Amazon India has announced that its local payments arm, Amazon Pay, has partnered with insurers Acko, in which it has a significant stake, to offer car and motor-bike insurance.

亚马逊印度宣布,其本地支付部门亚马逊支付(Amazon Pay)已与拥有重要股份的保险公司Acko合作,以 提供汽车和摩托车保险 。

India is the first market where the e-commerce giant has decided to provide car insurance, a business based primarily on statistics and risk analysis. Many other insurance companies offer policies through the web, although not through a platform like Amazon. In addition, the company will offer as yet unspecified discounts and special benefits to subscribers to its Amazon Prime service, indicating its interest in testing the effect of cross-selling on a service such as insurance.

印度是电子商务巨头决定提供汽车保险的第一个市场,该业务主要基于统计和风险分析。 许多其他保险公司通过网络提供保单,尽管不是通过像Amazon这样的平台提供的。 此外,该公司还将向其Amazon Prime服务的订户提供尚未指定的折扣和特殊优惠,表明其有兴趣测试交叉销售对保险等服务的影响。

What impact will the move have on India’s insurance market? Many insurance companies have been offering information and pricing of insurance policies via the web for some time now, but the arrival of a giant with the power and visibility of Amazon could bring about significant changes. The CEO of Amazon Pay in India, Mahendra Nerurkar, announced that the company was also planning to enter the health and travel insurance market, and that taking out a policy could be done in less than two minutes and would not require any paperwork.

此举将对印度的保险市场产生什么影响? 许多保险公司已经通过网络提供保险政策的信息和定价已有一段时间了,但是拥有亚马逊强大功能和知名度的巨头的到来可能带来重大变化。 亚马逊支付(Amazon Pay)在印度的首席执行官马亨德拉·纳鲁卡(Mahendra Nerurkar)宣布,该公司还计划进入健康和旅游保险市场,只需不到两分钟的时间就可以拿出保单,并且不需要任何文书工作。

In addition, Amazon offers other services, such as hassle-free, paperless claims, pick-up in less than an hour, repairs in less than three days, and a one-year warranty on city repairs, as well as an immediate payment option for low-value parts. Considering the company’s usual aggressiveness in calculating its prices, the fact that it is already well established as a regular channel in the minds of many customers, and its ability to develop a service that is fundamentally based on customer and market information and knowledge, Amazon’s move is sure to cause quite a bit of concern in the industry.

此外,亚马逊还提供其他服务,例如无忧,无纸化索赔,不到一个小时的取货,不到三天的维修,城市维修的一年保修以及立即付款选项用于低价零件。 考虑到该公司在计算价格时通常会表现出积极进取的态度,事实上,它已经在许多客户的心目中成为常规渠道,并且其开发基于客户和市场信息和知识的服务的能力,亚马逊的举动肯定会引起业界的关注。

The Indian market, which is enjoying strong growth and many possibilities, is one of the most strategic for the company, prompting it to use Amazon Pay on several occasions to test products or integrate channels. Insurance is a highly regulated and competitive market, so it is still too early to know if Amazon will apply its experiment to other countries.

印度市场拥有强劲的增长潜力和许多潜力,是该公司最具战略意义的市场之一,促使其多次使用Amazon Pay来测试产品或整合渠道 。 保险业是一个受到高度监管和竞争的市场,因此,目前尚不知道亚马逊是否将其试验应用到其他国家。

What about you? Do you see yourself using Amazon to insure your vehicle?

你呢? 您是否看到自己使用亚马逊为您的车辆保险?

(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )



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