Part 1 新题-Map

1.Do you often use maps?

Sample Answer:

Well, I’m a big fan of maps, particularly the map application in my cell phone. To me, it’s like the greatest invention in the world. It’s no exaggeration to say that I use map app every day on my way to work. You see, I live far from my workplace, so I drive to work. During peak hours, the traffic is horrible in my city, so I use the map app to check the traffic situation first to make sure that I can avoid congested roads and decide which way to go. Besides work days, I still use the map app during my trip in other cities or countries. There’s no need to ask people for directions any more. All I have to do is to navigate to my destination.


解析:对于地图,现代人对它的定义已经远超过了他本来的意义。现在提到地图,我们更多 的是想到手机里的地图应用。所以考生可以从这个角度入手,不要拘泥于原始形式的地图。 本题从个人角度出发,阐述了作者自身在上班高峰期使用地图 app 的经历。证明了其使用 的频率之高以及原因。

2. Why do people use maps?

Sample Answer:

When people try to get to a place that they don’t know, they will use maps. In modern time, people are more likely to use map applications to find ways. The second reason for using maps is that people like me use the app to make sure the traffic condition when commuting to work. In this way, they can make a right decision about which way is faster. Some of my friends use map applications also because they want to make sure the time they would spend on road to the place that they choose for appointment so that they are able to make suitable route plans and avoid being late.


解析:这个问题回答时要注意客观性。题目没有询问你的原因,而是所有人普遍使用的原因, 所以答题时注意客观性的分析。如果考生觉得难,依然可以从身边人入手,思考他们使用的 图的原因。当然了,你也是所有人的一份子,所以你的原因也是原因之一,完全可以放到答 案里面,但不可只阐述你自己的原因。本体论证了三个原因,都是生活中比较常见的原因,且具有个性不跟别人重复,考生可以借鉴并学习。

3. Do you think map is important?

Sample Answer:

Yes, I think map is of great significance to people. Besides being important in finding ways, making traffic plans and locating sites, it’s also essential in teaching people, especially the young, geographic knowledge. For example, my older sister teaches her son the geographic knowledge with a map posted on the wall at home. The effect is obvious and my nephew has already had an idea about where his hometown locates, as well as locations of all major cities in my province.


解析:这个题难倒了很多学生,尤其是在被询问“人们使用地图的原因”这个题之后,很多 考生被问得说不出话来,因为他们认为这两个题很像,没什么可说的了。其实考生可以想除 了地图在给人们指引方向方面做出很大贡献之外,还有一个方面就是教给人们地理知识。可 以回想我们的初高中时期,地理课上最常见的就是地图。本文作者从另外一个角度入手,描 述了姐姐在家里用地图交给小孩子自己家乡的位置,来证明地图的重要性不止在人们出行方 面,还有知识方面。

4. Do you prefer digital or paper-based map?

Sample Answer:

I definitely go with digital map. The map app is the second most frequently used app in my cellphone. It’s absolutely much more convenient in use as long as I have my cellphone with me. The functions of a digital map are more than a paper map, as I mentioned earlier in my talk, like locating sites, finding ways and making traffic plans. It’s smarter than a paper map on which you can only spot the location of a site.


解析:这个题想必很多人的答案都跟作者的一样,就是更喜欢电子版的地图。但是在论证原 因的时候,考生要注意不要只论证电子版的有点,别忘了对比电子版相较于纸质版的有点, 从而体现其优越性,这样更扣题,更有说服力。

5. Have you ever asked others for directions?

Sample Answer:

Of course I have asked for directions. I mean, maps are not that almighty. Sometimes, the map app doesn’t work well when you are trying to find a specific site. This is because the map information cannot be updated as quickly as the speed of change of buildings and roads. In this case, there’s no method but to ask a local person for help. They are more familiar with the road and locations of buildings than the map. So, when I have difficulty in finding a place, I will definitely ask people for directions.


解析:考生可以结合个人经历来回答这个问题,比如在你旅游时或在出差时,陌生的地方总 有一些地图上因为更新不及时而显示不出来的,所以询问别人的经历应该是比较普遍的。如 果还想不出,可以想想你在逛恒隆这样的大型综合体时有没有询问别人关于某一家店的经 历。只要大家肯用心观察生活,记录生活,就肯定不会有什么题是你想不到相关经历的。

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