authentication
key authentication 123456
user-name-format without-domain
domain gjp2
scheme radius-scheme gjp
access-limit enable 10
accounting optional
domain system
interface Aux0                           
async mode flow
interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
firewall zone local
set priority 100
firewall zone trust     默认
add interface Ethernet0/0
set priority 85
firewall zone untrust
set priority 5
firewall zone DMZ
set priority 50
firewall interzone local trust
firewall interzone local untrust
firewall interzone local DMZ
firewall interzone trust untrust
firewall interzone trust DMZ
firewall interzone DMZ untrust
FTP server enable
user-interface con 0
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode scheme
returnSSH:[H3C]rsa local-key-pair ?
  create   Create new local key pairs
  destroy  Destroy the local key pairs[H3C]rsa local-key-pair create
The key name will be: H3C_Host
% RSA keys defined for F4_Host already exist.
Confirm to replace them? [Y/N]:y
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
       It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 1024]:
Generating keys...
[H3C]user-interface vty 0 4
[H3C-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound ?
  all     All protocol
  ssh     SSH protocol
  telnet  Telnet protocol[H3C-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound all  
[H3C-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode ?
  none      Login without checking
  password  Use terminal interface password
  scheme    Authentication use AAA authorization authentication table[H3C-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode scheme
[H3C-ui-vty0-4]quit[H3C]ssh authentication-type default ?
  all                 All authentication
  password            Password authentication
  password-publickey  Password and Publickey authentication
  rsa                 RSA authentication[H3C]ssh authentication-type default all[H3C]radius scheme gjp                  
[H3C-radius-gjp]server-type ?        
extended  Server based on RADIUS extensions
  standard  Server based on RFC protocol(s)ssh都可以登录,只是权限比较低!(前提该类型必须是standard)选组1:



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