一、Microsoft To-Do List 与OmniFocus对比

两者功能相当,但OmniFocus3相对Microsoft To-Do List多的标签功能能有更多的维度来筛选。


Microsoft To-Do List任务-> Exchange帐户同步到Renminders -> AppleScript脚本同步到OmniFocus的收件箱再进行整理 -> AppleScript脚本同步到Calendar


  1. Microsoft To-Do List可以跨多个平台方便收集数据
  2. Microsoft To-Do List没有提供AppleScript Suite,用快捷键 ⌘⇧O 打开查看
  3. OmniFocus支持多标签,可以从不同维度去管理信息
  4. Calendar可以提供日历提醒,其实OmniFocus也可以看,但我不相全依赖OmniFocus。


set emptyList to {}
tell application "Reminders"-- 在reminders的偏好设置中将默认列表设置为exchange帐户的taskstell default listset rmds to reminders-- 取tasks下面的reminders进行遍历repeat with rmd in rmdsset aname to name of rmdset createDate to creation date of rmdset modDate to modification date of rmd-- 根据当前reminder查找OmniFocus中是否有相同的reminder,如果没有就放到list中tell application "OmniFocus"tell default documentset inboxs to inbox tasksset flag to false-- display dialog inboxsrepeat with inbox in inboxsset nm to name of inboxif (nm = aname) thenset flag to trueend ifend repeatif (flag = false) thenset newList to {aname}set emptyList to emptyList & newList--   parse tasks into document with transport text nameend ifend tellend tellend repeatend tell
end telltell application "OmniFocus"--遍历list写入到OmniFocus收件箱repeat with elist in emptyList-- display dialog elistparse tasks into default document with transport text elistend repeatset emptyList to {}
end tell


tell application "Reminders"tell default listset rmds to remindersrepeat with rmd in rmdsset aname to name of rmdset bd to body of rmdtell application "OmniFocus"tell default documentset inboxs to inbox tasksset flag to falserepeat with inbox in inboxsset nm to name of inboxif (nm = aname) thenset flag to trueend ifend repeatif (flag = false) thenset theTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:aname, note:bd}end ifend tellend tellend repeatend tell
end tell


以下代码是参考捉虫#2 - 在 OmniFocus3 中将动作发布到日历。需要注意的是,这个同步只会同步**未完成并且设置了预计持续时间截止时间**的Task。

-- unlocked2412
-- DUE DATES AND ESTIMATED MINUTES FIELDS HAVE VALID VALUES.property calendar_name : "Calendar" -- ENTER NAME OF YOUR CALENDARtell application "Calendar"set calendar_element to calendar calendar_name
end tell
tell application "OmniFocus"tell default documentset task_elements to flattened tasks whose ¬(completed is false) and (estimated minutes ≠ missing value) and (due date ≠ missing value)repeat with item_ref in task_elements-- GET OMNIFOCUS TASKSset the_task to contents of item_refset task_name to name of the_taskset task_note to note of the_taskset task_due to due date of the_taskset task_estimate to estimated minutes of the_task-- BUILD CALENDAR DATEset start_date to task_dueset end_date to start_date + (task_estimate * minutes)-- CREATE CALENDAR EVENTtell application "Calendar"tell calendar_elementif exists (first event whose (start date = start_date) and (summary = task_name)) thentell application "System Events"display dialog "The task: " & task_name & " is already in your calendar"end tellelsemake new event with properties ¬{summary:task_name, start date:start_date, end date:end_date} at calendar_elementend ifend tellend tellend repeattell application "System Events"display dialog "Done"end tellend tell
end tell



property calendar_name : "Calendar"tell application "Calendar"set calendar_element to calendar calendar_name
end telltell application "Reminders"tell default accountset lsts to listsrepeat with lst in listsset rmds to reminders of lstrepeat with rmd in rmdsset task_name to name of rmdset task_note to body of rmdset start_date to remind me date of rmdset end_date to due date of rmdset cpd to completed of rmdif (cpd = false) and (start_date ≠ missing value) thentell application "Calendar"tell calendar_elementif exists (first event whose (start date = start_date) and (summary = task_name)) thentell application "System Events"display dialog "The task: " & task_name & " is already in your calendar"end tellelsemake new event with properties ¬{summary:task_name, start date:start_date, end date:end_date} at calendar_elementend ifend tellend tell--display dialog task_name & start_date & end_date & cpdend ifend repeatend repeatend tell
end tell

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