
1. be familar with performance/stress/load testing skill

- could design test scenario for performance / load / stress testing

- could write test cases following scenario, use current daily work as example to practise it

- try to get chance to design test spec and do it

- be familiar with test framework, try to design lightwight automation testing using KAF, use Tag website as example to design automation funciton testing., try to use OOD/ design patter during the daily work...i am a sdet, not sure need pay much time on coding, maybe i need pay more time on design test scenario or other test area....anyway, maybe i can back to dev, not sure about it, coding skill is advantage for me in test area...

- once complete work item that convert manual case to automation case, need learn performance testing skill, as some comany focus on it

- try to learn azure in the tag area, it's trend and interesting

- try to learn skill about smart phone, now our product could work on iphone / android / wp7, it's treasure house...

2. my interesting is in automation tesing, so pay some time on test framework, learn TDScript / KAF or other framework, learn something from it.

- now work iwth KAF, try to learn it in the daily work, alao get the souce code and simulate from it.

- don't forget you have resource about .net lightwight automation testing resource, go through it and read it carefully, such as code it and run it

- learn Python and linux, looks some company use it as daily work tools, if i want to join them, i need know it.

3. English,

- Listen / Speak /Write....VOA/Toetic/TV play?


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