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<!DOCTYPE config><config><gen><beg> "2021-09-24 00:00:00" </beg><end> "2021-09-24 23:59:59" </end><int>  30  </int><rec> WUH2   </rec><sys> GPS GLO GAL BDS -QZS -SBS -IRN </sys> <!--注释>  "-"代表不处理某个卫星系统 </注释--></gen><inputs><rinexo> D:\ANUBIS\test\wuh22670.21o</rinexo>                                                                  <rinexn> D:\ANUBIS\test\brdm2670.21p</rinexn>     </inputs><qc sec_sum="9"     <!--注释>  summary information; 1-9 数字越大,输出信息越详细</注释--> sec_hdr="3"     <!--注释>  meta data in header and from user requests  </注释--> sec_obs="2"     <!--注释>  overall observation statistics </注释--> sec_est="2"     <!--注释>  estimated values </注释-->           sec_gap="9"     <!--注释>  data gaps and small data pieces </注释--> sec_bnd="2"     <!--注释>  band counting from available observations </注释--> sec_pre="9"     <!--注释>  cycle slip and clock jump detection </注释--> sec_ele="2"     <!--注释>  section for azimuths and elevations of visible satellites </注释--> sec_mpx="2"     <!--注释>  multipath estimation  </注释--> sec_snr="2"     <!--注释>  section for signal-to-noise ratio observations       </注释--> sec_sat="2"     <!--注释>  satellite information </注释-->int_stp="1200"  <!--注释>  interval for QC parameters sampling </注释--> int_gap="600"   <!--注释>  interval for reporting data gaps   </注释--> int_pcs="1800"  <!--注释>  interval for reporting small data pieces  </注释--> col_sat="50"    <!--注释>  number of columns for sat-specific reporting</注释--> mpx_nep="15"    <!--注释>  the number of epochs used for the multipath calculation   The algorithm exploits the threshold (mpx lim*sigma) for identifying a potential cycle slip , the sigma has been estimated from the noise of a consecutive (and continuous) multipath observations.  </注释--> mpx_lim="3.0"   <!--注释>  the factor for sigma multiplication for internal cycle slip detection (sigma-multiplicator for MP cycle-slip & outlier detection) </注释-->pos_kin="false" <!--注释>  kinematic receiver (true = kinematic)     </注释--> pos_int="900"   <!--注释>  positioning interval     </注释--> pos_cut="10"    <!--注释>  positioning elevation angle cut-off (degrees)     </注释--> ele_cut="10"    <!--注释>  user elevation cut-off (only for expt/have, degrees)    </注释--> sat_rec="false"   <!--注释> expected observations from satellites (true:any | false:signal)     </注释--> use_health="position"   <!--注释> use of satellite health (position|statistics|all) </注释-->/><gps><!--sat> </sat-->  <!-- list of gps satellites--><type> C L D S  </type>                                <!-- list of gps obs types   ***“<!--...-->”代表注释,可以在中间写内容,注意<qc.../>不能写注释,文中的注释仅供阅读理解,运行时建议重新设置配置文件***--><band> 1 2 5 </band>                                   <!-- list of gps obs bands--><attr> C D I L M N P Q S W X Y   </attr>               <!-- list of gps obs attributes --></gps><bds><sat> C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C16 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 </sat>  <!-- list of gps satellites-->  <!--注释>  "-"代表不处理某颗卫星 </注释--><type> C L D S  </type>                                 <!-- list of bds obs types --> <!--注释>  处理的观测类型,可以选择只处理“C L”(伪距和载波) </注释--><!--band> 1 2 5 6 7</band-->                            <!-- list of bds obs bands-->  <!--注释>  可以选择处理的频率(1-B1C、2-B3I、5-B2a、6-B3I) </注释--><band> 2 6 </band>   <attr> I Q X  </attr>                                   <!-- list of bds obs attributes -->  <!--注释>  可以选择处理频率的信号通道 </注释--></bds><gal><type> C L D S  </type>                                 <!-- list of gal obs types --><band> 1 5 6 7</band>                                   <!-- list of gal obs bands--><attr> A B C I Q X Z  </attr>                           <!-- list of gal obs attributes --></gal><glo><type> C L D S  </type>                                 <!-- list of glo obs types --><band> 1 2 </band>                                      <!-- list of glo obs bands--><attr> C P   </attr>                                    <!-- list of glo obs attributes --></glo><outputs append="0" verb="0" ><!--log> /dev/stdout </log-->     <!--注释>  处理日志直接出现在屏幕上 </注释--><log> anubis_%Y-%m-%d.log </log>  <!--注释>  一般处理出现问题时,可以打开此文件查看 </注释--><xtr> $(rec)_%Y-%m-%d.xtr </xtr>  <!--注释>  “%Y-%m-%d”代表处理时的时间,不是指上面所处理观测文件的时间 </注释--><xml> $(rec)_%Y-%m-%d.xml </xml></outputs></config>


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