
在进入主题之前,先讲了一段关于contract law的validity(有效性)的问题

Special rules for Standard T&Cs

T&C = terms and conditions 条款和条件

Many contracts contain terms and conditions that cannot be individually negotiated each time, not efficient (most b2c contracts)

  • e.g. buying seats on a plane or train, automated contracts on websites
  • 例如在飞机或火车上购买座位,在网站上自动签订合同


T&Cs: legal requirements

  1. Must meet rules
  • Terms must be freely negotiated, make correct representations, must be definite, be fair, not for an illegal purpose etc
  • 条款必须自由谈判,做出正确的陈述,必须明确,公平,不能用于非法目的等
  • Generally, parties to a contract can agree to anything they like: agree to any ‘terms and conditions’ … ‘freedom of contract’
  • 一般来说,合同双方可以同意任何他们喜欢的内容:同意任何“条款和条件”……“合同自由”
  • Some exceptions to the above rule:Fairness, legality, honesty etc and other requirements imposed by law
  • 上述规则的例外情况:公平、合法性、诚实等和其他法律规定的要求
  1. Must be properly made known
  • Terms must be brought to the notice of the party accepting them and their acceptance shown
  • 条款必须提请接受条款的一方注意,并显示其接受

Standard T&Cs – rules(Art.39)

If standard clauses are used in making a contract, the party that provides the standard clauses shall determine the rights and obligations between the parties in accordance with the principle of fairness, and shall call in a reasonable manner the other party’s attention to the exemptible and restrictive clauses regarding its liability, and give explanations of such clauses at the request of the other party.


  1. Attention drawn to exemptions and restrictions in a reasonable manner
  2. Explanation given about above clauses at customer request

Standard T&Cs - Validity (Art.40,51,52)

Article 40
Standard clauses shall become invalid if they fall under any of the circumstances set forth in Articles 52 and 53 of this Law or if the party that provides the standard clauses exempts itself from the liability, imposes heavier liability on the other party, or precludes the other party from its main rights

Article 52 Invalidating Circumstances
A contract is invalid in any of the following circumstances:
(i) One party induced conclusion of the contract through fraud or duress, thereby harming the interests of the state;
(ii) The parties colluded in bad faith, thereby harming the interests of the state, the collective or any third party;
(iii) The parties intended to conceal an illegal purpose under the guise of a legitimate transaction;
(iv) The contract harms public interests;
(v) The contract violates a mandatory provision of any law or administrative regulation.

Article 53 Invalidity of Certain Exculpatory Provisions
The following exculpatory provisions in a contract are invalid:
(i) excluding one party’s liability for personal injury caused to the other party;
(ii) excluding one party’s liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

Consequences of invalid terms

  • In some cases, the contract will not be enforced by the court
  • 在某些情况下,合同不会被法院强制执行
  • In other cases, such as limited capacity, e.g. contract with a minor, when the minor becomes an adult, may choose to ‘ratify’ the contract.
  • 在其他情况下,例如能力有限,例如与未成年人签订的合同,当未成年人成年后,可以选择“批准”合同

Amend or terminate a contract

根据Art.8,理论上签订的合同是不能被修改或者终止的。但是合同法规定了可以修改或者终止的条件,即mutual agreement

  • Article 77 Amendment
  • A contract may be amended if the parties have so agreed.
  • 当事人协商一致,可以修改合同。
  • Article 93 Termination by Agreement
  • The parties may terminate a contract if they have so agreed.
  • 当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。


Article 54
Either party has the right to request a people’s court or an arbitration institution to alter or rescind any of the following contracts:
(1) any contract which is made under substantial misunderstanding; or
(2) any contract the making of which lacks fairness (grossly unconscionable)


major mistake/substantial misunderstanding

Supreme Court’s Opinion in the Implementation of the General Principle of Civil Law: ‘a major mistake’ refers to mistakes regarding:

  1. the nature of the contract;
  2. the identity of contractual parties; or
  3. the nature, the quality, the quantity and the specification of the subject matter that contradict the real intent of the party, and subsequently cause significant loss.

protective contract formation method

  • Legal interpretation may not be liberal to the merchant!
  • 法律解释对商人不一定是自由的!
  • If ‘contract’ concluded, hard to correct the price for sales already ‘accepted’
  • 如果“合同”已经签订,很难修改已经“接受”的销售价格。
  • Web merchant may be bound to supply at price inputted in error…
  • 网上商家可能被迫按错误输入的价格供货。
    那么怎么办呢?就要用到protective contract formation method(保护性合同的订立方法)了,即用T&C(incl. on price error)来避免(特地设立关于价格错误的T&C)


Legal Requirement

  • PRC Civil Procedure Law - Article 64
  • It is the duty of a party to an action to provide evidence in support of his allegations
  • 诉讼一方的责任是提供证据支持其指控
  • 但是!Evidence must be ‘original’


PRC Civil Procedure Law - Article 68

  • Any document submitted as evidence must be the original. Material evidence must also be original. If it is truly difficult to present the original document or thing, then reproductions, photographs, duplicates or extracts of the original may be submitted.
  • 任何作为证据提交的文件必须是原件。物证也必须是原始的。提交原件确有困难的,可以提交原件的复制品、照片、副本或者摘录

Examples of laws requiring written form

PRC Contract Law Article 10

  • The parties may, when making a contract, use written form, verbal form or any other form.
  • 当事人订立合同,可以采用书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。
  • The written form shall be adopted if laws or administrative regulations so require. The written form shall be adopted if the parties so agree.
  • 法律、行政法规规定采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。当事人约定采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。
  • PRC Labor Law Article 10 To establish a labor relationship, a written labor contract shall be concluded.
  • 《中华人民共和国劳动法》第十条建立劳动关系,应当订立书面劳动合同。


Article 56 PRC E-Commerce Law

  • Upon completion of the electronic payment, the electronic payment service provider shall, promptly and accurately, provide payment confirmation to the user in the agreed manner
  • 电子支付完成后,电子支付服务商应当按照约定的方式及时、准确地向用户提供支付确认


  • UNCITRAL (Model Laws, Conventions)
  • OECD (internet taxation, e-commerce consumer protection, privacy)
  • WIPO ( digital copyright, trademarksdomain names)
  • ICANN (domain name resolution policies)
  • WTO ( e-commerce trade barriers)
  • Hague Conference (internet jurisdiction)

中国推出了 Electronic Signature Law of the
People’s Republic of China, 2006

Principle of Non-Discrimination


  • e-transactions not be denied legal effect simply because they are electronic
  • 不能因为电子交易是电子的,就否认其法律效力

接下来介绍一些 PRC Electronic Signature Law 的法律条文

definition of ‘data message’ (Art.2)

  • The data message as mentioned in this Law means the information generated, dispatched, received or stored by electronic, optical, magnetic or similar means.
  • 本法所称数据电文,是指通过电子、光、磁等方式产生、发送、接收、存储的信息。
    【e-transactions take place through ‘data messages’】

‘admissible’ (Art.3)

The legal effect of a document, with regard to which the parties concerned have agreed to use electronic signature or data message, shall not be denied only because the form of electronic signature or data message is adopted (certain transactions excluded)
【和上面的无差异原则差不多,就是告诉你E-transaction是legal effect的】

  • All paperless transactions are ‘Legally admissible’– can be admitted as proof
  • 所有的无纸化交易都是“合法的”——可以作为证据

那么接下来的主要问题就是确认electronic signiture和data message有没有 legal reliability(法律可靠性),即根据法律来说它可以当做证据,具有legal admissibility,但是是不是可信的,不一定

Solution: re-defining requirements for an electronic world

  • Identifying what functions the requirements serve
  • 确定需求的功能
  • Prescribing what criteria the data messages must meet to be found ‘equivalent’ to requirement for ‘writing’, ‘original’, ‘signature’
  • 订明数据电文必须符合什么标准,才可视为与“书面”、“原始”、“签名”的要求“等同”


UNCITRAL MLEC关于writing的定义

【UNCITRAL MLEC:UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce】

Identifying the functions of ‘writing’ in law:

  • To provide a visible representation of the transaction
  • 提供事务的可见表示
  • To provide a permanent record of transaction
  • 提供交易的永久记录

Article 6. Writing (1)

  • Where the law requires information to be in writing, that requirement is met by a data message if the information contained therein is accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference.
  • 凡法律要求资料须以书面形式提供的,如资料电文所载的资料可供查阅以供日后参考,则该规定由数据电文予以满足。

China对于“writing form”的定义

Article 11 Contract Act of the People’s Republic of China 1999

  • “Written form” as used herein means any form which renders the information contained in a contract capable of being reproduced in tangible form such as a written agreement, a letter, or electronic text (including telegram, telex, facsimile, electronic data interchange and e-mail
  • 本文所使用的“书面形式”是指使合同中所包含的信息能够以有形形式复制的任何形式,如书面协议、信函或电子文本(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)

Article 4 PRC Electronic Signature Law, 2006

  • A data message, which can give visible expression to the contents carried and can readily be picked up for reference, shall be deemed to be the written form which conforms to the requirements of laws and regulations
    【就是可以被翻译/显示为人可以阅读的文字的data message,二进制数字这种就不是writing】


Article 8. Original
Electronic messages will meet requirement if

  • Reliable assurance of integrity of information is provided from time of generation
  • 从生成时起,就提供了信息完整性的可靠保证
  • Information capable of being displayed to the person to whom it is to be presented
  • 能够显示给被展示者的信息
  • Criteria for assessing integrity
  • 评估诚信的准则
  • Essentially, whether the information has remained complete and unaltered,
  • 从本质上来说,信息是否完整和未被改变,
  • And, If the message can be read
  • 以及,消息是否可以被读取

PRC E-Signiture law 对original的定义(Art.5)


Article 5 Data messages that meet the following conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for the form of the original copies as provided for by laws and regulations:
(1) messages that can give effective expression to the contents carried and can readily be picked up for reference; and


(2) messages that can unfailingly guarantee that the contents remain complete and unaltered from the time when they are finally generated. And the completeness of the data messages shall not be affected when endorsements are added to the data messages or when their forms are altered in the process of data interchange, storage and display.



requirements for document preservation(Art.6)

Article 6 Data messages that meet the following conditions shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for document preservation as provided for by laws and regulations:
(1) messages that can give effective expression to the contents carried and can readily be picked up for reference;


(2) the format of the data messages is the same as the format when they are generated, dispatched or received, or although the format is not the same, the contents originally generated, dispatched or received can accurately be expressed; and


(3) messages the addressers and receivers of which and the time of their dispatch and receipt can be identified.


PRC E-Signature Law on reliability of e-records(Art.8)

Article 8 The following factors shall be taken into consideration when the truthfulness of data messages to be used as evidence is examined:

  • the reliability of the methods used for generating, storing or transmitting the data messages;
  • 用于生成、存储或传输数据电文的方法的可靠性;
  • the reliability of the methods used for keeping the completeness of the contents;
  • 用于保持内容完整性的方法的可靠性;
  • the reliability of the methods for distinguishing the addressers; and
  • 寻址区分方法的可靠性;和
  • other relevant factors
  • 其他相关因素


function of a signiture

To provide evidence of

  • The identity of the signatory
  • 签字人的身份
  • Signatory’s intention to sign
  • 签署人签署的意向
  • That the signatory adopts the contents of the document
  • 签署者接受文件的内容
  • Signatures ‘legally bind’ us to a transaction
  • 签名“在法律上将我们与交易绑定”


Handwritten signature

  • 手写签名(一般是写名字)是线下最重要的证明手段,因为其难以伪造,且有办法去检查是否是伪造的,所以是值得相信的
  • Handwritten signature –commercially widely adopted/ evidentiary value deemed high
  • 手写签名-商业上广泛采用/证据价值被认为很高

Legal presumption


  • Something is assumed to be true, unless proved not to be
  • 某事被认为是正确的,除非被证明是错误的
  • Courts: presume signature valid, unless proved otherwise
  • 法院:假定签名有效,除非另有证明

E-signature laws

Different approaches:

  • Minimalist/Technology neutral
  • 极简主义/技术中立
  • Two-tier/Technology specific
  • 两层/技术具体

Minimalist / technology neutral

Recognize all e-signatures as legally binding, whatever the technology, reliability tested in court


  • UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce 1996
  • US E-Signature Law

UNCITRAL MLEC 中对e-signiture的定义

Electronic data
• Attached/ associated with a data message
• Functions, to:

  • identify the signatory of the data message
  • 识别数据消息的签名者
  • indicate signatory’s approval of the information in the data message
  • 表示签署人对数据电文中的信息的批准

Article 7. Signature
(1) Where the law requires a signature of a person, that requirement is met in relation to a data message if:
(a) a method is used to identify that person and to indicate that person’s approval of the information contained in the data message; and
(b) that method is as reliable as was appropriate for the purpose for which the data message was generated or communicated, in the light of all the circumstances, including any relevant agreement.


Two-tier / technology specific

• Recognize all e-signatures
• Grant greater legal certainty to certain signature technologies


  • UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures 2001
  • EU Electronic Signature Directive 2000
  • Singapore Electronic Transactions Act 1998
  • China E-Signature Law, 2006

UNCITRAL MLEC 2001 对于reliable e-signiture的定义

Reliable e-signature is one where:
• Signature creation data

  • uniquely linked to the signatory alone
  • 唯一链接到签名者
  • under control of signatory alone
  • 仅由签字人控制
    • Alterations to signature after signing detectable
    • Alteration made to information after signing detectable

PRC E-signiture Law,2006

  • Based on UNCITRAL E-Signature Model Law
  • 以《贸易法委员会电子签名示范法》为基础
  • Two-tier legislation
  • 以Two-tier方法来立法
  • All signatures are admissible
  • 所有签名都是可以接受的
  • But reliable e-signature: legally, equivalent to a handwritten signature or seal
  • 但可靠的电子签名:在法律上,相当于手写签名或盖章

PRC E-signiture Law中对e-signiture的说明(Art.2,3)

Article 2
For the purposes of this Law, electronic signature means the data in electronic form contained in and attached to a data message to be used for identifying the identity of the signatory and for showing that the signatory recognizes what is in the message

Article 3

The parties concerned may agree to use or not to use electronic signature or data message in such documentations as contracts and other documents, receipts and vouchers in civil activities.

The legal effect of a document, with regard to which the parties concerned have agreed to use electronic signature or data message, shall not be denied only because the form of electronic signature or data message is adopted.

The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not be applicable to the following documents:
(1) documents relating to such personal relations as marriage, adoption and succession;
(2) documents relating to the transfer of the rights and interests residing in such real estate as land and houses;
(3) documents relating to termination of such public utility services as water supply, heat supply, gas supply and power supply; and
(4) other circumstances where electronic documentation is not applicable, as provided for by laws and administrative regulations.




  • Admissibility:如果同意,就不否认其法律效力
  • 对于四种不适用的文件,只能用纸质版(only paper and ink),电子签名无效

PRC E-signiture Law中对e-signiture reliability的说明(Art.13,14)

Article 13
If an electronic signature concurrently meets the following conditions, it shall be deemed as a reliable electronic signature:
(1) when the creation data of the electronic signature are used for electronic signature, it exclusively belongs to an electronic signatory;
(2) when the signature is entered, its creation data are controlled only by the electronic signatory;
(3) after the signature is entered, any alteration made to the electronic signature can be detected; and
(4) after the signature is entered, any alteration made to the contents and form of a data message can be detected.
The parties concerned may also choose to use the electronic signatures which meet the conditions of reliability they have agreed to.


Article 14
A reliable electronic signature shall have equal legal force with handwritten signature or the seal.

digital signature

What is a digital signature?

  • Created and verified using cryptography
  • 使用密码学创建和验证


Definition:branch of applied mathematics that concerns itself with transforming messages into seemingly unintelligible form and back into the original form


  • Symmetric cryptography 对称加密
  • Asymmetric cryptography 非对称加密

Encryption and Decryption




As far as the law is concerned, they are all electronic signatures but with different degrees of reliability. The law considers electronic signatures made using asymmetric cryptography where identity is established by a certificate authority as reliable, unless proved to be not so.

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