1、get a real knack for 有本领/有技能


I really think highly of my English teacher because he gets a real knack for teaching English.

It becomes much easier once you’ve got a real knack for it.

I look up to people who get a real knack for singing.


I really think highly of Jay Chou, because he gets a real knack for singing.

2、have strong sentimental value 有很强的情感价值


Most people keep old photos because they have strong sentimental value.

This piece of old furniture has strong sentimental value to me.

The ring isn’t worth very much but it has great sentimental value to me.


The old buildings have strong sentimental value to the city.

3、inject something into 注入


I fancy Jay chou for the reason that he’s able to inject Chinese elements into his music.

I fancy Taylor Swift because she injects her own love stories into her music.

My best mate is fun, open and outgoing because he always injects a sense of humour into his life.


I really fancy James Harden because he always injects s sense of humour into his basketball life.


1、 be full of 充满


It’s a city that is full of energy.

I have a liking for the building because it’s full of history.

Life is full of coincidences.


After passing the english exam , I am full of confidence.

2、give me a sense of 给我…的感觉


It gives me a sense of freedom.

It gives me a sense of inner peace.

It gives me a sense of belonging.


It gives me a sense of confidence.

3、put all one’s heart and energy into 全身心的投入


Over the past years, my parents have put all their heart and energy into our family.

He has put all his heart and energy into his career to make a big success.

She has put all her heart and energy into what she loves, which inspires and motivates me to pursue my dream fearlessly.


I put all my heart and energy into learning english, so that I want to get a nice result.


1、words of wisdom 至理名言


My father always encourages me with words of wisdom like follow your heart and be yourself.

I find her pretty intelligent because she is a woman with words of wisdom.

My grandfather used to speak words of wisdom like let it be.


My grandfather used to speak words of wisdom like stay in the moment.

2、a source of inspiration 灵感的源泉/励志的源泉


Elon Musk is definitely a source of inspiration.

Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.

Poetry can be a source of inspiration for me.


Thinking on my own for a while can be a source of inspiration for me.

3、hit the books 用功读书/读书学习/努力学习


I’ve got a major test tomorrow, so I better hit the shops.

I need to hit the books every evening since I am preparing for studying overseas.

I prefer to hit the books at night because I tend to feel more focused and productive.


I prefer to hit the books at morning, because morning hours is the best time of the day to study.


1、 full of beans 充满活力/full of history 充满历史感/full of colours 色彩丰富


I’m going to talk about my best mate Mike who is full of beans.

I have a genuine liking for the building because it’s full of history.

Since it’s a book shop that’s full of colours, I find it pretty fascinating and beautiful.


I have a genuine liking for the city because it’s full of history.

2、take a pride in 为…感到骄傲自豪


I really take a pride in my parents.

I genuinely take a pride in my country.

All in all, I take a pride in him/her.


I really take a pride of these famous snakes in my hometown, because it attracts plenty of tourists to my city.

3、 make a success 取得成功


If you want to make a success, you have to put all your heart and energy into it.

I have to keep moving on before I make a big success.

What he has done before helps me make a big success.


Without putting all your hear and energy into it, it’s difficult for me to make a success.


1、get a buzz out of …从中得到乐趣


She gets a buzz out of her work.

I tend to get a buzz out of drawing.

Whenever I engage in an outdoor activity, I will get a buzz out of it.


I really get a buzz out of reading, beacuse it allows to have a better and deeper understanding of the whole world.

2、 push myself to the limits to do 尽极限去做某事


When I was hiking on the mountains, I pushed myself to the limits to make it.

My friend pushed herself to the limits to create his own business.

I really look up to athletes because they always push themselves to the limits to complete the game.


If you want to make a big success, you should push yourself to the limits to work.

3、enter into the spirit of 投入


The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things.

While I was learning drawing, I really entered into the spirit of it.

If you want to make a big difference, you will have to enter into the spirit of it.


Due the fact that you enter into the spirit of study, and you may make a big success


1、be filled with nostalgia for 怀念之情


I am filled with nostalgia for my school days.

I am filled with nostalgia for my childhood.

The elderly tend to be filled with nostalgia for their old days.


I am filled with nostalgia for my hometown when I am working in the other cities.

2、be highly recommended 强烈推荐


The restaurant is highly recommended. Let’s say, a lot of people have praised it.

The film is highly recommended because it’s not only fun, but also deep.

The book is highly recommended because it allows us to reflect on our lives.


The tourist attraction is highly recommended because it is full of history.

3、be well worth doing 值得


The idea is well worth considering.

The film is well worth seeing again.

The place is well worth visiting.


Suzhou is the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen, and it is well worth living.


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