
透明防火墙(Transparent Firewall)又称桥接模式防火墙(Bridge Firewall)。简单来说,就是在网桥设备上加入防火墙功能。透明防火墙具有部署能力强、隐蔽性好、安全性高的优点。


  • {Ip,Ip6,Arp}tables can filter bridged IPv4/IPv6/ARP packets, even when encapsulated in an 802.1Q VLAN or PPPoE header. This enables the functionality of a stateful transparent firewall.

  • All filtering, logging and NAT features of the 3 tools can therefore
    be used on bridged frames. Combined with ebtables, the bridge-nf code
    therefore makes Linux a very powerful transparent firewall.

  • This enables, f.e., the creation of a transparent masquerading
    machine (i.e. all local hosts think they are directly connected to
    the Internet).

  • Letting {ip,ip6,arp}tables see bridged traffic can be disabled or
    enabled using the appropriate proc entries, located in

  • Also, letting the aforementioned firewall tools see bridged 802.1Q
    VLAN and PPPoE encapsulated packets can be disabled or enabled with a
    proc entry in the same directory:

     bridge-nf-filter-vlan-taggedbridge-nf-filter-pppoe-taggedThese proc entries are just regular files. Writing '1' to the file (echo 1 > file) enables the specific functionality, while writing a '0' to the file disables it.

linux iptables/netfilter通过和linux bridge功能联动,以实现透明防火墙功能。



ret = nf_register_hooks(br_nf_ops, ARRAY_SIZE(br_nf_ops));
static struct nf_hook_ops br_nf_ops[] __read_mostly = {{.hook = br_nf_pre_routing,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_BRIDGE,.hooknum = NF_BR_PRE_ROUTING,.priority = NF_BR_PRI_BRNF,},{.hook = br_nf_local_in,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_BRIDGE,.hooknum = NF_BR_LOCAL_IN,.priority = NF_BR_PRI_BRNF,},{.hook = br_nf_forward_ip, .owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_BRIDGE,.hooknum = NF_BR_FORWARD,.priority = NF_BR_PRI_BRNF - 1,},{.hook = br_nf_forward_arp,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_BRIDGE,.hooknum = NF_BR_FORWARD,.priority = NF_BR_PRI_BRNF,},{.hook = br_nf_post_routing,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_BRIDGE,.hooknum = NF_BR_POST_ROUTING,.priority = NF_BR_PRI_LAST,},{.hook = ip_sabotage_in,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_INET,.hooknum = NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING,.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST,},{.hook = ip_sabotage_in,.owner = THIS_MODULE,.pf = PF_INET6,.hooknum = NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING,.priority = NF_IP6_PRI_FIRST,},

.hook = br_nf_forward_ip, 对应br_nf_forward_ip函数

/* This is the 'purely bridged' case.  For IP, we pass the packet to* netfilter with indev and outdev set to the bridge device,* but we are still able to filter on the 'real' indev/outdev* because of the physdev module. For ARP, indev and outdev are the* bridge ports. */
static unsigned int br_nf_forward_ip(unsigned int hook, struct sk_buff *skb,const struct net_device *in,const struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
{struct nf_bridge_info *nf_bridge;struct net_device *parent;u_int8_t pf;if (LDSEC_DBG_BRIDGE_ON)LDSEC_PRINT_FUNC("br_nf_forward_ip");if (!skb->nf_bridge)return NF_ACCEPT;/* Need exclusive nf_bridge_info since we might have multiple* different physoutdevs. */if (!nf_bridge_unshare(skb))return NF_DROP;parent = bridge_parent(out);if (!parent)return NF_DROP;if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IP) || IS_VLAN_IP(skb) ||IS_PPPOE_IP(skb))pf = PF_INET;else if (skb->protocol == htons(ETH_P_IPV6) || IS_VLAN_IPV6(skb) ||IS_PPPOE_IPV6(skb))pf = PF_INET6;elsereturn NF_ACCEPT;nf_bridge_pull_encap_header(skb);nf_bridge = skb->nf_bridge;if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST) {skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;nf_bridge->mask |= BRNF_PKT_TYPE;}/* The physdev module checks on this */nf_bridge->mask |= BRNF_BRIDGED;nf_bridge->physoutdev = skb->dev;if (pf == PF_INET)skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP);elseskb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPV6);NF_HOOK(pf, NF_INET_FORWARD, skb, bridge_parent(in), parent,br_nf_forward_finish);return NF_STOLEN;


 NF_HOOK(pf, NF_INET_FORWARD, skb, bridge_parent(in), parent,br_nf_forward_finish);



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