


2019-10-13 12:42:02


Euclidea is a FUN & CHALLENGING Way to Create Euclidian Constructions!

> 127 Levels: from very easy to really hard

> 11 Tutorials

> 10 Innovative Tools

> "Explore" Mode and Hints

> Easily Drag, Zoom & Pan

> No Advertising!

New levels are unlocked as you solve the previous ones. You can complete the whole game only if you earn all the stars. But you can buy an IAP that removes this restriction.

“Euclidea has been shown to help with imagination, intuition, and logic, all wonderful skills to develop.” – appPicker

“Euclidea is an absolute joy to play…it’s a game that every math student should have and, in an ideal world, every adult should like.” – Non-Trivial Games

***About Euclidea***

Euclidea is a brilliantly original way to learn about, explore and have fun with Euclidian Constructions! Your task is to solve interesting challenges by building geometric constructions with a straightedge and compass. If you design the most elegantly simple solutions in the least number of moves, you’ll earn the highest scores. Solutions are scored in lines (L) and elementary Euclidean constructions (E).

***Start Simple and Get Smarter!***

Don’t worry if you aren’t a math wizard. Euclidea starts out with simple challenges that guide you through the basics. Once you master the fundamentals, you’ll move on to tougher, more mind-bending challenges such as inner/outer tangents, regular polygons, and more. There are 120 unique challenges in total, which are organized in packs for simpler navigation.

***Add Constructions to Your Interface***

When you learn certain significant constructions – such as angle bisectors, non-collapsing compass, and so on – they are automatically added to the Euclidea interface’s shortcut, which helps you save time and allows you to create clean, uncluttered drawings.

***Easily Drag, Pan & Zoom***

Euclidea-created constructions are completely dynamic. As such, you can drag to adjust angles, lines, radii and so on. You can also easily zoom and pan. This not only makes the experience more interactive, but it allows you to more deeply grasp the relationships between geometric elements, explore various possibilities, and analyze errors.

***Instant, Automatic Precision***

Don’t worry about spending time or effort trying to achieve perfect precision, because Euclidea automatically handles that task by pinning points, lines and circles to the app’s clean interface.

***Additional Special Features***

> A helpful “Explore” mode that allows you to see the figure you need to construct

> An inventory of tools that you create as you progress – you’ll need these to solve future challenges

> Some challenges can be solved in more than one way, which means you can try a different approach and have even more fun

***Questions? Comments?

Send in your inquiries and stay up-to-date on the latest Euclidea news at


> 127个级别:从很容易真的很难

> 11个教程

> 10个创新工具





“Euclidea已被证明,以帮助想象力,直觉和逻辑,所有精彩的技能发展。” - appPicker

“Euclidea是一个绝对的喜悦发挥......这是一个游戏,每一个数学的学生应该有,在一个理想的世界,每一个成年人应该喜欢。” - 非普通游戏

***关于Euclidea ***



如果你不是一个数学向导,不要担心。 Euclidea开始了与引导您完成基本简单的挑战。一旦你掌握了基础知识,你会移动到更强硬,更令人费解的挑战,例如内/外切线,正多边形,等等。总共有120个独特的挑战,这是在包装的简单导航举办。


当你学习一些显著建筑 - 如角平分线,不收缩的指南针,等等 - 它们会自动添加到Euclidea界面的快捷方式,它可以帮助您节省时间,并允许您创建干净,整洁的图纸。







>你创建你的进步的工具的清单 - 你需要这些来解决未来的挑战





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