



1、 in 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='SALES') ;

2.exists 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='SALES' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

3.join 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e inner join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='SALES' ;

http://4.in 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='TEST') ;

5.exists 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='TEST' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

6.join 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e inner join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='TEST' ;

7.not in 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno not in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'SALES') ;

8.not exists 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where not exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'SALES' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

9.join 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e left join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname<>'SALES' where d.deptno is null ;

10.not in 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno not in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'TEST') ;

11. not exists 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where not exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'TEST' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

12. join 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e left join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname<>'TEST' where d.deptno is null ;


1、 in 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='SALES') ;


2.exists 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='SALES' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

3.join 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e inner join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='SALES' ;

http://4.in 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='TEST') ;

5.exists 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname='TEST' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

6.join 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e inner join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='TEST' ;

7.not in 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno not in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'SALES') ;

8.not exists 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where not exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'SALES' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

9.join 占比多
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e left join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname<>'SALES' where d.deptno is null ;

10.not in 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where e.deptno not in (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'TEST') ;

11. not exists 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e where not exists (select d.deptno from scott.DEPT_TEST d where d.dname<>'TEST' and e.deptno=d.deptno) ;

12. join 占比少
select count(*) from scott.EMP_TEST e left join scott.DEPT_TEST d on e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname<>'TEST' where d.deptno is null ;


因为有朋友说not exists的子查询会走索引not in索引失效,所以not exists会快,所以为了说服他又做了点补充

并没有什么差别。而且not in和not exists都会使索引失效,但是不影响子查询的索引使用!!!!所以直接说谁比谁快的都是不负责任的说法,还是要具体情况具体分析。分情况使用。那些说not exists比not in快的,这种情况很多,因为不同的原因造成他们的sql的执行计划不同了,所以效率也不同了


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