
When a user’s mailbox is first created and his Blackberry account enabled how do we provision the device and what happens in the background?


阶段1 –激活 (Stage 1 – Activation)

The user of the BlackBerry device types the email address and activation password in the Enterprise Activation application on the BlackBerry device.


The BlackBerry device creates an encrypted activation message containing an ETP.DAT file and sends it using the wireless network to the user's mailbox.


The ETP.DAT message contains information about the BlackBerry device such as routing information and the device’s activation public keys.


The ETP.DAT message is routed through the BlackBerry® Infrastructure to the users mailbox as a standard message with an attachment.


When the ETP.DAT message is sent, the BlackBerry device displays a status of Activating.


第2阶段-加密验证 (Stage 2 - Encryption verification)

当ETP.DAT消息到达消息传递服务器时,BlackBerry Messaging Agent将检查消息内容。

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server processes the data attached to the message, first verifying that the encrypted password matches the one set for the BlackBerry device user. If it matches, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent generates a new permanent encryption key using either Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES) or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and sends it to the BlackBerry device. The BlackBerry device displays a status of Verifying Encryption.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server处理消息中附加的数据,首先验证加密的密码是否与BlackBerry设备用户的密码匹配。 如果匹配,BlackBerry Messaging Agent将使用三重数据加密标准(Triple DES)或高级加密标准(AES)生成新的永久加密密钥,并将其发送到BlackBerry设备。 BlackBerry设备显示“正在验证加密”状态。

第三阶段-接收服务 (Stage 3 - Receiving services)

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the BlackBerry device establish a master encryption key. The BlackBerry device and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server verify their knowledge of the master key to each other.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server和BlackBerry设备建立主加密密钥。 BlackBerry设备和BlackBerry Enterprise Server会相互验证对方对主密钥的了解。

The BlackBerry device implements the new encryption key and displays the following message: Encryption Verified. Waiting for Services.

BlackBerry设备将实施新的加密密钥,并显示以下消息:已验证加密。 等待服务。

The BlackBerry Messaging Agent forwards a request to the BlackBerry Policy Service to generate service books. The BlackBerry Policy Service receives and queues the request, and then sends out an IT policy update to the BlackBerry device.

BlackBerry Messaging Agent将请求转发至BlackBerry Policy Service以生成服务预订。 BlackBerry Policy Service接收请求并将请求排队,然后将IT策略更新发送到BlackBerry设备。

The BlackBerry device registers that the policy is applied successfully.


The BlackBerry Policy Service generates and sends the service books to the BlackBerry device, which is now able to send messages and displays the Services Received status. The BlackBerry device then displays the following message: Your email address, <> is now enabled. Synchronization service Desktop [S<SRP_Identifier>]

BlackBerry Policy Service生成服务书并将其发送到BlackBerry设备,该设备现在可以发送消息并显示“服务已接收”状态。 然后,BlackBerry设备将显示以下消息:您的电子邮件地址<>已启用。 同步服务桌面[S <SRP_Identifier>]

阶段4-同步缓慢 (Stage 4 - Slow synchronization)

Once the [CMIME] service book has arrived, the BlackBerry device will be able to reconcile messages with the device user's email account. You can configure reconciliation as required. All the service books should arrive at the same time, but only the [CMIME] is required for email reconciliation.

[CMIME]服务预订到达后,BlackBerry设备将能够使用设备用户的电子邮件帐户来协调消息。 您可以根据需要配置对帐。 所有服务手册应同时到达,但对帐仅需要[CMIME]。

The BlackBerry device registers the receipt of its service books to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server and the activation process completes. The message Activation Complete is shown.

BlackBerry设备将其服务预订的收据注册到BlackBerry Enterprise Server,激活过程完成。 显示消息激活完成。

For wireless synchronization to occur, the Desktop [SYNC] service book is sent to the BlackBerry device. The [SYNC] service book allows for organizer data synchronization, wireless backup and restores capability, and synchronization of email settings and filters. The process is managed by the BlackBerry Messaging Agent for the Calendar, and the BlackBerry Synchronization Service for the remaining organizer databases.

为了进行无线同步,会将桌面[SYNC]服务手册发送到BlackBerry设备。 [SYNC]服务手册可用于组织者数据同步,无线备份和还原功能以及电子邮件设置和过滤器的同步。 该流程由用于日历的BlackBerry Messaging Agent和用于其余管理器数据库的BlackBerry Synchronization Service管理。

The appropriate service books and IT policies are sent from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the BlackBerry device. The BlackBerry device user is now able to send and receive email messages on the BlackBerry device.

适当的服务手册和IT策略已从BlackBerry Enterprise Server发送到BlackBerry设备。 BlackBerry设备用户现在可以在BlackBerry设备上发送和接收电子邮件。

If the BlackBerry device user is configured for wireless organizer data synchronization and wireless backup, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server will send the following data to the BlackBerry device:

如果将BlackBerry设备用户配置为进行无线管理器数据同步和无线备份,则BlackBerry Enterprise Server会将以下数据发送到BlackBerry设备:

Calendar entries


Address Book entries






Email messages


Existing BlackBerry device options that were backed up through automatic wireless backup


ETP.DAT消息在企业激活过程中的作用 (Role of the ETP.DAT message in the enterprise activation process)


The ETP.DAT message is sent to the BlackBerry Infrastructure, which forwards it to the email address that was typed in the Enterprise Activation application.

ETP.DAT消息将发送到BlackBerry Infrastructure,然后将其转发到在Enterprise Activation应用程序中键入的电子邮件地址。

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server, which monitors the BlackBerry device user’s mailbox, picks up the ETP.DAT message. The activation process begins.

监视BlackBerry设备用户的邮箱的BlackBerry Enterprise Server接收ETP.DAT消息。 激活过程开始。

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends the acknowledgement and encryption information to the BlackBerry device.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server将确认和加密信息发送到BlackBerry设备。

The IT policy is sent to the BlackBerry device. Once the BlackBerry Enterprise Server verifies that the policy has been applied successfully, it sends the required service books to the BlackBerry device.

IT策略将发送到BlackBerry设备。 BlackBerry Enterprise Server验证策略已成功应用后,它将所需的服务预订发送到BlackBerry设备。

When the BlackBerry Enterprise Server has sent all the required information to the BlackBerry device, the following message is displayed: Your email address “<>” is now enabled

当BlackBerry Enterprise Server已将所有必需的信息发送到BlackBerry设备时,将显示以下消息:您的电子邮件地址“ <>”现在已启用

The slow synchronization process begins


笔记 (NOTES)


2. Blackberry server creates several MAPI threads to connect to exchange server to get any update for the mailbox


3. The Messaging agent scan user mailboxes on an interval and the moment it finds new mail it triggers an event and BES initiates the mail sync task

3. Messaging代理每隔一段时间扫描一次用户邮箱,一旦发现新邮件,它就会触发事件并由BES启动邮件同步任务




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