

  • 1 Background and Motivation
  • 2 Related Work
  • 3 Advantages / Contributions
  • 4 Method
  • 5 Experiments
    • 5.1 Datasets
    • 5.2 Investigate network and cascade structures
    • 5.3 Comparison with other methods
  • 6 Conclusion(own) / Future work

1 Background and Motivation

face keypoint detection 有利于 face recognition and analysis

face keypoint detection 难点在于 extreme poses, lightings, expressions, and occlusions 的场景


  • classifying(component detector) search windows,要 scanning,利用的是局部特征
  • directly predicting keypoint positions (or shape parameters)

作者设计了一种级联的 CNN 结构——a cascaded regression approach for facial point detection with three levels of convolutional networks,significantly improves the prediction accuracy of SOTA and latest commercial software

2 Related Work

  • Many used Adaboost, SVM, or random forest classifiers as component detectors and detection was based on local image features.
  • regression-based approaches
  • Convolutional networks

3 Advantages / Contributions

  • 提出级联的 CNN 结构用于人脸关键点的精确定位,在一些数据上的效果优于 SOTA 和商业软件
  • 采用 locally sharing weights 对人脸不同关键点进行更有针对性的训练

4 Method


cascade three levels of convolutional networks to make coarse-to-fine prediction


  • left eye center (LE)
  • right eye center (RE)
  • nose tip (N)
  • left mouth corner (LM)
  • right mouth corner (RM)

1)level 1


  • whole face (F)——指的是脸上的五个关键点
  • eyes and nose (EN)
  • nose and mouth (NM)

三个网络的结果会平均一下作为后续 level 的输入的一部分

2)level2 和 level3

输入是以前一个 level 预测人脸关键点的坐标为基准的一个 patch

level2 和 level3 有 10 个网络,分别预测 5 个关键点的横纵坐标

Predictions at the last two levels are strictly restricted because local appearance is sometimes ambiguous and unreliable.


也即在 level1 预测的结果的基础上 refine(Δ\DeltaΔ)


level1 三个网络,level2 和 level3 各有 10 个网络,长啥样呢?

先看看 level1 的 F1


level1 用到了 S0 和 S1,level2 和 level3 都用的是 S2

5)locally sharing weights

globally sharing weights does not work well on images with fixed spatial layout, such as faces

For example, while eyes and mouth may share low-level features (e.g. edges), they are very different at high-level.


简写成 C(s,n,p,q)C(s, n, p, q)C(s,n,p,q)

CR(s,n,p,q)CR(s, n, p, q)CR(s,n,p,q) 则表示在 tanh 后加了个绝对值

除了 www 和 bbb 上多出来的 uuu 和 vvv 外和正常的卷积(没有 locally shared weight)一摸一样

输入特征图 (h,w,m)(h, w, m)(h,w,m)

  • mmm 输入通道数
  • nnn 输出通道数,ttt 输出的某个通道数,t=0,...,n−1t = 0,...,n-1t=0,...,n−1
  • sss 是卷积的 kernel size
  • i,ji, ji,j 是空间位置索引(不是像素空间,是作者划分的局部共享空间,具体划分规则如下面公式所示)
    i=Δh⋅u+0,...,Δh⋅u+Δh−1i = \Delta h \cdot u + 0, ... , \Delta h \cdot u + \Delta h -1i=Δh⋅u+0,...,Δh⋅u+Δh−1,其中 Δh=h−s+1p\Delta h = \frac{h-s+1}{p}Δh=ph−s+1​,u=0,...,p−1u = 0, ... , p-1u=0,...,p−1
    j=Δw⋅v+0,...,Δw⋅v+Δw−1j = \Delta w \cdot v + 0, ... , \Delta w \cdot v + \Delta w -1j=Δw⋅v+0,...,Δw⋅v+Δw−1,其中 Δw=w−s+1q\Delta w = \frac{w-s+1}{q}Δw=qw−s+1​,v=0,...,q−1v = 0, ... , q-1v=0,...,q−1

把整图 (h,w)(h, w)(h,w) 大致分成了ppp x qqq 块区域(用 uuu 和 vvv 来索引),每块区域大小大致为 Δh\Delta hΔh x Δw\Delta wΔw,每块区域内权重共享,而不是全图了(正常卷积全图内权重共享——kernel size 范围内当然不共享)


gain coefficient ggg and shifted by a bias bbb,sss is the side length of square pooling regions

FC 层

  • nnn 输出向量维度,mmm 输入向量的维度
  • j=0,...,n−1j = 0, . . . , n − 1j=0,...,n−1

tanh 函数


可以看到 F1 的网络还在人脸的基础上外扩了一些

level2 和 level3 在 level1 输出的 point position 上外扩

5 Experiments

5.1 Datasets

  • 13, 466 face images,5, 590 images are from LFW + 7, 876 from the web

  • BioID has 1, 521 images of 23 subjects

  • LFPW contains 1, 432 face images from the web


  • (x,y)(x,y)(x,y) 是预测的关键点
  • (x′,y′)({x}',{y}')(x′,y′) 是 GT
  • lll is the width of the bounding box returned by our face detector

误差大于 %5 则认为 failure

lll 为 bi-ocular distance(双目距离)更常见,but it has problem on faces with large pose variations, since bi-ocular distance of near-profile faces is much shorter than that of frontal faces,也即会放大侧脸时候的误差,上述的相对会好一些

5.2 Investigate network and cascade structures

1)Network structure

F1 探索了不同网络的效果,S0较好

the performance can be significantly improved by including more layers

S6 和 S7 的结构同 S0,但 S6 卷积用的 C 不是 CR,S7 用的是 globally shares weights 而不是 locally sharing weights

We also find that locally sharing weights in higher layers is more important

2)Multi-level prediction

cascade 下来,error 在减少

5.3 Comparison with other methods

6 Conclusion(own) / Future work



  • Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection实践总结
  • Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection阅读笔记
  • 深度学习人脸关键点检测方法----综述


locally sharing weights

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