雄迈sdk 使用示例

As developers build sites for merchants, we know that payment processing capabilities are important. But it’s not always easy to set up a payment solution that is not only reliable and secure, but also flexible and tailored to each merchant’s specific needs.

当开发人员为商人建立站点时,我们知道付款处理功能很重要。 但是,建立一个不仅可靠,安全而且灵活且可针对每个商人的特定需求量身定制的支付解决方案并非总是容易的。

That’s why Authorize.Net has enhanced its toolset for developers, offering a new, streamlined API, better sample code and SDKs, as well as a developer forum for support. The improvements make it easy for you to help your customers get paid — with security, flexibility and scalability. They also simplify PCI compliance and make meeting the requirements easier for merchants.

因此, Authorize.Net增强了针对开发人员的工具集,提供了新的简化的API,更好的示例代码和SDK,以及开发人员论坛以提供支持。 这些改进使您可以轻松地以安全性,灵活性和可伸缩性帮助您的客户获得报酬。 它们还简化了PCI合规性,并使商家更容易满足要求。

Below, I’ll walk through the developer center, showing how you can use the improved tools to get your merchants’ payment solutions up and running — with just a few lines of code. If you’d like a refresher on how credit card payments work, check out the seven steps and keep the page open for reference as we go. Now, let’s get started:

下面,我将浏览开发人员中心,展示如何使用改进的工具,仅需几行代码即可启动并运行商人的支付解决方案。 如果您想复习信用卡付款的工作方式,请查看以下七个步骤,并在打开页面时随时参考。 现在,让我们开始:

简化的API可简化集成 ( Streamlined API enables easier integration )

The Authorize.Net API makes it easy to create, capture, refund and void secure payment transactions. Offering both XML or JSON, the API works with our SDKs in six languages: PHP, C#, Java, Python, Ruby and Node.js.

Authorize.Net API使创建,捕获,退款和取消安全付款交易变得容易。 该API提供XML或JSON,可与我们的SDK结合使用六种语言:PHP,C#,Java,Python,Ruby和Node.js。

The streamlined API also has the bandwidth to accept payments in every environment, meeting the demands of mobile devices and apps—from food cart to storefront and website to app.


在实时控制台中尝试API参考 ( Try the API Reference in a live console )

The live console enables you to run a variety of transactions, from charging and authorizing a credit card to issuing refunds, debiting a bank account and more — without signing up for a sandbox account.


1)进行交易 (1) Run a transaction)

You can run a payment transaction using the Authorize.Net API Reference in either JSON or XML, without even setting up a Sandbox account. From the “Payment Transactions” menu on the right side of the screen, you can select from more than a dozen transaction types.

您可以使用Authorize.Net API参考 (以JSON或XML格式)运行付款交易,而无需设置沙箱帐户。 在屏幕右侧的“付款交易”菜单中,您可以从十几种交易类型中进行选择。

2)充值信用卡 (2) Charge a credit card)

Charge a credit card by opening the API reference, going to the “Payment Transactions” heading to the right, and selecting, “Charge a Credit Card.” Next, enter your default credentials and hit the “Send” button. You can also edit the sample request in the live console and try APIs with different combinations.

打开API参考,转到右侧的“付款交易”,然后选择“为信用卡充值”,即可为信用卡充值。 接下来,输入您的默认凭据,然后单击“发送”按钮。 您还可以在实时控制台中编辑示例请求,并尝试使用具有不同组合的API。

@media (max-width: 1280px) { .go-go-gadget-react img:first-child { display: none; } }@media (max-width: 780px) {.go-go-gadget-react { flex-direction: column; }.go-go-gadget-react img { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 12px !important; }.header-thingy { margin-top: 20px; }.button-thingy { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-top: 12px !important; }} @media (max-width: 1280px) { .go-go-gadget-react img:first-child { display: none; } }@media (max-width: 780px) {.go-go-gadget-react { flex-direction: column; }.go-go-gadget-react img { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 12px !important; }.header-thingy { margin-top: 20px; }.button-thingy { margin-left: 0 !important; margin-top: 12px !important; }}

3)尝试示例代码 (3) Try the sample code)

Once you’ve run a payment, you can look at various sample code by clicking on the “Sample Code” tab in the API reference. Choose your desired sample code and language. Then click the Github link and follow the steps to clone the repository. Click download.

付款后,您可以通过单击API参考中的“示例代码”标签查看各种示例代码。 选择所需的示例代码和语言。 然后单击Github链接,并按照以下步骤克隆存储库。 点击下载。

4)解密错误代码 (4) Demystify error codes)

Enter the response code you’re getting from the Authorize.Net Payment Gateway into the Response Code Tool and get a clear translation and suggestions for debugging. For example, if you search for “error 44,” you’ll get the explanation (the transaction has been declined), a list of integration suggestions (using only valid card codes), plus any other relevant suggestions to solve the problem (make sure the card code submitted with the transaction matches the card code on file at the card issuing bank).

将您从Authorize.Net Payment Gateway获得的响应代码输入到响应代码工具中,并获得清晰的翻译和调试建议。 例如,如果您搜索“错误44”,则将获得解释(交易已被拒绝),集成建议列表(仅使用有效的卡代码)以及解决问题的任何其他相关建议(使确保与交易一起提交的卡代码与发卡行中存档的卡代码匹配)。

5)全部测试 (5) Test it all out)

Use the Testing Guide to trigger specific transaction responses while you’re running tests in the Sandbox. You can test responses including card numbers, bank accounts, CVV responses, NOC and return codes for echecks. The guide enables you to test the most important aspects of your merchant’s payment solution.

在沙盒中运行测试时,请使用《 测试指南》触发特定的交易响应。 您可以测试响应,包括卡号,银行帐户,CVV响应,NOC和电子支票的返回码。 该指南使您能够测试商家付款解决方案的最重要方面。

利用SDK和示例代码支持 ( Take advantage of SDKs and sample code support )

Authorize.Net features APIs, SDKs, and sample code in six different coding languages, which makes integrating with Authorize.Net as easy as possible. Whether you want to build the next breakthrough app or simply allow your merchants to accept a range of credit cards, you’ll find an easy-to-use SDK and sample code in the language of your choice.

Authorize.Net具有六种不同的编码语言的API,SDK和示例代码,这使得与Authorize.Net的集成尽可能容易。 无论您是要构建下一个突破性的应用程序,还是只是让您的商家接受各种信用卡,您都将找到一种易于使用的SDK和示例语言(使用您选择的语言)。

To explore our new sample code and SDKs, visit the github link, choose which language you’d like to use, and read the “read me file” to understand how to use it.

要浏览我们的新示例代码和SDK,请访问github链接 ,选择要使用的语言,然后阅读“自述文件”以了解如何使用它。

选择您需要的功能 ( Choose the features you need )

When using the Authorize.Net API, you can select the features you need to build a unique payment solution for each of your merchants. Choose from the nearly one dozen features below and click each link to learn more about each specific feature:

使用Authorize.Net API时,您可以选择为每个商家构建独特的支付解决方案所需的功能。 从下面的近十二种功能中进行选择,然后单击每个链接以了解有关每个特定功能的更多信息:

轻松实现PCI合规性 ( Achieve PCI Compliance — with Ease )

Ensuring that the sites you build are PCI compliant can be a challenge, placing your merchant at risk, as well as complicating your process of setting up a payment platform. The Authorize.Net Accept Suite enables you to build any modern site or app without increasing the PCI burden for merchants. To make that even easier, there’s also an Accept sample app at the github link. To learn more about PCI compliance, read our whitepaper, and to learn about our range of integration options, check out our Accept page.

确保您构建的站点符合PCI可能是一个挑战,这会使您的商人处于风险之中,并使设置支付平台的过程变得复杂。 Authorize.Net Accept Suite使您能够构建任何现代站点或应用程序,而不会增加商家的PCI负担。 为了使之更加容易,在github链接上还有一个Accept示例应用程序 。 要了解有关PCI合规性的更多信息,请阅读我们的白皮书 ,并了解我们的集成选项范围,请查看“ 接受”页面 。

依靠开发者社区 ( Rely on the Developer Community )

As you’re exploring the streamlined API and improved SDKs and sample code, and using them to customize payment solutions for merchants, visit the Authorize.Net Developer Community to ask questions, network, and learn from your peers.


翻译自: https://scotch.io/tutorials/customize-payment-solutions-with-enhanced-api-sample-code-and-sdks

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