Combination of unique and non-unique search criteria(唯一和非唯一搜索条件的组合)


Problem description

When a unique Customer Number is entered into the function Query Customers, data about the customer attached to that number will appear on the screen. The buttons Next and Previous are not active when this is done.
If a Customer Name (or part of a Customer Name) is entered, all customers with that particular name are retrieved. However, only the first customer with this name is displayed on the screen. When the name of a City is also entered, only those customers that reside there are selected.
If only the city is entered, then all the customers from that city are selected.
The buttons Next and Previous allow the user to browse forward or backwards through the customers selected.
How many and what type of functions should be counted?


In this case, the user has the option to enter either the customer number or the customer name, and may even combine the customer name with the city. Two exclusive or separate selections are possible, each of which is considered an individual function.

Querying by customer number is an external inquiry. The size of the output is fully determined: namely, all data about a particular customer.

The external inquiry consists of seven data element types: customer number (twice), customer name, address, zip code, city, and order date. Besides the error message and the Search button are counted. Total number is nine data-element-types.

Querying by (a part of a) customer name and/or by city is an external output. The output varies in size because the number of customers that will be selected is not known beforehand. In this case, there is only one external output because the user has more options in which the selections he makes do not exclude each other (i.e., an and/or situation).

Ten data element types determine the function’s complexity: customer number, customer name (twice), address, zip code, city (twice), and order date plus the Search button.

The buttons Next and Previous are used to navigate through the output and are therefore not counted as additional functions or data element types.


Count one external inquiry with nine data element types for querying by customer number.
Count one external output with ten data element types for querying by customer name and/or by city.















  • 对于一个完整的分析,应该至少识别一个外部逻辑文件,但是我感觉此案例讨论的是搜索。所以只针对两个独立搜索功能给出了分析结论。
  • 同时联系应用场景此功能不可能单独存在,可能有customer 的维护功能,如果已经识别了ILF,那么此处就不应该重复识别逻辑文件。

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